Why not cheer melancholic


"From a smile will be all light!" - Under this motto, good and attentive people seek to cheer everyone who in sad thoughtfulness contemplates the interweaving of branches outside the window ... Well, or without much shine in the eyes torments the annual report. Especially getting the one who is always quiet, thoughtful and avoids noisy companies - the people of the melancholic warehouse, whose inner life is much richer than the Mimici, and the interests are injured. But is it worth invading someone else's personal space to make the world more fun? Do I need to cheer melancholic?

We do not need to cheer, because we are all right

Found out by cautious and not very asked that the sad colleague is not sad at all, but is it just like her face? Everything is worth staying at this. True, a colleague after the tenth question "Masha, is it all right? You all the time so sad! " It's not very good and really want to commit murder in a state of affect, and only the fact that melancholics are not inclined to express their emotions to the vigorously. "All is well" can be expressed not only in a satisfied smile, and you can be happy with a million different ways.

We do not need to cheer when we are not all right

No seriously. A stupid comedy, hike in a nightclub and a technique "Smile - and the world will smile to you!" Does not solve the problem. The problem will be solved if you decide. Melancholics are generally inclined to increased anxiety, and the need to explain the good, in general, the person that at the moment they have no desire to listen to the anecdotes or recommendations of Dale Carnegie, adds extra unrest. You may ask than to help. But to fulfill the request, of course, a little more difficult than recommending "just smile more often."

We do not need to be fun, because in the absence of a smile there is nothing wrong

The modern world is obsessed with productivity, communicability and smiles from advertising toothpaste. But if on the debt of the service we do not have to keep a wide archaic smile on the face - let our faces be calm and relaxed, even if it seems to you that in the peaceful state we are gloomy as a cloud.

If you do not like how a calm and satisfied life looks like, this does not mean that he immediately must come to the state that seems to be a convincing way to express "happiness". The need to control the expression of the person, maintain unnecessary social contacts and the uninteresting secular conversation - all this is a huge waste of the forces that Melancholic would spend on something much more pleasant.

We do not need to be fun, because life is not a circus at all, and it is normal

We laugh when we are funny. We smile when something really pleasant happens. But we do not want and cannot meet a joyful smile and stormy joy any event in the outside world, because it is an extra spending of the resource. And it would be better there, in the surrounding world, in general the smallest thing flashed - terribly distracts.

We do not need to be fun, because we can enjoy sadness

Many writers, poets, artists and musicians find special aesthetics and inspiration. The ability to take the grim side of life, painting in it inspiration is fine. Normally, any way to support your creative forces, if it is not opposed. And to admire the gloomy autumn sky, no one has never forbidden!

We do not need to cheer if you want to make friends with us

If you like the melancholic of any sex - do not attempt to immediately drag it to a corporate party with merry contests. Melancholics, of course, are not forever roam in the forests of sadness, and sometimes it's not even against moving into a movie or the theater - but, like all introverts, they can confuse participation in massive entertainment. Their from childhood is forcibly drawn into unnecessary, uninteresting action and completely contrary to their emotional series - "play with children!", "What are you sitting for your books!", "Children, stand up in a circle!".

In an adult melancholic, as a child who survived the dance dance, any "and come on with a company for kebabs" or simply "let's have fun" causes a tide of despondency. Therefore, the worst way to tie a friendship with Melancholic is to criticize his familiar lifestyle and try to remake it.

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