Sweet couples and the abominations that they get out


Let us leave Romeo alone and Juliet with their passionate arms at the stops - another person who would die would be born. But lovers do not stop at this. Literally life is put to choose others.

To tolerate it there is no strength - it remains only to flee to the coast of ivory and join the rebels until the couple will discuss with their love and will not stop the terror of the Mimicity. Do you yourself, whether it is easy to maintain composure when these ribs are:

One account for two

Early in the morning you prey your eyes, pour themselves coffee and climb into the social network to say "hello" to a new day, and from there you jump off the scary monsters to the smirmy and Katyussyandan. They have a married face of Sergei with Andrei, Kchecheny, the feeling of humor Marusi and Katyusi, and even the complex of the autocrat - they talk about themselves strictly in the plural. We, the king of all romantics, were learned to go to the movies - and double selfie with popcorn.

Right air negotiations

Humanity was invented first the phones, then mobile phones with SMS, then a million of all sorts of chats, messengers and lines - and everything to drive in love there, let the survivors are hidden from strange eyes. But no. For loving hearts, the whole world is a house, the entire Facebook is negotiating. "Good morning, I woke up!" - She informs the world community. "How slept my lapel?" - He promotes all three hundred Franc. That will be a joke, if at once five paws will read about the quality of sleep.

Sect of teddy hearts

They really like Saint Valentine, seeded chocolate in the form of hearts and fur bears in full size. And we only shoved in the mass trend on cynicism and contempt for this consumer fair!

Paired T-shirts

T-shirts with inscriptions "My Girlfriend / My Boyfriend" - bestsellers of all tents with beach jackets and stalls "World of Jokes" in the subway. And we all thought, who buys them? But love is inadvertently granted, and it seems to be normal people begin to buy pair T-shirts, so that no one has decided that love left them at least a piece of brain. The next stage is a shining tishche "My wife is the smartest." It is already inoperable.


Koitus completed successfully, commander! Here is a photo procurement - two red-edged and disheveled personalities, crumpled sheets, flurry spoils in pressure with vanillivity and dumbfounded cat. After all his life seen will never be the same. Our too.


Lovers are cospyred, whether members of secret society with some particularly stupid uniform, or young twins, and are walking in identical sweaters with deer and indistinguishable scarves in peas. Wait, yes, they even have the same clock! And tattoos!

Master classes on relationships

Their passionate novel without a year week and on the standards of science on relationships these pigeons in the younger nursery group "Hippo". But they stubbornly rush in Professor. God forbid in the presence of one of these experts to complain to a personal life - ZamurrClansce to Halemier. "Your Sanya did not congratulate you on the day of the Russian Constitution? What a nightmare, drive him to the disgusting broom, so my nikolay never forgets about the holidays! ". Yes, you have not yet really noted anything but the first environment in the week!

Weight territory

After the photo of the sleeping on the sofa, Vasi tagged # my nobody, of course, will not dare to hurt you. Otherwise, my washing sore # love and pulls the panels. Do not cheat.

Botthen on the phenya

"- Suscalkalka, you promised me for a long time with the barefoot! - I remember the ridge, but you never bought Lyalyak! " They are thrown about something in their secret language, and you are sitting like a fool, and do not be driving - whether they are discussing the lunch menu, or they are planning a bdsm session. But it is so nice - to have "your" lords!

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