5 facts about the HIV that you thought you know, but not really



December 1 - World HIV / AIDS Day. Rospotrebnadzor yesterday announced that in Russia - the HIV epidemic. The most effective way to combat this virus, as I learned PICS.ru, prevention. (Reader: I know-know) But what if a woman has been prevented, and now she has HIV infection?

First of all, refuse the illusion that it is a modern intelligent person and everything knows everything. Because, as a survey, conducted by a non-profit partnership EV, is actually a middle city woman confuses knowledge and pickled where the myths hit. We asked for a representative of the project Irina Evdokimov to voice the five most popular myths, with whom they encountered, interviewing modern young (up to 35 years old) women.

Not everyone really know how HIV is transmitted. Or rather, do not know how it is not transmitted!

It seems that HIV is transmitted only in 3 ways: sex, injection and mother to child. But it is better to stay from HIV-positive people away. You never know what ... fantasy about how the wound is getting in touch with the wound, they do not give rest to many. For example, some offer to exclude children with HIV from kindergarten and socialize and train them somehow ... in reservation. In reality, there was not a single registered case when HIV transmission occurred in a household. So you can hug, divide the cake on one plate and sit by the fire in the forest, complete mosquitoes (because through the bite of mosquito HIV is also not transmitted).

Many people do not know that HIV is not a deadly disease, but chronic.

There are many diseases from which they used to die, but now there is no. HIV is one of the examples: thanks to special treatment, you can live just as long and "qualitatively" as without HIV. Therefore, to be frightened, actively regret and bring a glass of water to the girlfriend, who has revealed HIV infection, is not worth it. It can even more scare it and strengthen the inner stigma. The first thing that should be done by learning about the newly identified HIV positivity of his relative or girlfriend, make sure that she knows about the necessary (and free!) Treatment. Taking therapy, you can give birth to children without HIV, join the relationship and plan the script for the wedding of granddaughter. Well, or take a mortgage for 30 years.

The second thing to do is: ask what she feels, learning about the diagnosis. Perhaps she should turn to a psychologist and "equal" on HIV status to a consultant in the center for working with infectious diseases or go to a mutual assistance group for HIV-positive. There is a chance that at the beginning of the girlfriend will refuse, but then it will definitely remember these possibilities. One is difficult to master the new life and it is important to see examples of other women with HIV, which have passed the crisis stage and live happily. And feel the support of old faithful girlfriends!

In the risk group of infection - not a party who do not get out of the clubs, but the most ordinary housewives.

Almost all women with whom we communicated and who received HIV sexually received it from a permanent partner who did not accept drugs, did not use a condom and maybe he didn't even know and did not think about his status. Tusovers at least actively use condoms, and men in sex with wives do so very rarely. What does not prevent them from starting in a messy sexual relationship, "shoot" prostitutes and silent about drug experiments in youth ... As a result, the statistics of the infection of women with us, as in African countries: Husbands bring infection home. 40% of HIV positive women will first learn about the status during pregnancy. So there is a reason to take the analysis to pregnancy, together with the partner.

If you have HIV, then there is no need to look for the same HIV-positive partner.


It is still better to build relationships with a person to which there are feelings, regardless of his status. And it turns out that asthmatics are better to meet with asthmatics, and diabetics with diabetics? According to statistics, from 30 to 50% of HIV-positives live in discordant pairs (in those where HIV has one partner, and there is no other). The use of condoms is a fairly reliable way if the partner does not accept therapy. And on the recommendations of WHO, a person with HIV, even having high immunity indicators, can ask to appoint him therapy to prevent HIV transfer to the partner. This is especially true for those who live in a discordant pair and plans to conceive a child. If the therapy approached, after six months after the start of reception, you can, consulting with your doctor, to think towards conception.

If a HIV-positive woman is pregnant, she does not necessarily give birth to an infected child.

In this respect, Russia is closer to Europe than to Africa, we have a fairly low level of HIV to the child and well in this sense work medicine. During pregnancy and in childbirth, a woman takes special preparations (free, like all drugs for HIV treatment) for prevention and child is born without a virus. True, it has to give up from breastfeeding to completely eliminate the risk of child infection.

Trust phones for which you can find out how to get help is on the website of the All-Russian project E.V.A.

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