At full speed: how to overclock the metabolism?


You live on the same silo and still do not crawl into jeans, and some unpleasant women are sinful with cakes and hamburgers, without adding neither kilo. This is because they have a metabolism of high-speed, like bird-pancakes, and calories fly through, not clinging to the sides, no bloody.

We also want to eat and lose weight, so PICs collected 10 methods for accelerating metabolism, which will turn your body into the Ferrari engine. And most importantly - no fitness-Schmitets, one only goodness and relaxation.

Drink water

First, you will run more often to the toilet, and running, as you know, is extremely useful. Secondly, bring toxins. If you do not bring them myself, they will take a liver for them, which in general in its working time should split fats, and not cleaning. Sacramental 2 liters of water per day can accelerate metabolism by 2%.

Eat sharp

The good portion of the fire hazardous curry accelerates the metabolism of 25%, and this effect is maintained for three hours. Because the pepper increases the body temperature and makes the heart beat more often - well, just like the first love. However, be careful, acute contraindicated in some diseases of the stomach and liver.

Chaevice and Coffeehouse

Tea (especially green) and coffee also accelerate the pulse, and at the same time they saturate the blood oxygen. Calories in such conditions are burning with a blue flame. A pair of Espresso or Senchi cups per day - and metabolism accelerates 10-15%. But, chur, buns do not eat.

Eat the apple

Because it is full of pectin, an excellent accelerator of metabolic processes. Do not even look in the side of the glossy Granny Smith - choose the coronal organic apples from the garden of some kind of Moscow, in them and pectin, and vitamins are more than more.

And snack meat

Or any other protein harm, no wonder of his sectarians from the gyms like. On the processing of protein, the body spends twice as much as for carbohydrates and fats. Less Makaroshek, more meat - here's a 15% acceleration of metabolism. And just in case: Doctor's sausage protein is not, this is an unknown alien substance, from which your tentacles will grow.

Pey fish fat

Fortunately, now it is sold in tasteless capsules. Here the laboratory mice were fodded by them from the Puz and it turned out that they have increased levels of leptin - a peptide hormone, which decides, we will now burn fat reserves or wait for the hungry year. When the level of leptin is normal, buns and candy are not postponed anywhere.

As well as vitamin C

Conductive ascorbinka accelerates the metabolism by 30%! And from him, the physiognomy shines and the cold does not cling.


The bucket of oatmeal in the morning is something like a signal "all by, flight normal". Metabolism, in the early hours, especially vigorous, gets his body and then plows, as it should, not reducing revolutions. And without oatmeal, nurses - did not hunger come? And just in case slows down.


The system is the same. Throwing up the egg, then the banana, you calm the metabolism and make it work at a good speed until the evening.

Sleep like a leaving

This advice is never harmful to repeat. Non-shows gives you not only through the eyes of Panda, but also its forms. Because chronic torture increases blood sugar levels (why do you always want to eat) and slows down the metabolism. And honest 8 hours in an embrace with a pillow on the contrary, the metabolism is encouraged. For those who fall out, the metabolism is 50% faster.

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