Etiquette comments online: 4 errors against the rules of good tone


The network seems to be space, simply intended for informal communication. But even in the most informal companies there are its own rules for communication. Over the past few decades, they also established in Russian social networks.

We asked readers to find out what habits in commenting, they consider inappropriate, annoying and generally impressive in relation to interlocutors.


Permanent dots, replacing commas, dash, brackets, exclamation and question marks and, of course, brackets, prevent perception of text almost the same as the complete absence of punctuation signs and, in addition, it gives the headlessness - if the words written with the errors are now straightened or The browser is automatically recognized, then this gap in knowledge is not yet hiding behind an outsider view.

What will be more acceptable?

1. overcome punctuation rules, or

2. Communicate in chat style: instead of a point or comma - a row break, that is, each piece of phrase put on a separate line, so that in general the comment looks like a vertin poem, or

3. Write only short, as simple suggestions, in which more than one point is definitely not required. It turns out the style of writing A la Ernest Hamingway.

Smiley brackets

In general, of course, there is nothing wrong with that from time to time to designate your emotions with emoticons, especially if you are far from Lion Tolstoy and you cannot make a gathering words for which the hues of the senses will be understood without presenting the expression of your face. However, groups of brackets after each second, and the first phrase are tired in the same way as endless dots, and the general tone of the phrase is made not so much kind or joyful, how much is deliberate - that is, fake.

What will be more acceptable?

1. Expansion of the vocabulary, or

2. The designation of their feelings with the words: "I am glad that ...", "How sad that ...", or

3. The use of phrases mitigating intonation: "Sorry, but maybe ...", "Sorry, but it seems to me ...", or

4. Just as much as possible use of emoticons - in most cases the tone of the conversation is obvious and so.


We personally have no doubt that any of our readers is full of wisdom and everyday experience that you can share. The problem is exclusively in the relevance of tips in the comments to whose recording. If the author of the Council's record did not ask, it will be very likely to preserve someone else's trouble with his hands very, very inappropriate. So before rushing to save a person with all his wisdom, stop and think a little. And some more think.

What will be more acceptable?

1. Ask directly if the author wants the author to enjoy the beauty of her syllable (maybe it describes the situation already like a bike and in parallel it decides to), just complain to a friendly shoulder or get advice, or

2. Share your experience: "You know, in the same situation I helped me a lot ...", in that case, they say / in my opinion, it usually helps ... "or

3. At least take advantage of softening introductory phrases: "If you are not against the council, I would suggest ...", "perhaps you will be interested in what ..."

Large letters

We mean not the case when you allocate one word or a few of the phrases in the text, gaining them in capital letters, and the other, heavy, when you pick up the entire text in capital letters. It seems that you shout! In addition, it is difficult to perceive large texts scored in this way.

What will be more acceptable?

1. If you do this because of vision problems, look for yourself or ask someone to find a function of increasing the scale in the browser. So you will be much better to see everything written not only by you, but also by others, or

2. If you do this from the principle, just stop. Even the text scored exceptionally small letters is better.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Photos: shutterstock

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