How with the help of clothes turn flaws of the figure in dignity


How with the help of clothes turn flaws of the figure in dignity 36103_1

Fashionable clothes, especially today's, deprived of hard frames and strict canons, can soften many shortcomings. After all, there are simple rules that will help you disguise those or other flaws of the figures. Moreover, the ideal figures do not happen at all. Even the glorified top models have their own minuses, which, however, are often treated in dignity, on the basis of which new fashion images are even created.

Remember the notorious twiggy - a girl-grasshopper, skinny to the impossibility, with ridiculous discovering elbows and knees, with a completely boyish figure. But she became the queen of the podium and the legend of his time.

Little or big breasts

For a woman, breasts are for some reason there is always a problem. Ladies with a big bust envy those who have something small. And the owner of a small breast all in the world would give it to be more. Fashion and here goes to meet both the same.

If you have too big bust - do not release the top of the body and do not wear clothes, too tight chest and emphasizing the waistline. Modern fashion offers you soft, slightly fitted silhouettes, long straight blouses, jackets and sweaters of dark tones in combination with bright or light skirts and pants.

And be sure to wear long bright scarves, they are very popular today and, moreover, distract attention from the Bust.

But women with little breasts can afford extremely varied large collars - postponed, collars-bows, wap collars, wide lapels. Choose clothing in the style of militaries or safaris, with an abundance of bad parts - pockets, valves, coquette.

Big belly

And, of course, we cannot bypass attention, perhaps the most common lack of a figure of women is a big belly. This, of course, is not a tragedy, but at least somehow hid him want. Modern fashion successfully copes with it. Silhouettes cease to be too fitting, they become more free and comfortable.

It is worth staying on elongated jackets, vests or blouses made of soft, easily draped fabrics in combination with moderate widths or long straight skirts. Blouses wear out - it is fashionable today.

Large collars and vertical lines Crowe can also help you. In general - in all cases, look at the mirror with an extremely, and do not be afraid to experiment. Not forgetting, however, at the same time, no feeling of measures or a sense of style.

Short legs

Women with short legs must give preference to clothing, focusing the top of the figure. In today's fashion is clothing: - with large decorative collars, bulk hoods, chest pockets and valves; - with a high waist line; - With skirts, tapering a book (famous O-shaped silhouette), bright short jackets and vests, very wide belts.

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