How to sign a connoisseur of Russian literature, nothing read


It is Russia, baby, and there are little people here, like good Ponte and knowledge of the Great Russian literature. Oh, no, just do not complement the list. Anyway, we want to talk only about Ponts and literature.

Do you want to sign an expert and do not dig in the dusty volume? Researchers PICS.RU revealed a trouble-free way. It is enough to know a brief, no, the most brief content of the main books of the most discussed Russian authors, be able to screw the quotation-other and, most importantly, deftly, when the conversation steadily rolls into the area of ​​literature.

Yes, as soon as it comes to Russian literature, the srach is as easy as when discussing children in the women's team. The main thing is that the interlocutors were more than one. Or one will agree with you, and the other is not, or they will begin to argue with you and immediately reveal disagreements with each other in some details. And you know yourself rubbing in the window with a smart look: they say, what is there to argue about what arguments can be needed.

Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich


"The captain's daughter" is not about sailors, but about the rebound on the outskirts of the Russian Empire, Masha and Dubrovsky - Russian Romeo and Juliet, and in the story "Arap Peter the Great" is not a mistake in the title and not Arab for the main character.


  • "They say that misfortune is a good school; may be. But happiness is the best university.
  • "Luxury comforts one poverty, and that with unaccustomed one moment"
  • "Long sadness is not in the nature of human"

The phrase for the blast: "And in our time it would be cursed. For the fact that the Grand Russian language is awarded by a foreign trade and slang! "

Tolstoy. Lev Nikolaevich


"War and World" on a quarter consists of the author's reflection about everything in the world, "Anna Karenina" before laying on the rails, a husband was trained with ugly ears on Vronsky with beautiful, the main heroine of the Roman "Resurrection" - a prostitute.


  • "He was so busy whole days that he did not have time to think about what he did nothing"
  • "I tried everything ... one remains - not to pay attention"
  • "I am a cautious b *** b, and you Barin, prince ... go to your princes"

Phrases for chasing: "Sorry, but the brilliant crust of Tolstoy called those who urgently wanted at least some genius of the novel in Russia." Or: "Yes, he is the Graphoman! And in the carina, each line shouts, what is written for money for the number of quantities! "

Dostoevsky. Fedor Mikhailovich


Almost every major work has a prostitute and a pedophilia is branded.


  • "Complete us past us and forgive us our happiness!"
  • "Vanoe is the only human privilege in front of all the organisms"
  • "No, the man is too much, I would have narrowed"

Phrases for chasing: "Dostoevsky is contracted by the fact that the pedophilia under the guise of condemnation saked. And constantly. Let's give me a large work without it. "

Turgenev. Ivan Sergeevich


"Fathers and children" - about two friends who profess fashionable radical political ideas, "Asya" was illegitimate, and Gerasim drowned Mum.


  • "An amazing thing, as a person still believes in the words"
  • "While you dream about work, so bathe eagle; Earth seems to shifted from the place - and performed immediately weaker and tired "

Phrases for chasing: "All this chanting is strong in the love of a girl who saw dignity, from the launches of Zadrotov on a warm lamp Tian on the boy's forums differs only by the descriptions of nature." Or: "Turgenev finals are actual recognition that the author does not really know what to say."

Chekhov. Anton Pavlovich


"Chamber number six" is assigned to the poor and dirty provincial hospital for the maintenance of crazy, "Sakhalin Island" - Non-Fikshn about religious, and any of the plays is considered tragicomedia.


  • "There are people who always speak only smart and good words, but feel that they are stupid people"
  • "I ask you to be expressed by a delicate way."
  • "In this weather, it's good to hang

Phrases for chasing: "About the brevity as a sister of talent came up with a person who thoughts on a long plot or a complex topic was missing." Or: "Dust. Everyone would ridiculate, to interpret, nothing holy and no good nature to humanity. "

Bitter. Maxim


The Tale of Danko is actually included in the story of the old woman of Izergil about the elderly Gypsy with a stormy personal life in the past, "Mother" and "Life of Klim Samgin" - about revolutionary, and in the "at the bottom" solid delamination and hopelessness in a separate pre-revolutionary Communal.


