Anal sex: what glossy magazines are silent


Modern female gloss and, we will be frank, porn industry without tired cultivated myth that anal sex is cool, nice and fun. We do not argue, of course he can like someone. However, there are things about which you should know before you accept a conscious decision about this sexual practice in your life.

Not all men are cut about it

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Despite the endless instructions on how much the lubricant to buy and where to smear it, as well as pornstars, looking at which they understand that they end up, as soon as their priests are touched by a member, the fact is that not all men are so furiously want to do anal sex. And even fewer people really practice him.

It's not so nice

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And at first, it hurts at all, of course, if you do not apply Lidocaine or some other painkillers. You can read kilometers of instructions on how to make the process less painful, use endless practices of muscle relaxation, but the fact remains a fact: real pleasure you will get to receive soon. If you start.

This requires preparation

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Moreover, both theoretical and practical. Pornstar, by the way, is recommended on this day to limit themselves with light snacks and not lean on products with high tissue content. Well, without preliminary enema, the likelihood of the confusion is great.

It requires a failure of an active partner

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It should be well aware of the security technique and the training technique for the invasion. In fact, many young men who persuade anal sex and claiming that everyone knows how to do not know such simple rules as the fact that after the penetration should be waited until the rectal will deal, otherwise injuries can be essential. And even a preliminary massage with your fingers do not guess to do!

Yes, it is unsafe

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Therefore, a condom, muscular relaxants, lubricants ideally with anesthetic or at least with a cooling effect are simply necessary. Just like, once again, a partner, inspiring confidence, who does, and the long qualitative prelude. Otherwise - injuries, muscle breaks, anal cracks, hemorrhoids and STDs.

To each his own

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Not so long ago, one famous porn portal published the world map of requests in his search. What do we see? While the whole world is interested in lesbians, the most popular request in Russia is anal. Coincidence? Do not think!

This is not Rutin

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Believe, anal sex in reality and on the screen - two different things, no matter how hard they try to present this practice the most ordinary fun. In fact, anal sex practices not so many people and get fun of it even less. As a rule, this is due to the BDSM-Practices, where complete submission is a mandatory element of the game.

You have the right to refuse

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If you are not ready for anal sex, it contradicts your principles of morality and highly powerfulness, just do not want or do not consider it necessary, you are afraid or a religion does not allow you. Any of these reasons is a good reason for failure. No means no. And no one has the right to force you.

Text Author: Yana Stovet

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