Better sandwich: 7 fantastic bread crank recipes


Shmat is a worn bread - not a candidate in the trash, but a source of happiness and inspiration. Because from it you can make a lot of delicious thing.

To begin with, shorter bread on large squares. Cut? Well done, we are proud of you, half of the case is made. Further everything is simple.

Casserole with cheese


Ingredients: 6 pieces of worn bread, 300 grams of Adygei cheese, 2 eggs, slightly milk and butter, salt.

Mix 2 eggs and a quarter cup of milk. Solo this kneading slightly. Lining deep shape with butter, lay out layers of bread pieces and chopped Adygei cheese cubes. Bread-cheese bread, and so while the ingredients will not end. These are all eggs and baked in the oven at a temperature of 200C of about 30.

Raisen Pudding


Ingredients: 6 pieces of stale bread, 2 eggs, a glass of milk, 3 tablespoons of softened butter, 100 grams of raisin, cinnamon, salt, sugar, greasy cream.

Promoy raisins and leave it in water for 20 minutes so that it sweeps. Heat milk in the microwave and raw oil in it. Burnt egg, add salt and sugar, season with cinnamon and shift with milk. Blowing with this mixture of raisins and bread, lining with butter is not very deep shape, flores there and bakes at 180s about 40 minutes. There is, waking up cream and forgiving this sin.

Pigeon-lemon casserole


Ingredients: 6 pieces of stale bread, 100 grams of any cream cheese without additives, 3 eggs, a glass of blueberries, a glass of milk, a zest from two lemons, a third of a sugar cup (and still steeper-maple syrup), 100 grams of butter.

Lasure oil shape and reproach there a third of bread cubes, generously scattering several pieces of oil, half of cream cheese and blueberries. Again, falling down the third cubes and repeat everything again, and then lay out the remains of bread and slightly mismating the design. Burnt eggs with milk, sugar or syrup and zest, bouquets with this mixture, sprinkle with sugar and baked 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Casserole with chicken and mushrooms


Ingredients: 6 pieces of worn bread, 3 eggs, 3/4 milk, 250 grams of smoked chicken, 100 grams of champignons, 200 grams of cheese, black pepper, salt, butter.

Churches finely chicken, cut champignons on quarters and slightly fried them on creamy oil, sodium cheese on a large grater and mix everything. Put bread cubes in a lubricated oil, the bread cubes, mocking them with a chicken-mushroom mixture, each layer can be slightly opposed. Eggs with milk and salt, bays casserole and put in the oven preheated to 180s for 30 minutes.

Mediterranean casserole


Ingredients: 6 pieces of worn bread, 3 eggs, 3/4 milk, pair of small zucchini, carrot, salt, black pepper, basil, garlic, butter, olive oil.

Shooting carrots and zucchini on tonny slices, distribute three cloves of garlic and fried all on olive oil. Mix milk and eggs, sustain and pemer, add basil. And now simply shift in the form of bread, egg-milk mixture and roasted vegetables and baked 30 minutes at a temperature of 200С.

Apple Pudding


Ingredients: 6 pieces of stale bread, 3 eggs, 3/4 of milk, 2 large apples, a raisin half a cup, a half-table of sugar, hammer cinnamon, salt.

Clear apples from the peel and crumple into small cubes, mix them with sugar and cinnamon and give standing for about 15 minutes. Eggs of bumps with milk and a bit of suggestion. Stirring bread cubes with apples, add raisins and milk with eggs and baked in the washed form for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200С.

Banana Pudding


Ingredients: 6 pieces of worn bread, 3 eggs, a glass of milk, 2 banana (even overripe), half a cup of chocolate crumbs, a half-table of sugar, butter, 2 spoons of vanilla sugar, a glio of warm peanut oil.

Burnt eggs with milk, vanilla and ordinary sugar. Nap bananas on lack of colors. Stir them with bread pieces, peanut butter and chocolate crumb. Add milk with eggs and mix again. Pour everything in a lubricated oil shape and baked for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200c.

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