The feeling of tact you did not dream: 7 signs that you say something wrong


For a hundred thousand years in society, we, in principle, have learned a little not to inform others. We do not rzhy at the funeral and do not blow it on the tablecloth. But sometimes something like something - and all Renome on the landfill.

Here is the top 7 of our main flats, remember, make effort, get rid of.

1. Vasya Pope Silen in Mathematics

We praise other people's children, while the interlocutor has its own. It should be understood that the mother's brain usually works in two modes: "These disgusting women need to take away children" and "I am a terrible mother" (there is another third mode "Stop writing your vile articles about us, everything is not true about us, but we are all Leave behind the brackets).

So, if you say: "Pets of Petit Kuzmin water the toddler at the gymnastics," Mom does not perceive it as "Petit of Petit Kuzmina will lead the Son on the gymnastics." Mom perceives it as "I did not give a child to gymnastics, I am a terrible mother." And the "I am a terrible mother" mode, in turn, requires blood and immediately.

Taking into account the fact that at the moment you are sitting in front of you, you, anyway, will arrive with a metaphorical (or real) shell in the tech.

2. Accenimate change

"You're gorgeously lost", "You are going on this color hair", "Wow, you, you translated in an extremely sales department." It would seem that you are trying to say a compliment. Error!

You never know what specifically the type of brain slug sits in the head of the interlocutor. Maybe the interlocutor hates sales, he does not like this hair color (red pomegranate, you will bring FIG) and I lost weight the interlocutor, in his opinion, ugly and, of course, not enough.

Therefore, no details. Just "you look great." And honest smile.

3. Humble husband. His

Well, everything is clear here. Few people can withstand the stories about how the husband meets his wife with a delicious dinner every day, she washes the dishes, earns more and can seven times overnight after ten years of marriage. And, of course, it is obvious that the wife, having escaped such a husband, will burst, if not sharing his luck with the universe.

For such wives initially and invented the mirror (and not at all for guiding beauty, as many people think). All enthusiastic pisks - the mirror. And even better - directly husband: "Very tasty, seven times per night, awesome salary, how lucky me with you".

4. Fuckingly admire

That is, we admire quite sincerely, but immediately voicing the subconscious fears. "Awesome tan, and you are not afraid of spending so much time in the sun?", "Cool tattoo, and you are not afraid of hepatitis C?", "I also want to come to the 12th to work, and you are not afraid that you will be fired? "

The interlocutor does not exactly want to meanom, hepatitis C and that he was fired. He is afraid, but sure that he swears. If all sorts of carica will not be here.

5. Admire in detail

"You have to go through this, such a thing, but you have done a wonderful clever thing." This second, only a light chain of civilization stops a wonderful clever of the interlocutor injury to a heavy stupid object. Because the least in the light of the smarter, which coped (yes, I coped, your mother!), Wants to be returned at a time that I really want to forget.

6. We are engaged in plagiarism

Someone else's jokes, successful phrases - all that we love to repeat in a good company. But often (much more often than you think) in this particular good company sits the author of this particular successful joke. Sits, it means, and quietly animals. And when you start retelling his first-person story, there is a plug in the eye and arrive. Well, or a spoon, if you're lucky.

7. Do not track the sizes of the personal space of your own friends.

Suppose we have the best friend of Vovka and the best girlfriend Lenka. And it seems to us that if you become acquainted with Lenka, they will also become the best friends with each other (and, you look, and not only friends). Therefore, we behave as if these two familiar hundreds of one hundred at the time "now."

However, if they met just or going to get acquainted tomorrow, then, perhaps: "Vovka is a terrible sinner, he shouted yesterday in the temple," not the best story for Lenkina's ears.

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