It's not about me, it's about you: 7 reasons for parting. Scientists confirm!


The researchers have compiled a list of top 7 things that can be guaranteed to destroy even the most harmonious relationships. They conducted a survey during which they found out that women are more demanding (and their claims are longer), but in general these 7 points work in both directions.

It's not about me, it's about you: 7 reasons for parting. Scientists confirm! 36055_1
Under the destroying relationships understood the unhealthy lifestyle, claims to the sexual sphere, lack of romance and much more. Scientists from Florida Universities, Indiana, Western Sydney University, University of Management in Singapore and the University of Rutgers united and interviewed more than 6,500 people. And that's what they found out. In percents!

Undust / uncleanness

It annoys 67% of respondents, of which 63% of men and 71% of women. This is a unconditional leader. So think about when the next time you will gather to appear before the eyes of the beloved in the beloved bathrobe, God has a dream know what.


It's not about me, it's about you: 7 reasons for parting. Scientists confirm! 36055_2
Almost everyone infuriates: 66% put it on the second place (60% of men and 72% of women). Long on the sofa in moderation! And in general - summer soon, it's time to download the press and the ass!


For 63% of people, nozzles - a serious reason to think about whether they need these relationships. At the same time, women, for obvious reasons, in this case are more demanding: 69% against 57% in men. We do not encourage you to pass the blood earned right and left, but it is still worth reconsidering your attitude towards finance.

No sense of humor

It's not about me, it's about you: 7 reasons for parting. Scientists confirm! 36055_3
54% - total, of these, 50% of men and 58% of women consider the absence of a sense of humor a serious problem. And we agree fucking. Live with a man who can't need you? Nafig it is necessary!

Partner lives more than 3 hours drive

The distance is a serious obstacle to almost half of the respondents - 49% (51% - men, 47% - women). And we always said that I do not believe in the relationship in the distance!

Bad sex

Surprisingly, of course, that this item was only on 6th place: 47% of the survey participants (44% of men and 50% of women) admitted that dissatisfaction in bed - direct path to parting.

Lack of self-confidence

It's not about me, it's about you: 7 reasons for parting. Scientists confirm! 36055_4
If the partner is not confident, 40% of respondents will ruin with him, and women in this case are much more intolerant - 47% against men's 33%. Girls, keep it up!

In addition, the list also got into:

  • Addiction to TV / computer games - 33% as a whole; 25% of men; 41% of women
  • Stubbornness - 33% as a whole; 32% of men; 34% of women
  • "Chat too much" - 23% as a whole; 26% of men; 20% of women (we have a more suitable word for this item, but the chief editor forbade us to swear to matte - approx.)
  • Stupidity - 14% as a whole; 11% of men; 17% of women
  • Persistent on sports - 9% as a whole; 7% of men; 10% of women
  • Not sporty at all - 6% as a whole; 7% of men; 6% of women

"In most cases, people will be much easier to build relationships if they initially choose a partner with a minimal set of annoying qualities, rather than try to remake it. Focus on negative features is an archetypal survival strategy, because things that cause harm usually require more attention than pleasant, "says Gregory Webster - one of the authors of the study.

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