Two fires and floods: unreasonable stories about moving


Not the families are strong who survived a lot of adversity. And those families are strong, who narrowed to eat at all during the repairs, nor during the move. We have gathered 13 completely different stories about how hard and disadvantages of Damocles sword are transferring things from one place to another. We experience with the heroes!

This is a full chamber

The apartment I went to inheritance from the girl who had moved, and there remained full storage rooms of her "admonished" things. I have a little Skarba, so they did not interfere with me. But when the hostess decided to sell his real estate and I drove me from there, I had to transport more than the predecessor. It immediately took half of my new small restaurant.

Finally, the young lady won my plea and arrived specifically for him. Passed the contents of the bags in the middle of my small room - and let's sort out. "ABOUT! I bought this blouse in the flea market on the grapeter ... I can not part, no! ABOUT! Videos! I never learned to ride - but suddenly I will learn?! ABOUT! Here are the second videos! I thought I would ride with a guy ... We broke up for a long time ... But suddenly I would still have a boiler rolller?! "

I almost lost my mind until she thus did not comment on the ton of the rubble ... and did not fill in the cargo taxi, hanging out. All day it left. But then such happiness immediately, such ease! ..

Small Armageddon

I was so happy that I got the apartment, whose hostess abroad ... Early rejoiced! After a few months, she wrote that he wanted to come and "a little to re-replace" housing. I already strained. But okay, let!

On the eve of her arrival, I went to the balcony to smoke. She covered the door ... and heard a scary sound. Spivel from the side of the room fell into the groove. I closed myself. In the yard november. Mobile sad looks at me from the inside ... shoved. And sense? Someone will drop me from the third floor? Yes, and keys inside. Clogged and knocked out the glass in the door. Night of Merzla. Early in the morning rushed to the master inserted, he overpayed for urgency, swept the fragments and masked the consequences panicly ...

The hostess entered and says: you can live here until I am a member. Well, I think the wallpaper is killed. Molded the thing in the middle of the room, covered with polyethylene ... I return home - and she breaks the wall. Between the kitchen and room. Itself. Fragile elderly lady. Paragraph, I think. The glass could not be inserted! Gathered and washed off in record deadlines ...

Sorcerer with styrallic

One day, fate threw the happiness in the form of an apartment in a nearby entrance. And I decided that I swallow everything myself. My hands grow from the right place, disassemble-gather the furniture is not a problem. But as it turned out, I have accumulated just more than hell with me, and after work I dragged with the boxes, sicking the one who came up with the doors and castles. They were 8 pieces!

At some point, I began to think about the washing machine with horror. These creatures are less than 60 kg do not weigh. It was possible to call anyone and under the beer to drag this monster, but it is unsportsmenized, because I decided that I swallow everything myself. However, the weight of the machine for two thirds consists of concrete blocks so that it does not jump around the apartment as a horse during the washing. I removed the lid and pulled out these blocks. Then he took off the engine. And about the miracle! The machine began to weigh anything!

And I go to the entrance and see that a solid uncle comes there, tired after a working day and dreaming about beer. When with a scream "Wait, do not close!" I squeezed past and cheerfully fasted to the elevator, the uncle fell into a stupor. He knew exactly what the washer was dragged only together, changing and kneading, but not holding one hand. I stand, enjoying the effect, pleased that at least some moral satisfaction from moving I got ...

Ant and Conductors

We moved from the village ... on me. That's literally, I went back and here on the bus (plus a "foot" yet), Taste huge Baulas and furniture items. And I need to see, such a fragile elf sized S. The conductor was on the bus to the city and from him all the time the same. And all these few days burned on me, like a maniac or some other UFO. Well, I just like an ant - small, but I can drag a lot. Just I have due to the growth of the center of gravity close to the ground, and I become mega-stable when you load me! But I didn't explain it to this ...

All my sword with me

I, too, when the first time moved from my parents, I worked on myself. Well, my belongings had a little more. Kettle, blankets, jeans and books - all my student wealth. Backpack and two bags. So I even saved on a taxi, looked into a minibus. Asked the driver at the desired stop waiting until I get out with my bags, and then I will return to the backpack - because inside the close minibus it is difficult to wear it and crawl into such a slow design. He nodded ... and left. Raise my head - And my backpack Tyu-Tu! So I rushed from the spot - and caught up with a minibus ... with two bags. On puddles. So I think I would have to cope with the closet ... in desperate student years. Not anymore.

Operation "Desert"

A small firm has moved to a new office in a nearby building. Announced non-working day and the staff of the staff dragged furniture and equipment. From the office endured everything. The latter carried the massive table ... "Vite, neatly, from your side from the bottom of the table of radioconstocks attached, not press." - "Duc turned off the same signaling." - "For sure?" - "For sure! See ", - Pushes the button ...

