A girl who wins anorexia. everyday



November 16 - International Day of Fighting Anorexia. It is necessary to prepare! Ashley Ponder can tell everything about this disease.

The diagnosis of "Anorexia" Ashley was set at 13 years old. Then the girl began to fight with me for life. Now Ashley 16, and it leads an incredibly interesting instagram blog about the delicious, useful and, most importantly, balanced food. This is especially surprising, if we consider that the doctors considered the influence of social networks of one of the causes of the disease and strictly banned by the girl to go online.

And indeed, the Internet is filled not simply by calling to the weight loss and the censure of the female body - there are huge community subscribers, glorifying anorexia. The girls in them insult themselves for each gram of fat under the skin, encourage each other on strict diets - the purpose of which is unrealistic weight, far out for the lower border of BA, and post their photos.

But if the network influences adolescents so much, why not use it to talk with teenagers about anorexia and how can I get out and recover after it? To this end, Ashley and started his blog.

In fact, it is not very simple. The girls suffering from anorexia are etched on the Internet - and not only other adolescents, but also adults - just like girls with overweight. To talk about your life outside the community of other girls with anorexia, a great determination is required. But Ashley did not take it. Mother Girls, Jill, says that Ashley has always been the leader, and in school it is a real started.

Anorexia strikes the growing body is even more noticeable than in an adult. Ashley at the age of 13 was not just thin, she strongly lagged in growth and physical development. Until now, she seems younger than.

The mother tried to sharply change the daughter's diet, forcing it there is more oily food, but it only strengthened the phobia of Ashley. In the end, she was not able to eat food, on which it is not written exactly how much calories in it. Oddly enough, they did not feel kinship with girls in communities of anorexia.


When Ashley began to take pictures for instagram, everything that eats up for the day, and at the end of the day collages from photographs of food, she herself was amazed how little eats. The food frightened her, because it could do Tolstoy, but the girl found in itself the strength to learn the "enemy" and was amazed how much stupid stereotypes about food she absorned. For example, Ashley seriously thought that the fruits of a solid color of the Calorier than others, and could therefore refuse the apple. Realizing how in fact "works" food, Ashley loved to cook. Its manufacturing dishes are an excellent alternative to running fats that offered her mother from misunderstanding, and at the same time they help to recover after anorexic weight loss. It also tests balanced food from industrial manufacturers whose brands are not heard in teenage girls.

Thousands of people subscribe to Ashley for her recipes. She believes that it helps not only to those who want to go with healthy food to balanced, but those who suffer from anorexia. With several such bloggers, she clinked and supports them.

Doctors note that most often the reason for the conversion of girls to the idea of ​​compliance with glossy standards, as supreme most often, the depression is becoming a sense of lack of control over their lives in chronic fatigue, lack of emotional contact with parents. Do not try to feed patients with anorexia forcibly, it does not lead to anything. Speak with them. Discuss their life, find out with them, as "arranged" food, spend time together, but not in reproes and quarrels. And give a little freedom and more adoption.

Instagram Ashley Ponder

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