And do not slapping us on a glass? 19 reasons to leave


Let's immediately define that we are unlikely to mean the word "filing" a three-month alcoholic trip with green devils, waste property and irreversible changes in the liver. In our case, "DOZHO" is rather systematic inocular consumption of alcohol, few more frequent than usual.

That is, drinking on Fridays - not yet drink, but drink on Friday, to continue on Saturday, and on Sunday, hanging champagne in the morning - very much. So dare, but remember that the Ministry of Health warns!

    Vanity and the beaches of all things

Everyone has moments when it seems that life is shit and ends with death, all of we are insignificant insects under the iron fifth of eternity, for what in this life is to strive if everything is deleted, and soon or later die alone in an empty apartment and a cat abbreets your face ? To suffer about this is better in the embracing with a bottle of red - proven.

    Autumn has come

Scientists have proven that autumn depression is not our whim, but a naturally natural reaction of the body to reduce the number of sunlight (you can think about it, there was a lot in summer). So you quite have the right to high-quality three-day therapy under the motto "Sad time, eyes of charm" and then in the text.


Ah, this Russian wedding, meaningless and merciless! No matter, your own or alien. Even if you are deprived of the pleasure of seeing all relatives from Nizhny Tagil to the fifth knee inclusive, then this is in any case the test (some aunt in the registry office and limousine are worth it), and if you arrived all-all-all and even a centenary grandfather (by the way, who is ?), then you just need to remove stress. Well, the holiday is still!


As you know, only once a year, so it's not necessary to deny yourself the pleasure to note it with a scope, showing your youth delets. The junction should be started directly on the day x and continue not less than a week - it is very important to celebrate a memorable date with relatives, friends, colleagues and another time with relatives, not every year you 28 or 32! Eh, dealt, shoulder, swinging, hand! (At this moment, the author of Pix Dutcher is a stingy author's tear, remembering that his birthday is only in March).

    Birth of a child

It concerns first of all men (always lucky!). Mark the miracle of the new person's appearance is absolutely necessary with feeling, and with the arrangement. Periodically, you can send a happy mom in the maggot of the photos of your rampant fun, and on the third day, you must certainly come up with a gurboy under the windows of her chamber with songs, dances, gypsies and a bear - she will definitely get ready!

    Successful completion of the project

Ideally - to leave in the filing with the customer. In the process, as a rule, it turns out who someone else wanted to kill during collaboration, what new projects and budgets are coming, which is to give the Director-General on the anniversary of her grandmother from Saratov and who will soon be fired. It is better to record it anywhere in a safe place, because the risk of losing increases with the next glass of something tasty on Brucershaft.

    Unsuccessful completion of the project

There, God himself ordered to leave in the cock with the customer. Before death, you can not bend, so let yourself finally be a little liberty - why not! You will most likely be fired or a strict reprimand, or deprive the award, or what will come up with worse. To prepare for the inevitable, the resistance and strength of the Spirit are needed, which we recommend strengthening with something single-beam.

    New Year

No, but what else should you do when the whole "Olivier" is eaten, the tangerines are sick, the same persons on all channels cause uncontrollable convulsions, and ahead of another 10 days vacation? Of course, get into the drink! Well, if at the same time you will have a bath, because it's best to get out of the bobby there, diving naked boots in the snow. Bodrit and heals from all the ailments to account.


There is something weird in people who do not drink on vacation. Agree, Capitol, Pamukkale, Zoo and some other attractions certainly require your attention, but can not be seized with you a flask? In addition, alcohol instantly removes any language barrier: a pair of bottles of wine - and now you are already hugging with twins from Ireland or have folk songs with workers from Myanmar. Cosmopolitanism in the mass!

10. Weekend

So annoying sometimes to build plans, apply the visits to mom, culturally enlighten the way that unbearable I want one thing - get drunk and forget. If you do this intelligent, it is possible to find yourself in a sober mind and a solid memory just in the evening of Sunday, and there - Voila! - again Monday and Workdays.

    For company

For example, if a wife left from your friend. Or he left her from her. Or he broke his father's car. Or "all men are goats." You can not even need to voice the reason: in the first call you will appear to them with a bottle of whiskey and salty cucumbers in advance, and in the morning there is a cold champagne and a couple of aspirin pills.


Of course, there are people for whom to sleep under the starry sky, wash the water from a mountain stream and there is an incomprehensible Burdo, welded in the kitte, is the highest pleasure and the best rest. If you are not of them - boldly leave in the feed while landing in the train: in the state of Lao (light alcoholic intoxication) any domestic adversity seems to be trifling.

    Business trip

After all the cases are made, and working meetings were held, it's time to leave. First, the unfamiliar city and the situation and provoke the search for adventures, secondly, all familiar (and bosses!) Far-far, thirdly, it will be that telling friends! The main thing is not to confuse the meliorators with the flight of billionaires.

    Support domestic producer

In conditions of ubiquitous import substation, the domestic producer is more helpful to help and support! By the way, in Russia there are quite good wine, in the regions there are excellent local beer, and if fate threw you completely far from civilization, no one canceled the local tincture of Banbangovka.

    Prevent depression

According to scientists, red wine prevents the development of a depressive state, because it contributes to the production of Sereotonin's happiness hormone. Unfortunately, scientists do not write how much the wines need to drink, so that the depression does not fit exactly, but we know for sure that it is better to show vigilance in this business and drink it with a margin. Good stock.

    Imperfection of the world

You're so smart, so beautiful, why around some imperfections? Why colleagues in terms of mental development are approaching cacti, and the bobab (or baobab) at all? And no one, no one in the White World does not understand your fine and call the mental organization! Poor news: Most likely, you have PMS, good news: no one forbidden to drink at this time.

    Why not?

Usually, these words begin the most insane adventures and fun starts. The main thing is an excellent company! Of course, in the opinion of some, all are worthy of their 15 minutes of glory, but it is better not to give a cute little chance to lay out your arts on YouTube. Hop Hay-Lalaley!

    Unsuccessful hangover

In our immense country, hangover is a whole art or even science. From the point of view of medicine, it is necessary to notice, absolutely meaningless, because the reactions in the body are layered alone on the other and will only be worse. Be that as it may, if you hang out without measure and knowledge, you can easily leave in the cock. We checked.

    Love drama

Perhaps comments are superfluous. Everyone knows that when you are experiencing a love drama, you need not to sleep at night, smoking, sometimes cry and certainly go into pie.

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