Reaching out to heaven: The last chapter of Tigger Catics


Once the hosts (although what they are, to hell, the owners?) Recovered the 21-year-old cat Tigger in the vet, and they left there. Because old, not fluffy and no longer runs behind the bows on the rope. Imagine Cotikov forgood and confusion. It is good that the good girl Adrianna Nicole passed by, who offered Tiggeru to become his man.


Cat agreed, and they and Adrian healed the soul in the soul. That's just Adrianna very quickly learned that their friendship would not last long ago - Tigger had renal failure and a tumor size with a golf ball. There are no chances. But the cat was kept by a young man and a bodry, more than 12 years old will not give anything. And Adrianna decided - the doctors wrote off Tigger with accounts. Still live out!

It was the list of cases for his tailed companion, which he needed to do before he goes to the upper tundra there is a heavenly whischas.

  • Walk through the beach, because in the sky, as you know, only conversations, what about the sea.
  • Travel in Baltimaru, because Tiger, as it turned out, is a big lover to hang out on the street.
  • Sleep the full jar of chicken pate for cats.
  • Become a Facebook star, in the end.

TiGGer lives with the Adrian and her boyfriend Michael for more than a year, eats, according to them, like a pig, playing, lying in a sand from the sea, tyrit chicken bones from a plate, sleeps in a heated basket, distributes an interview to TV and hints at all that heavenly whischas will wait. We still have things here.











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