As signs of the zodiac behave in social networks


Stars did not plan at all that humanity invents the Internet. According to the plan, humanity should have lived and rejoice at the sun, and not pixels. But since the disobedient humanity of the Internet has invented, the stars did not have anything, how to sigh and heat the control of our behavior also in social networks.


Capricorps enter the social network with creak. Because we sincerely do not understand why people photograph their food and, moreover, their children on fun to the world collective evil, which perfectly lives in virtual reality in order to join all children and settle in photographed pickles of botulinum cells. Therefore, Capricorn writes a little, comments reluctantly and never adds all strangers to Friends without parsing. And on userpics, he has a fun picture, because there are no fools - hanging your own photo.


Aquarius blog consists of photos. "I'm on the shore", "my husband on the shore", "My dog ​​on the shore", "stupidly shore." Posted by aquatic photographs are not published not to boast, but in order to scream humanity: People, ay, look at what beautiful planet we live, and what we do, people will come to your senses. Therefore, in the blog, Aquarius can always be found photos from the series: "Autumn leaf", "cloud" and, of course, "sunset." And to write in the social network, Aquarius is not very loved. Because the real masters of Kung Fu never show their art without extreme need.


Fish on the Internet live, as in usual life, namely, a lap. Friends from all over the galaxy know that the fish married, the fish divorced, the fish is sad, the fish again met someone, the fish is good. Since fish do not share virtual and real communication (and what is the same? In the network, exactly the same people), can easily emigrate in the Internet so that you can catch them from there just overwhelming with dynamite. And anecdote: "Cute, go to sleep, three in the morning! "I can't, a babe, someone's wrong on the Internet" is just about the anecdote fish.


For Aries, a network page is part of the image. Therefore, even under the castle for the friends of Aries will not whine, as he is still bad, what life is unjust and what kind of radishes. As thirst - nothing, image - everything. Of the same reasons, Aries will not spread simply Selfie in the elevator - he will lay out selfie in the elevator after meeting with the Roman dad. And, ideally, Dad should also be present on this selfie. In addition, for Aries, in order of things, to post text with dubious theses and happily observe how the Piple is cut to death in the comments.


Very emotional to social networks are quite indifferent to social networks and, as a rule, do not go on their own pages. If the Taurus looked like you and, especially, left a comment - you can open champagne and celebrate: you really wrote or photographed something cool. And the Taurus's own page is rationally used to work or to reset the negative. And do not climb every five minutes to the phone (computer) to calculate huskies.


Gemini are the most active users of social networks. They are not at all too lazy to write multiple text daily or nights to flip the magazine of an unfamiliar person three years ago by reading each entry. Since each twin has congenital writer talent, social networks for them are a great benefit that allows you to reveal in the dance. Another thing is that by typing the army of fans, the twin can cool down and switches to something else without declaring war. And five years later, it's sincerely wonder why these ungrateful creatures forgot him.


Cancer can communicate in the social network more or less actively, but he always remembers that this is a public platform. Therefore, it is very small personal on his page. This is cancer! He and in the real life very reluctant to tell his friends that the day before yesterday was killed by a knife for the ring of ice, and in social networks from him and the frankness will not wait. Sitting, silent, lying, in the Internet battery does not climb, the photo of the bustle has posted - this is a real cancer.


It is certainly unknown who exactly invented the first social network. But it is logical to assume that it was a lion. Get a new platform that can be used as a tribune without leaving the house, is priceless. Since real lions on any issue have an opinion (necessarily from a capital letter) and are masters of wording, the number of subscribers of its page is growing in geometric progression. The Lion complacently answers enthusiastic comments, and all the dissenting banners, previously reporting the reason: "You are Anacephal, look away."


Virgo tries to give an information as much information as possible. Because - you never know? The world is cruel, and winter is close. If you need to speak on some topic, Virgo will not spend the letters - she will simply find an opinion already expressed (for example, in Lion or twins) with the necessary theses and repost with a remark: "Suitable under each word." Despite the fact that Virgo is not a writer, she is a very careful reader and convinced grammar-Nazi. And if you confuse "tsy" and "eat", Virgo will certainly shoot you into the bridgework a contemptuous comment.


Scales in social networks are the best friend of all people. They willingly respond to the requests of Zafrend, they are not too lazy to deliver "like" and, in principle, hug the entire virtual world. Therefore, the scales are full of friends whom they have never seen live. And these friends are no less correct than living and leather. On the Scales page - the team Saltka from photos, other people's repost, their own thoughts, and the page, in general, can be described in the word "Positive!".


In the virtuality of Scorpios remains true to their poison. If the scorpion with the thesis expressed in the network does not agree, it is quite capable of killing the author of this thesis by the word. Moreover, not just kill from the need, but with poorly hidden pleasure to kill. And they are subsequently not to bathe at all, if some unfamiliar uncle (or aunty) in the Internet does not suddenly love him. Which grief, you look, I do not like an unfamiliar uncle! In general, scorpions are classic trolls with a perfectly pumped syllable. Do not come to them.


Sagittarius is a peacekeeper. In life or on a social network - it does not matter. If a fierce dispute with insults come across the face of Sagittarius, then the Sagittarius will try to stand over the fight and persuade the warring sides to take hands. And since the Internet is not so much different from real life, the firing, how to dispel, immediately arrive on both sides. But the Sagittarius does not lower his hands and already tomorrow already in another discussion again trying to reconcile everyone. Because people should love each other, and not to behave like a toad with a viper.

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