  • "All people are attached each to their rope, and the rope is stronger than them."
  • "Property for drama and creates dramas"
  • "The Being of Man Mysteriously, and this mystery is quite similar to meaninglessness"

Phrases for chasing: "Tears, pathos and demonstration simpleness ... If the author had not been required from Sokhi, Gorky would not be promoted and he would not seem talented to anyone." Or: "It's not easy so phrases from Gorky ask the status of the inactotics. Remember all the winged. As if created either for a pimply pathetic schoolboy, or for vanilla fool. "

Bulgakov. Mikhail Afanasyevich


"Master and Margarita" is a crazy writer and a bored wife of the official, in the "dog heart" a piece of human brain, but "Morphy" is really about drug use.


  • "This is not a diary, but a history of illness ..."
  • "Naked profile for hedgehog you will not sit down! .."
  • "The present in front of our eyes. It is such that these eyes want to close "

The phrase for the blast: "It is impossible to be a good writer if you don't like anyone in fact: neither yourself nor people. And this from each work is soooed. "

Bunin. Ivan Alekseevich


Some stories - about Russia, which began to lose, others - about Russia, which-we-we lost.


  • "It's terrible, but truth: do not be folk disasters, thousands of intellectuals would be straight unhappy people. How then to sit down, protest, what to scream and write? "
  • "Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten."

The phrase for the blast: "The crunch of the French beer. And they go with her, as if she is Russian and there. "

Harms. Daniel Ivanovich


He wrote strange poems and very strange prose miniatures.


  • Pour children is cruel. But something you need to do with them! "
  • "If you want the audience to laugh, go out on the stage and stand silently, until someone laughs"
  • "Why, why am I better than everyone?"

The phrase for the blast: "As a monument of the era - is interesting. But, like every shock, in fact, nothing represents. "

Tsvetaeva. Marina Ivanovna


Many poems about love and even more - about what it fell. There are still plays, but they do not know them not enough.


  • "When you love a person, you always want him to go to dream about him"
  • "God, do not judge! - You were not a woman on earth! "
  • "What can you know about me, since you did not sleep with me and did not drink?"

The phrase for the blast: "Typical belching of the so-called silver century. More hysterics and significance. In our time, they would have written status in social networks, and then the poems had to compose. "

Mayakovsky. Vladimir Vladimirovich


Love and philosophical lyrics, consisting of energetic shouts, and dreams of communism in the same energetic shouts.


  • "I'm better in the B *** Bar I will file pineapple water!"
  • "Baby, we all a little horse, each of us in your own way"
  • "Not a man, but a bindow impotence"

Phrase for chas: " The poet, who for children, and about love, and the agitosist writes with one syllable - this is a poet without a sense of language. That is, sorry, not a poet at all. "

Solzhenitsyn. Alexander Isaevich


Whatever he wrote, it was about the horrors of communism. In more special cases - about the horrors of communism in places of detention.


  • "Smart in the world a lot, little - good"
  • "Art is not that, but how"

The phrase for the blast: "Tolstoevshchina in the worst sense of the word. Morality and grafomanism. " The phrase is good because it can smoothly deploy srach and to the thick.

Brodsky. Joseph Alexandrovich


Poems from infinitely long sentences, especially about how the poet does not like.


  • "Do not come out of the room, do not make a mistake"
  • "Thursday goes. I believe in the void. In it, as in hell, but more chop "

The phrase for the blast: "Konating, like Tolstoy, is also offended by the whole world."

Pelevin. Viktor Olegovich


In "Chapaev and the Empty", Schdiv Chapaev - Bodhisattva, the main character of the "Holy Book of Werewolf" is called and Huli, and "T" seems to be about Lion Tolstoy. Or that God is a cat.


  • "That's what my inner voices say about this:"
  • "Oh, hell would take this eternal worthwesser, pursuing Russian man! And hell would take a Russian man who only sees it around! "

Phrases for chasing: "To confuse to seem attense - good, respectable reception. No wonder they now enjoy all who are not too lazy. " Or: "Sorry, but Pelevig is generally discussed as a writer. Russian prose after Bunin and Sholokhov does not exist. So, the conjurement of yes postmodernism. "

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