Relationships at a distance: about the advantages and minuses of novels "on the remote


Relationships at a distance: about the advantages and minuses of novels

Passing by the same shopping center several times, pay attention to the advertising signs. Rate how they changed over the past year, two years, three. How many new stores, travel agencies, hairdressers opened? And how many old places closed? Figure, and at times, unpredictability is the symbols of our era. Era velocity: when you carry all day it is incomprehensible where, why.

Some signs are replaced by others, some employees come, others - go. Everything else is every second, every minute. What relationship in this world of omnipresent speed have the right to life? Everything around is fragile, thin and fast.

Relationships in which the second half is always nearby, in the next room - comfortable. If you have already coincided in everyday life and for quite a long time together, you can drown in this landscaling.

Relationships at a distance are something else. Complex and many incomprehensible. People believe that build a family with a person who for hundreds, thousands of kilometers is a test that beyond reality. But what if there is strong feelings, mutual understanding?

In the same way as a stereotype of the need for a marriage is taking his own, little by little understand that love is possible at a distance. To judge its durability is difficult, because there are completely different experiences. Someone gets to combine work in Canada and family in Russia. Another cannot live quietly even with the fact that work in one area, and the house is at the city.

Decide with your desires. It would be nice to weigh, are you ready for the fact that the partner is ready to trust without the possibility of "checking". Talk to him about the prospect of developing your relationship, about what will be united, and not to divide. For example, a shared vacation, who to whom and how often will come. Speak about everything worried about fears that are experiencing. If you clearly formulate a problem or a question, then you understand you, and accordingly, look for a solution together easier and faster.

Pros: There is always a novelty, freshness in relationships, new information. Free time can be spent not to prepare pancakes, but on yoga or fitness. If you like to ride, then your loved one is a good reason to travel more.

Cons: sometimes you want tactile proximity when there is no partner next to, an element of distrust ("And how is it there without me? With whom?"), You can not attend each other in some questions.

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