"I saw my death" and 14 more not positive quotes from Marylina Mensson


    Marylina Manson today marks 47 years old! We do not know why we like the lanky antichrist so much, but he hurts the uncle charming. We remembered that he has an autobiographical book "Long Long Road from Hell" and chose a selection of quotes from it. Not positive. Not life-affirming. For those and love, probably.

    Relationships never completed clean. They are like an expensive vase, which they try again and glue again after they smashed again and again, until, finally, pieces simply do not stop approaching each other.

    I always believed that a man was smart. These are people stupid.


    Apocalypse is not necessarily sulfur and hellish flame. It can occur at an individual level. If you believe that you are the center of the Universe, and you want to see how she dies, you need only one bullet.

    I have always been panicly afraid of the police, because even when I do not do anything illegal, I think about how to create anything illegal.

    People lead diaries not for themselves. They write them for other people. These are the secrets that they do not want to talk about, but they want everyone to know them.

    To change the views of people, you need to change what is popular. Therefore, it is necessary not to follow the mainstream, but become them - and then overcome it.

    If you behave like a rock star, you will contact you like a rock star.

    I spent the clock, switching TV channels. I watched Pat Robertson (a preacher - approx. Per.) Standing sins of society, and then asks the audience to call him and call the number of his credit card.

    As an artist, I wanted to become the most loud, the most annoying alarm clock, because it seems there was nothing that would be able to raise our society from the television-Christian coma.

    Nothing compares with the awareness that you changed someone's life. Even if this change means for a person lifelong nightmares and Klondike for his psychotherapist.


    If every rounded cigarette takes 7 minutes of your life, each game in Dungeons & Dragons postpones the time of the loss of virginity by 7 hours.

    Most of the world problems could be avoided if people simply said what they were, their mother, want.

    Gradually, I began to hate Christian school and doubt everything that I was taught. It became clear that the suffering from which they asked them to get rid of was the sufferings that they were exposed themselves - and now we are at the same time. They lived in fear of the monster, which they themselves were. It is a person, and not some kind of mythical demon, one day will destroy the human world. And this monster was created by their fears.

    Photo on the announcement: imgur.com

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