Anxiety is triggered on the loss of private security. Two crew of a group of immediate response, howling sirens and overlapping their own records, fly to the place of work. Through incomplete two minutes, jumping through two steps, anticipating gratitude and cash premiums for the prompt response and the capture of criminals, the fighters rush into the office and freeze. Absolutely empty room, with bare walls and protruding wires. On the faces of the fighters, a mute question: what fantomies have managed to take everything out of the premises, right up to sockets and staff?

During the way, the dog could ...

I somehow emerged from the boyfriend - and with the owner of the apartment agreed that there would be another dog with me. But it happened that the day before the "Gazelle" and the meeting with the transfer of keys I picked up another dog. And appeared with two. The owner at first thought he had two in his eyes ... But well, it turned out to be adequate, we destroyed this dog split and reproduction.

Raine Angels

Moved somehow a bear. Infection, academician to become. Darkness books and piano. And the eighth floor. Czech turnips. Belts would. But they are not. The prospect of being attached to the steps no one does not excite. And what is? Seven Alpinyug, ropes, carbines and other labud. And let's make a piano on the ropes through the window to pull out!

They got out to the roof, tied the station, dropped the railing (ropes), dressed straps. And rushed. Polysphas pulled the piano from the window, began to slowly drop. I and Yarik on two sides on the ropes in Visu pushing the piano from the wall, so as not to conquer. When the piano knitted, they did not think about turning his back to the wall, and it goes to the wall with the keys, we dangle with Yarik, pushing it from the wall. Saved to the seventh, with Yarika Pot Grad, he yells the boys up, they say, brambos, smoke, and himself comes foot on the open hand.

The aunt on the seventh floor did not know that industrial mountaineering in principle exists in principle ... no fantasy is not enough a simple person to realize what they saw. Two angels hook outside the seventh floor window, holding a piano in his hands!

Compact crocodile in stress

Once, the client asked me if he was Iguana during the move to go to the driver's cabin: "I have such a compact one, I will not take much space." I was a little confused, as in my representation Iguana is a kind of crocodile. To win the time while I google Iguan, I asked about the size of the cell, to which the man was indignant: "You are! What a cell! " - And added that Iguana wants to go on the passenger seat. "She is smirching me, just sit down and will sit, I don't want to injure the animal, she is all in stress from moving!"

Did not come together with tubes

Once dumped from the boyfriend. Gathered all things. They were not too much. Girlfriend came to help them to transfer them. I went to the bath to wash - and screams from there: "Did you forget your cosmetics?!" A young man modestly says: "This is mine." Only then it came to me that he really is three times more tubes ... and that this is one of the reasons why we do not understand each other!

Recognizes in comparison

The first my removable housing was a room in a former factory hostel. The walls there were from a thin cardboard, and I was well audible, even when the neighbors clicked the switch. And they not only clicked. They drank and sang, loved and hated ... And all this happened practically in my room. Feels. As a result, when I found a job better and moved from there to an ordinary apartment, I did not even frighten the prevention of the hostess, which is near a large family. In the evening, the sounds of a dog waltz, I have been running out ... And I'm lying on the sofa and dare! My whatever baby, I think the roasting, on the piano she plays, does not beat the dishes, it does not matter ... because the lept and God's grace!

Punk chromatography

As soon as I moved to a new apartment, there I immediately broke the sewer. And the secondary product very beautifully decorated the wall with divorces of various shades. Friends visited guests. The chemical colleague said thoughtfully: "Oh! You look like! Chromatography! " And the second with a mixture of respect and feet asked: "What kind of punked?" - "Sure! - I answer. - Isn't it visible on the design? "

The main thing is fun!

Once I had to move to a new apartment and called for 11 am the best friendship on the profits. But! Who assumed that on the eve of the evening, and I will depend on some concert in the evening, then we go and go to her?! In short, I woke up at 10.40 with an adware hangover at the other end of Moscow ... from the call of a friend, of course.

Next - history in the spirit of James Bond. We dressed in two minutes, ran out on the street, caught some kind of jigita and rushed to the apartment ... Tactically trying not to yet put a person in the car. Do you need to say that things were not assembled from the word "generally"? The situation saved a true friend. Looking at us and at the clothes, he went to the shopping store under the house and bought a dozen checkered chelyakov bags. In which stupidly poured all the cabinets - even dishes.

Then we all together together with these bags jumped in the body of Gazelles ... It seems that we have already taken a beer there. In general, we came to a new place of residence again drunk ... and very satisfied!

Article prepared Yulia Sheket

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