Mind and feelings: how to make emotions work for you? 8 books from myth and pics.ru


It is believed that a real professional is a Shaolin monk and a terminator in one person: no emotions, nothing superfluous, all human is alien. And all the other mortals are some kind of solid romoc of nerves.

And we suddenly realized that emotions are somehow too overwhelming everyone. Especially in autumn. Therefore, we decided to make a wildly useful selection of books that will help you bring your head in order. Head and heart, Karl. They are usually not in Lada. In general, books from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" is a spiderman Must Have. Read!

Live with feeling


In the original, the book is called "Desire Map", and, of course, it is no coincidence. Author Daniella Laport proposes to flip the traditional approach to setting goals in life with legs on the head and see what will come of it. Why we are so strive for something, but absolutely not thinking about the emotions and the feelings that it will bring it? Is it more logical to start with those feelings and emotions that you want to experience? Agree that "freedom", "sexuality", "delight" sounds much more attractive than "buy a new sofa" or "go on vacation"?

You have an important meeting. Are you scared. You really want it to go well. Look in the mirror and tell me the truth: I'm scared. It is very important for me that the meeting goes well. Most of all, I want to feel energetic and creative, I want to be a leader and love. So, your subconsciousness trusts you. You are honest with you. And it really helps.

Dreaming is not harmful


This book came out more than 35 years ago - in 1979 and still enjoys mad popularity. What's the secret? The answer is very simple: this is a real manual for those who want to find themselves in life and self-realize the maximum. A practical approach and simplicity of presentation make a book of truly valuable. How to get what you really want? How not to be afraid and not retreat at the last moment? How to find strength and believe in your dream? Barbara Cher knows the answers!

If you like to sing ... Sing! In the soul, in the morning, all the power of the lungs, right now. I love to sing. I constantly sing in the kitchen. I do not need good reviews, and I can be dressed, how will it take into my head! Seriously, take vocal lessons. Why not?

What dream of


This is the continuation of the previous book Barbara Cher. Dream, of course, is not harmful, but here is a snag: many do not know or do not understand what they want to dream about! About dizzying career? Bored. About big family? Bored. About a pile of money? Bored. Not even that boring, but somehow does not pull on the dream. The author helps to understand himself, realize what you really want, what steps it is important to do for this, and teaches to live so that in the morning, waking up, I would like to immediately start all over again. Sounds very tempting!

Allow yourself - retaining at home, and not on a universal ferris and not before someone - get out of myself. Imagine how King Kong did. When anger is slightly dull, having fantasies about the devilish revenge, which you, of course, are not going to implement. It will make you laugh and save from the remnants of anger. And then the head will clarify, and you will clearly see the situation.

Development fire!


By the name, imagination draws a ladiesky novel in a soft binding with a sultry handsome on the cover, but it is not. A speech in the book is primarily about how not to be afraid of the fire of your own desires, how to open your heart and go to him about how to be loyal and never give up. And, of course, about the inner freedom to be the one you want to be. Your desires are your live fire that needs to protect and care, which gives life and the forces to do everything accordingly how you want. How to collect firewood and divorce a bonfire to heaven - in the book Daniella Laport.

You need to pay more attention to the fact that it is accurate and correct to transmit your true essence, and not worry about what you will think about you. Show enough courage to tell us to your customers, fans, supporters - about your bold purposes, because we will help you to achieve them. Do not be surprised when someone will insult. If your actions do not cause differences, then you have not fully fully shown yourself.

Turn on the heart and brains


We are accustomed to assume that the people of creative professions are well arranged in the life of the unit, the rest doomed almost to the semi-nesting existence and hard work. We have news: it's not like that! The book of our compatriot Daria Bikbaeva is a collection of simple and understandable tools that help create and get from it not only pleasure, but also money! In addition, in it you will find a detailed story about how to start and develop creative business, with a variety of examples. Darius tells his story as one of many evidence that its method really works.

Choose the most effective driving force at the moment. "I want": if you define exactly what you want, what a goal (dream) you inspires this moment, it will be easier to determine how to get to it. "I'm able": what you really work out is that you are most often praised, - this is your talent you are endowed with birth.

Rice assault


Let you not bother you! This book is a complete selection of creative thinking techniques! A lot of puzzles, mysteries, games and exercises that will help you learn to think creatively, non-standard and creative. The author, Michael Mikalco, won the techniques not just from scientists, but from the NATO experts and the research center of the CIA! I have no doubt that he had to show non-standard approaches in both cases, so the dude can be trusted! Well, in the extreme case, it's just very fun!

Provide yourself complete freedom and do not evaluate emerging ideas from the point of view of sanity. One of the problems relating to environmental protection is the problem of disposal of old porcelain toilet bowls, which still take on the already crowded dumps. So, the task is: how to get rid of the toilet bowls? ". One of the scenarios may be, for example, as: "What if you just throw out porcelain toilets into the ocean?"

Hug your employees

Mind and feelings: how to make emotions work for you? 8 books from myth and pics.ru 36090_7

At work you spend most of your time, more than with family and friends, more than with your loved one! It is logical that people who surround you should be pleasant to you? This book is a real storehouse of knowledge for those people who want to build a real team, relationships in which are based on sympathy, trust and pleasure. It has many fun examples and instructive stories, as well as a whole kip recommendations, how to make everyone around themselves a little happier. Trifle, and how nice!

You must do so that everyone felt the participants in the decision-making process and approval strategies. This can be achieved by implementing five principles of participation that help create a single command. Invite: Do not invite someone to discuss, only those who are knowledgeable in the matter discussed. And try to do it in the most personal manner.

Work taxis!


Inside Google employee, how everyone is arranged and why they want to work only with them. Posted by her vice president of the personnel of Leslo side, and you will learn that:

  • You need to learn not only at your best employees, but also the worst;
  • You need to pay "unfair";
  • Hire those who are smarter than you - even if you have to look for a very long time;
  • "Large" data is more reliable than your intuition;
  • If you do not have discomfort from the fact that you gave a lot of freedom to employees, then you gave little freedom.

As soon as you can estimate the importance of your efforts, it will be possible to look at the cash budget and decide, for what form the curve of your remuneration should be built. If the best worker creates values ​​10 times more than the average, it does not have to receive 10 times more. But I bet that every five more he deserved.

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