Move in your rhythm. Otherwise trouble


This is a very good article by Daniel Muravlya about the need for pleasant things during the day. In general, doing anything through force is trouble-sadness. Do not do anything through strength, girlfriend. Rain life.

I spent a lot of time trying to understand what I was doing wrong. It would seem that there would be a lot of really interesting things and people around, but instead of gaining energy and vigor, after each meeting \ project I am a layer and barely breathe. Why? And why is someone cheerful and 24 hours a day ready to engage in loved ones? And it seems I found the answer to this question. And I think it will be useful to everyone who has a similar problem.

Business in the inner rhythm. Very often we score on it and build our day like this: things according to plan, and between them - if the time it is - classes "for yourself": the respite, some pleasant little things, sleep - if there is time. And the opposite is necessary. At first, what your inner rhythm requires, all the little things need for you, which we often devalue. And then "adults" and "important things." The only way. Otherwise, the resource will never be enough.

Move in your rhythm. Otherwise trouble 36165_1

Understand what gives you a resource

Sit and make a list of what gives you strength. Any little things. They are all important. 20 minutes on strong tea with cookies in the morning? Walk through the forest or park? Tencase (and no less) sleep? Daily bath with foam? Ability to borrow households? Games with cat? Hour-two-three full silence?

Do not suck yourself in the framework of stereotypes. For example: "Well, I am an extrovert, I have to receive a resource from communicating with people." Or vice versa: "Well, I sleep for 8 hours, I must have time to rest for them." You should not anyone anyone. You are already arranged as arranged. It is important to explore your device.

Build a day, pushing out of resource classes

That is, first we distribute things on the schedule who give us strength. And then the rest is.

At this moment, I foresee a disturbance: Of course, I will have working on the schedule that I will do with him, all these delights for creative personalities with a free schedule, and then still any obligatory things like family meetings, hiking to the doctor and so on.

But I will disappoint you: I also have a job on schedule, and not even one work, and goes to her daily for 10-12 hours. And to afford to distribute resource things into their schedule, a lot of time has passed - several years. Immediately this is not done. But it is done.

Because if you do not give yourself a space, sensations and emotions that generate resource, you will end sooner or later. Fit. You will not enjoy even the most interesting work or the most significant achievements.


Determine the goal and move to it

In fact, everything is not so difficult. Choose two or three resource classes that make you most. For example, coffee in the morning, weekly departure to nature and the hour of quiet and peaceful reading of blogs.

Speak yourself: "I want to drink coffee every day in the morning and read the blogs on the hour, without distracting. And every week to be in nature. What can I do for this? " And then begin to go through the options.

What do you need to drink in the morning of coffee? Maybe get up before? (And if you can't get it easy to get up early, maybe a dream for you more resource lesson than drinking coffee?). Maybe cook it and take with you on the road to the toggle? Drinking in the morning at work, buying along the way in a coffee shop - delicious, with foam, with cinnamon?

What is needed to read blog blogs? Read them in the morning? Maybe in the evening? Or maybe not to go for lunch at a cafe, and take food with you (or order in the office) - saving time just an hour, you can safely reach the monitor.

What is needed to be in nature every week? Go to the forest? And if there is no strength - maybe the park is enough? And if there is no time, can, appoint a date in the park or a working meeting at least? Or find the courtyard overgrown with trees - yes, not the forest, but at least something!

No major accomplishments need at the very beginning. If you want, you will definitely make them, but you can start completely with trifles. The main thing is that you will gradually begin to turn your life in a comfortable space, and not in running with obstacles to survival.


Build big plans

Do not be afraid to dream about living well at all in his pleasure. On the contrary, think about it more often. You have an opportunity to ever start living just like that. Moreover, besides you, no one will handle this task. Want to travel? Keep it in my head and slowly think - okay, and what can I make money if I often travel? What are the options? Maybe it should be working with business trips - then what, well? Or a free schedule - in what area? Or maybe I will keep my online store and travels will be part of the work on the production of goods for him?

Want to sleep longer? Okay, let's invent, how to re-equip the day. Maybe transfer work for the evening and night - Is it possible at your work now? And if not - what is it possible? Or under what conditions the head will allow you to come later. Or maybe you yourself want to be the boss?

It doesn't matter that the final implementation of your big plan can pass a lot of time - the main thing is to understand in which direction to move. But it is important to start moving. Why?

Yes, why is it important?

Because you are not endless. You start - like a small cool engine - your energy, you get it from the side, you spend it. But no normal engine will work without fuel. And we work - in some kind of miracle, the power of will, kicking yourself "I must" and "I can", with a supervision and, often, dislike what we do.

It is necessary to organize a constant fuel feed - this is just the resource classes that give you strength. First - resource affairs, then - everything else. And then your motor will work smoothly.

Let's start right now and begin.

A source

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