The most tragic places of the world



"Dark tourism" is the direct opposite of all-inclusive with animators. Surprisingly, many people go on vacation not to the sea and not in the mountains, but in places marked by the seal of the tragedy - old or completely fresh. In the ruins and abandoned cities, among the ghosts and rolling-fields, it is much easier to feel the fragility of life and penetrate the idea of ​​Carpe Diem.

Ruins in Bakeuan


In May 2008, a powerful landing of Sichuan's Chinese province. The capital, modern Megapolis Chend, surrendered, and here are many small satellite cities - such as Bachuan, Insu and Huangoou - were literally erased from the face of the earth. Almost 90 thousand people died. There were rumors that the earthquake was technogenic - something went wrong on the local hydroelectric station. It was rumored that during the construction of "seismically resistant" houses, all seismic resistant was stolen and sold, and the buildings were kept on an honest word. The artist and oppositionist Ai Weiway (Chinese Navalnya, to be clear) took the investigation, but the state security service quickly was confronted. And the ruins of schools and residential buildings in Bakeuan are standing. The Chinese authorities stabilized them and turned the destroyed city into the memorial victims of the element - if it really was the element, of course.

Hospital in Ohio


Psychiatric detention center Ridges in Athens, Ohio, and without any stories about ghosts were a terrible place. At the end of the 19th century, there was at least a hundred women who bored their husbands - they were treated from such terrible diseases as Klimaks, dressiness, post-generic depression and a bad mission during menstruation. Treated with electric shock, torture and lobotomy. There were also particularly dangerous criminals-psychopaths. In those days, the hospital in no one was reported to any methods or by the result. And the results were impressive - in the hospital garden there are hundreds of numbered graves. In 1979, a patient disappeared from the hospital - five weeks later, her body was discovered in the empty ward. The corpse was removed, but his detailed imprint remained on the floor, which could not withdraw. The hospital ceased its activities in 1993, but so far the cemetery shows the lights, and in the windows - pale faces.

Suicide forest in Japan


For the Japanese, suicide is not weakness and not madness, but the manifestation of the power of the Spirit. Culture is such a thing to do. But what is going on in the Aokigahar forest near Mount Fuji is too much even for the nation of samurai. It is always quiet here, dark, cold and windless, because the trees grow very close to each other and do not miss the light, nor the wind. Ancient fairy tales talk about ghosts living here, and a little less ancient chronicles talk about a rather unpleasant custom to carry out the weak old men and leave them to die in these gothic scenery. Since the 1950s, the Japanese began to come here voluntarily - no one knows why, but it was in this forest from the middle of the century more than 500 bodies of suicides and their number is growing. Nowadays, it says goodbye to life about 80 people per year. But this is an approximate figure - many remain unparalleled, although the authorities of nearby villages regularly patrol the forest in search of the remains. You might think that all this scares tourists. Right now! The Japanese come here to picnics with families, dogs and baskets with sandwiches. It is generally a lively National Park.

Puppet Island in Mexico


In the area of ​​Sochimilko, next to Mexico City is a small island, where in the 1950s only one person lived - someone Julian Santana Barrera, who suddenly threw his family and moved to this island to live hermit. There were bad rumors about the island - it seems to be there a girl once drowned in the canal. Of course, the Spirit of the Girls did not fail to go to the hermit on the light. Don Julian looked off from the ghost doll, but the Spirit did not get up. And the man obviously slept - he missed, I swallowed and I found out on the garbagers of abandoned dolls, so that it was picturesquely twist them on the trees. For the rest of his life, he dragged over 1000 dolls to the island. I would collect more and more, but in 2001 he drowned in the same channel. Now the island is turned into a museum of one madness, and if you still haven't had a phobia about the hubs - this is the best place to get it.

Laguna Truk in Micronesia


The tiny point on the map, coral ring, one of the Caroline Islands, without a magnifying glass and you will not find. During the Second World Japanese, the base was arranged here. And in vain. In February 1944, the American Air Force flew and defeated everything literally - both aircraft and ships, and fortifications. Operation "Hayleston" took just a day and sent 45 vessels to the seabed, 270 aircraft and Devi Jones know how many people. All of them are still there, under the azure Pacific waters - only mines and shells pulled out onto the land.

Village Oradur-sur-Glan to France


In 1944, the German headquarters near this village was not subject to the Shturmbanfürera. Whether he himself got lost, or the partisans were taken. The Germans decided that the in the middle of the village knows where a valuable employee. They shot all men, and women and children locked in the church and burned. But six - five men and one woman - still managed to run. Otherwise, we would not know what happened to the village. The organizers of the slaughterhouse, by the way, did not really pay - the majority after the war hidden in the GDR, and the rest of the time and went out of amnesty. And the commander of the serrated team Heinz Bart died peacefully in 2007 at home. The ruins, no one began to restore - the burned church is among neatly trimmed lungs in the edification of descendants.

Dracula Castle in Romania


Romanian Bran - Castle as a castle. Walls, towers, Christmas trees around - rather picturesque than frighteningly. But the reputation of the site is the most frowning. It was here that Vlad Charene and a cute, but uncomfortable nicknamer, the prototype of Dracula and all the pop culture scapors in general. Chains and the truth was not a teddy bear. I ruined a few enemy villages, executed a dozen boyars-traitors, probably did everything that it was necessary to make the 15th century governor in extremely restless Valahia. In short, it was ordinary in moderation with a sabbard aristocrat with ambitions, not the worst, however, was engaged in charity, defeated his block of land from the Turks, was married, raised three sons. The image of sadist-psychopath is the result of the talented written pamphlet, printed after the next border skirmish. In Brane, the challenge was more likely than lived. But if the soul asks bump and gothic, you can drop the facts and even for a minute to believe that it was from these towers that the giant vampire was born into the sky.

Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland


And here there are no legends. All in truth, everything is very bureaucratic, Kazenno and everyday life - and therefore worse. Not such a huge area - if you collect together all three auschwits, it will turn out about 500 hectares. For 4 years - from 1941 to 1945 - 1.4 million people were killed here. Now it is a museum of victims of the Holocaust and one of the most terrible places of the Earth. There are no walls with tiny shots of prisoners - and the edges of this photo exhibition. The room, twisted with glasses - thousands and thousands of broken glasses and curved frames, the owners they no longer needed. Mount of workers boots, women's shoes and children's sandals, touched by mold, and among them - brightly scarlet maiden sandals, obviously for special occasions. These sandals are terrible any vampire fairy tales.

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