First love: 10 handsome out of the 90s, for which we went crazy


Many of them have already disappeared from our screens to two thousandths, and this is good. Because to see how your first love makes it hurt and sad. We remembered the top ten idols that still live in our hearts, and sometimes they return to TV or even come to us in the city with concerts!

Jason Priestley

What happened in "Beverly Hills 90210", the beloved adolescent series of the late 90s, now few people remember. But as fresh memories of posters with Brenden Walche, the hottest student of the American school. We diligently pulled out of the Cool Girl magazine and hung over the bed. Oh, if you meet the same sweet candy boy!

Patrick Puymeba

To admire Romantic Nicolas from Elene and Guys, we stripped the last lessons at school and rushed to the TV. With girlfriends dreamed of Paris and boyfriends from the rock band. It is good that we grew up before Patrick Toward the hair and became an adult man. So he would be uninteresting to us.

Matt Leblan

Well, where without Joe? You can fall in love with anyone, but Joe will always stay in your heart, like a cool, cheerful guy. Today (after all, you are also revising "friends"?) His jokes seem idiot, and behavior is just blunt. But 15 years ago it was so cute! From Tom still sad, when we see today's photos of Matt.

Hey Martinez

Santa Barbara and her hero Cruise Castillo - a dream of more advanced television fans. Cruz was a strong, sports, courageous latinomy. They were usually about him alone, because all the girlfriends were busy Jason attracted.

Kirill Andreev

Despite the minimum participation in the vocals "Ivanushki International", Kirill still remains idle teenage girls (and sometimes adults). High, silent, mysterious brunette was captivated by our hearts even at the moment when we were heard by songs performed by Igor Sirin.

Vlad Stashevsky

Ah, Vlad! How I wanted to hug, climb and plant tea with cookies. So beautiful, Static and Incomplete Vlad! We still sissing under the nose "No friends I have no enemies," when I want to sink a little. And to be sad together with the station - it is not happiness.

Sergey Lemokh

How to stop dancing "Lemoch" at weddings and corporate countries? It seems car-men will now be transmitted through DNA of all girls whose Pubertat fell on the 90s. No romance and snot, only the present techno, wide shoulders and shaved whiskey. All as we like!

"On-on". Everything

Well, how to divide "on-well" to the components? In March, you loved stupid, went to Levukina by the summer, then switched to Polishov, again to the stabble and the next March - your love was hit Asimov. And so a whole five-year plan! "On-on" - as the first love, will remain with you for life.

Kurt Cobain

Even already being a dead star, Kurt became even more sexy. Handsome, with touching music and guitar, up to that, shot. About Kurta could be crushed by days, the main thing is not to soak fresh black varnish on the nails.

Zhenya Belousov

Zhen Belousov we loved in the nineties. Zhenya Belousov we loved in two thousandths. Today we still love Zhenya and sing "Girl" in any incomprehensible situation. And we sad that the fiance is no longer.

Nostalgiced: Daria Ionina

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