Tears - water, or as hysteria destroys relations


Tears - water, or as hysteria destroys relations 36078_1

Hysterics, tears, suffering. There are periods that for some reason you cannot find a common language with a partner. Men carry these periods in their own way, for example, in constant aggression, discontent, desire to leave home. Women begin to hide, be in constant stress, cry.

What do tears help? They do not help solve the problem ... You, of course, can cry or be angry, offended or hate. But while you do it, your problem is somewhere aside. You do not make a decision, but its experience. The problem is not in a hurry. When you need, she will return again so that you again quit with your partner. Tears, hysterics, anger, aggression in this case will not help.

If you need to solve a conflict situation within the relationship, then you need not to tear pour, but to deal with the problem. You feel bad, bitter and offended. But the situation itself will not be decided and will return again when it seems like everything will work out.

Tears still help. What? In order to destroy the relationship. While you set out, do not do anything more than the destruction of contact with your partner. There is not a single person who would have relevant to tears, hysterics and anger of another. Are you happy when you see tears in your eyes of your beloved? Do you become happy when a man screams at you from anger? You'd rather want to escape, leave the room, return when everything subsides. And if such "scenes" are arranged every day? Then a person does not want to go home at all.

You can make a logical conclusion: tears, hysterics, anger, rudeness, hatred - all this is only destroying the relationship.

You destroy your negative emotions in relation to the partner. You are not only repelled your loved one from yourself with your actions, but also "Rasspat the" feelings of the feelings of those emotions and thoughts that are experiencing. A man usually says that he is tired of suffering. Looking back, he already understood that relations are going to "no". The man himself inspired himself with his own emotions, thoughts and inability to establish contact with the partner. It seems to him that he was right, but suffered because it really hurt. The partner could not do anything, but the man himself his own emotions, indignation, criticized injuries. Tears do not help, but only worsen the situation. The problem is not solved, your feelings are cooled, and the partner wishes as little as possible next to you - the result of all your sufferings.

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