Brutal methods of treatment that tormented us in childhood


In the Soviet Union, children were treated. In the Soviet Union, they just adored to treat children! But very rarely - in the covenants of doctors. What do these doctors understand? Only etching any chemistry. Solid Parents, Grandparents treated children without chemistry. As well as without physics, biology and in general any science in the head. Only folk wisdom.

Now we are not afraid of us: we managed to survive after such campus love.

Bow or garlic porridge

Pushed into the nose to kill everything alive there. Well, that is, only the living thing that causes a runny nose. But the mucosa died for the company. Some completely disappeared. Others have partially disappeared. Thirdly saved the instinct of self-preservation - they were so fought from the miracle, that offended grandparents were completely wrapped the chalning granddaughters from the will. Another garlic porridge was tightly tied with a rag to the wrist during a dental pain, for a watch-other: the dentistry was not in many cities and weighs not so, and this tool was recognized as a remarkable alternative to the visit to the dentist. Toothpacker has a little decreased and all the more passed, but chemical burns then showed each other in the courtyard as a combat noted.

Laundry soap

The casselet was treated from the feet of the feet of Pope from him, and the most unlucky of us did rectal candles from the soap - from constipation. The nose washed with a soap solution with a soap solution. Indescribable feelings. A little later, we learned that moms used in their own way this is a great remedy, but gynecologists will fall asleep us with curses, if we tell you exactly how it gave it so opposite!


Recognized with the best tool from lice. They were smeared their heads and wrapped on top of a towel. Sometimes the lice really died. And then we had to cry over rising hair and lie to the school nurse that the burn here is here we are soup challenged. Yes, on the neck. Yes, behind. Many hair has not recovered. From the mouth of the mouth in the yard, the news was transferred about the "one girl", which was taken to the "ambulance" with poisoning and burns after such treatment. In addition to Pediculose, Kerosene, as it was believed to be defeated by Angina. It was necessary to wind on the stalk spoons with a blade, moisten it in a kerosecino and acknowledge the glands. The sore throat really passed. Due to the fact that the receptors on the mucous membrane reached. Ahgnet rejoiced, because the burns were for angry microbes with a wonderful nutrient medium. The unfortunate "one girl" was again held off the courtyard on the "ambulance" with poisoning after the treatment of the throat.


The happy owners of polyethylene packages splashed inside the dichlorophos and walked over the head of the wishily chad. By the way, it helped better. But there was much more girls as a result.


Wonderful warming balsam. Want, use, as an analogue of the mustarder, you want, lubricate the cranks in the cold, you want, sniff, so that the runny nose struck. But our parents were bold people and always went further. They found a method of medication for external application to make internal. To do this, the balm was stirred in a glass of hot milk. To drink it was supposed to win over bronchitis or influenza! No one seems to be treated, but, perhaps, many of us gastritis appeared precisely thanks to such a miracle of folk smelting.

Barstie or dog fat

Be sure to fuel and it seems not very fresh. If they were treated at home, then the whole family was sick. In another case, you are alone. It was assumed that he cures bronchitis, pneumonia, and, if he is strongly necessary, tuberculosis. At best, he was mixed with cocoa and sugar, they made sandwiches with a thick layer of this mixture, and they had to be, having lingering and listening to the testimony of the stomach, pancreas and liver. In the worst it was drank while warm. Later we learned that the remedy for this went from the zacks. Well, hopefully, at least it helped it. We saved our official medicine in the end. Urgently appointed antibiotics in the hospital, for example.


It was believed that with a cold, it helps to overheat and penetrate. In principle, on a sweater, a scarf and a cup of tea with Malina, many of us have agrees. But sometimes the case was approached much harder. The child wrapped in a polyethylene or heated on a pair of towel, the sweater was stretched from above, the unfortunate child was turned into several layers of blankets or blankets. He's on the head so that her, cheating, did not take something, was also stretched or wounded. And so, still and in the terrifying wet heat, there was an hour of two or three hours! Lord, so you can torture enemy spies!

Camphor alcohol

Sometimes, during otitis, the doctors prescribed camphor alcohol. It was assumed that warming compresses would be made with him, but if the doctor did not explain or parents did not tolerate the technique, the compresses from the alcohol moistened by alcohol were delivered directly to the ear. It was unimaginably hurt, he was worn! As we have left after such a hearing, it is not clear.


Necessarily mixed with anger garlic or burning pepper. Gusto-thick. It was assumed that the drilled stack causes a crushing blow to some kind of malicious bronchitis or even a flu. In fact, the child usually lost consciousness or was taken to erupt the contents of the stomach. However, the other was also often considered a good sign. Although kill, we can not imagine why.


We do not know and not want to know why in the 80s so many people rushed on the clean urine of the child. She was trying to drip into her nose, eyes and ears, making compresses for hair and rinsing for mouth and throat ... We were fighting as they could, we restrained and unleashed the partisan war! And those who could not be fled, let me not remember the details in it. Never. NEVER.

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