Torso Man, Mr. Romance and Marikatik: Like from dating sites


Sooner or later, there is a moment when you (absolutely by chance) you make a questionnaire on a dating site. And the dating site is like Taiga. Cool, impressive, but under each bladeing sits encephalitite tick.

Therefore, so that you do not come out from there with completely killed brain, we made you a brief entomological guide. Enjoy!



The Turk is conditional. That is, he may be the Turks, and there may be just a dark-eyed black-eyed guy of Eastern nationality with congenital tick. He winks all the time. Apparently, it is some kind of national disease.

Winks the guy usually silently. But it can send a long opus, not knowing about the cunning of Google Transweet. In the latter case, the message looks like this: "You are the sky and the moon very beautiful at first sight, thank you I say to your parents that they invented such a gentle creature like you."

Judging by the photographs, the habitat is limited to leather sofas. The creature is non-hazardous, but obsessive. The hints do not understand, is treated by a ban.

Testosterone is aged electric


With a third compell, what color are your panties, and asks for a photo one-person. There is a simple rule: if the boy has not seen it on the Internet, the pictures more precisely, it means that he is about ten years old he is almost a virgin. But bold. Looking for any aunt that gives him.

In general, this subspecies is absolutely harmless if he is pre-nothing to promise. It is easily treated by the phrase: "Baby, I am your mom's girlfriend, and now I will call her."

Lieutenant Rzhevsky


This prefers not to pull the cat for different things, but immediately ask a key question: "Hello, do you want a kuni?". Then everything depends on whether you love random sex in a minute and a half. Cunnilingus Lieutenant to do, of course, does not know how, and the word uses exclusively as a password to the safe.

Despite the fact that Rzhevsky is rather intrusive, there is no evil intent in it - he simply does not remember who of the girls on the site has already sent his stunning offer. Works on the principle of a joke: "Lieutenant, for" forward "you can get a slap! - Yes, but you can and go back. "

Dream Madame Gritsatsayva


In a white suit and a cross on a bouquer. He is photographed near the jeep. Or a very old and killed jeep, or - near someone else. There is a photo in a tie too. Pretends to be rich and terribly busy. But maybe it is ready to make some kind of fashion model.

In fact, he is a nichebrhod with alimony and mom. Failure perceives as a terrible insult. Will come once a day to remind you what you are nothing. You do not need to ban it, if only because it is terribly funny. Right through the monitor heard, as he puffs.

Old horse


Normal, at first glance, a man is a little bit in fifty. Not a fool and not a freak. The sense of humor at the level of the Great Master. And read books in quantities. And it does not climb in the hollow, having heard the phrase "aesthetics of Hegel."

Moreover, he does not lie that it seems true love. Really looking. Sincerely. But only to the woman not older than twenty five. Very dangerous - can be desperately falling in love and gets along the most poppy. Hegel, Yeah.



The foreground on all photos is cubes of the press, delta and triceps. Studio shooting. Look, baby, what Macho I am. Full freak, in short, what to write about it. Runs right away.



"Valla" translated from Latin means "death of Ozhegov". The habits of the walody studied little - as a rule, researchers break on the phrase: "I am a chash, careless, born, looking for a pile of Palawinku." After that, the value is usually bother with an arphogrophic slave, and long lifting the green mucus from the monitor for a long time.



Handsome with money. He does not know what he wants. Rather, he knows - he wants a goddess. But none pulls. Therefore, in the interlocutors, a handsome chooses, as a rule, the poor, desperate single mothers, who tells how she caught a wave in Hawaii and personally strangled the white shark with a rolled up on the tube for surfing. If a single mother as a result hangs, he will switch to the next - not enough, or single mothers on dating sites?

Mr. Romance


Old chitin mouflon. Eternal boy. Well, such a dull longing with a tail and in a leather hat, which makes up with one rose on a date, sit down on the shop and will be a gone. Eternal youth that in Kamork for the actual hall. Take blood and fall off myself. Sad notes: "You are all the same."



Sits in the corner of the monitor and asks him to strike. Promises to lick all places, including boots and carpet, in exchange for suitable psychological humiliation. Immediately will not go back - it will decide that the big white mistress checks it on the fortress and determination.

Very funny, although a little tedious - on the second round, it begins to repeat about boots and carpet. Feed off after the phrase: Here is the card number, I came out immediately a thousand dollars, nothingness!



Two characteristic species signs: lack of photography and sex search without commitment. It comes online during working hours and is afraid of his own shadow. No information does not give any information - I am sure that the disguised wife recognizes him in the city, age and punctuation.

Junior Tlen.


Black and white photographs, vanilla quotes, long extensive messages, and we will die. And life-pain. And only you understand me, it is so strange, so amazing. Hope you regret it and give him. Very often his hopes are justified. Well, muddy we, what to do?!

Normal guy


He is a snowy man. Over the years of observations, it was not reliably fixed, but old-timers argue that at the beginning of the century they saw a footprint, and the Verka even shot.

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