As the signs of the zodiac experience the crisis of relations


In the history of any pair there are times when the relationship is beginning to crack and tear on the side. The signs of the zodiac react in different ways to such a case - some run into refuge, others glue everything with a tape, and some - we will not show your finger - excitely divided by a swollen.


Aries is a good taranium gun, but there is no diplomat from it. Seeing the crack in the relationship, Aries throws into it with all the body and begins to find out - what went wrong? Say, beauty, what does not like?

It is better not to eat with him, but to operate with the facts. Because the Aries does not understand all these "everything seems to be so, and it seems somehow not so." It is best to provide him with a list of clearly formulated requirements in two copies with signature and seal. And file strictly in the reception hours.


As the signs of the zodiac experience the crisis of relations 36128_2
Taurus is the one who retains relationships to the last cartridge. The partner of Taurus has already been planted, watered tears, she looked like a psychologist, perhaps even gathered a suitcase, equipped a new family and grows his grandchildren, and the Taurus did not give up and fighting for these relationships. The instability is the worst nightmare of the Taurus, and when the crisis is brewing, he will agree to any conditions, just not to unwind the conflict.


Smell like a crisis? Oh, everything, the twin went from here. Why these scenes and extraimed silence in the corners, when the world is a sugar wool, confetti and funny fluttering creatures (and none of them will not be a ripening brain on the topic "You are not the same as yesterday").

In the meantime, the twin comes up and breaks the flowers of pleasure, maybe the crisis will dismiss somehow itself. If the twin returned, and the crisis is still here, he will simply go to the second round and will repeat the entire scheme until the partner gets his hand on him.


Cancer knows accurately: if you grind your eyes, the monster from under the bed will not be noticed. And if the crisis is ignored, it will pass by and will not eat anyone.

Ignore cancer with the knowledge of the case (the experience is solid) - builds a bastion from a computer, books and buckets with chicken wings in breadgrinks around yourself. To dig a cancer from there to express its claims is absolutely impossible - when the partner approaches the partner, it is covered with a package and pretends that there is no one here.

a lion

Drama and a supervision for lion - native element. Why explain if you can cry, climb hands and fall into the couch? The lion easily turns any dull crisis into a luxurious cabaret with disassembly and loud vocal numbers.

For any show, an audience is required, and the lion pulls into the action of friends, a relatives, a watch, a neighbor Labrador and the Army of Frenov in social networks. A couple of weeks of such Broadway benefits - and the partner of Leo already agrees anything, if only sound screwed. And the lion smoothes feathers and goes to tell everyone how deserved it came out of the crisis.


Virgo always knows exactly what she feels why she has improved it to feel what to do and who is to blame. For sure, not Virgo, the Virgin is not guilty. Relationships to the edge of the abyss summed up the partner (Virgo can even step by step, as precisely), and therefore, everything will also have to be broken. Without relying on someone else's carelessness, Virgo will even write a manual to remove the novel from the crisis, but he herself does not move a finger.


The weights are excellent scent - they always feel, where the wind blows, and where there is some kind of imbalance in the relationship, so it is preventively put on straw and plug holes in a love boat. And all because the conflicts of their hands sweat and nausea rolls. If they somehow prelay and it comes to direct confrontation, the scales simply fall into a stupor of horror.


Scorpions do not endure complaints and accusations. They, actually, do not mind to correct something in their difficult character, but can not tolerate when they demand this.

Therefore, family conflicts turn into a whole peaceful sofa scorpion in a monster, which Oblom, is huge, challenge and lean. Therefore, scorpion crises are rapidly moving from the stage of misunderstanding in the Stage of the Civil War with victims among peaceful Pezan.


Saw someday salute on May 9? Well, then consider that I saw the Sagittarius reaction to any crises. Big Rhodes, Sparks fly, cats are hiding under the bed, car alarm are treated, the floor is trembling. But after five seconds, nothing remains from the explosion, except for easy haze.

However, it is not worth relaxing - now rushing again. Sagittarius will rumble, imagine and demand until the fuse does not end. After writing steam, the Sagittarius would consider that the question is exhausted, and will again become a cat.


Capricorn does not have any special crises, because all his relationship from the very first date is a solid crisis. By missed by the ears of the Golden principle "Works - do not touch", Capricorn, Troy with hooves, will always learn something to improve, change and deploy 180 degrees. From constant unfolding from the Cozesses of partners, dizziness, which is Capricorn, naturally, is perceived as another crisis.


Aquarius to do and rake up the heaps of mutual discontent will not. There is nothing more to do. Crane chinit plumbing, nails saw manicure, rubber changes the car mechanic, and the relationship ladies some specially trained psychologist. Aquarius will not even listen to the outpouring of the partner - it will simply take care of the ear and will turn to the reception to the analyst. Looking at the accounts for the service analytics, the partner quickly runs and decides that it is in fig, we have no crisis now except financial.


Fish is very open people. All of themselves are immediate and honest. Therefore, they will go and honestly tell everyone around, as their beloved is not right. It was a light version. Fish, driving in hardcore, has a third-party negotiation. Mom partner, for example, his boss or better friend. And hesice to influence them on a stunned half a half. The very same fish at the time of a friendly court will be modestly sitting on the sidelines and to succumb - "you see, I'm not alone, I think it's all because of you."

Olga Lysenko watched the stars

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