Psychiatrist: Why "fifty shades of gray" - unacceptable. Black in white


Before the premiere of the film "50 shades of the gray", a psychiatrist practitioner turned with an open letter to the youth, explaining how dangerous to take the boxes at least a seriously. We publish this letter, relevant and now.

Psychiatrist: Why
There is nothing gray in the "fifty shades of gray." Everything is black there.

Let me explain.

I help people who are broken inside. Unlike physicians that use x-rays or blood tests in order to determine why someone has something hurts, wounds that interest me - hidden. I ask questions and carefully listen to the answers. So I find why a person standing in front of me "bleeding."

Years of attentive hearing taught me a lot. I learned that young people were very confused in love - how to find it and how to save. They take bad decisions, and ends it by suffering.

Psychiatrist: Why
I do not want you to suffer (a) as people who come to my office, which is why I warn you about a new film - "Fifty shades of gray." Even if you do not watch the movie, the idea he transfers is seeping into our culture, and it can cause dangerous thoughts in your head. Be ready (a).

"Fifty shades of gray" goes to Valentine's Day, and you can think that it is romance. Do not get on the hook. The film, in fact, about unhealthy, dangerous relations, which are full of physical and emotional abuse. It looks glamorous, because the actors are charming, they have expensive cars and private airplanes and Beyonce sings in the background. It can be concluded that Christian and Ana cool, and even if their relations are different - they are acceptable.

Psychiatrist: Why
Do not allow the Hollywood Studio to be manipulated. People there just want your money. Before you and your dreams, they have no matter.

Ensure is not glamorous and not cool. Under no circumstances will it ever be normal.

That's what you need to know about the "fifty shades of gray": In childhood, Christian was terribly neglected. He confused in the concept of love because he never experienced real love. In his sense, love is mixed with bad feelings, such as pain and shame. Christian gives pleasure to control women and hurt them as strange ways. Anastasia is an immature girl who led to the appearance of Christian and his money, and is stupid about his desires.

In the real world, such a story would have ended sadly - with Christian in prison and Anna in a shelter or in the morgue. Or maybe Christian continue to beat Ana and she would have suffered and suffered. In any case, their lives would definitely not be a fairy tale. In this matter, believe me.

As a doctor, I beg you: Do not see "fifty shades of gray." Find information, find out the facts and explain to your friends why they should not watch it.

Here are some dangerous ideas that carries the film "Fifty shades of gray":

1. Girls want guys like Christian who command them and rude with them.

Psychiatrist: Why
NOT! Psychologically, a healthy woman avoids pain. She wants to feel in Security , respected and that the man to whom she trusts, cared for her. She dreams of a wedding dress, not handcuffs.

2. Guys want girls like Anastasia, submissive and unsure.

WRONG. A psychologically healthy man wants a woman who can stand up for himself. If he goes beyond the scope, he wants her to return to him to return to them.

3. Anastasia makes a free choice when agrees to harm it, so no one can condemn her decision.

Psychiatrist: Why
Incorrect logic. Of course, Anastasia had a free choice - and she chose unsuccessfully. The decision to self-destruction is a bad solution.

4. Anastasia makes a decision regarding Christian deliberately and objectively.

I doubt it. Christian constantly feeds Anastasia by alcohol, thereby toning her sober opinion. Anastasia also begins his sexual activity with Christian, this is its very first experience, and he occurred shortly after meeting with him.

Neurology believes that their intimacy could abruptly develop a sense of attachment and trust in the girl, before she herself could make sure that he really deserves them. Sex is a strong, deep experience, especially for the first time. In the end, Christian manipulates Anastasia so that she signed a legal agreement forbidding her to tell anyone that he is a rapist.

Alcohol, sex, manipulation - is unlikely in the ingredients of a meaningful, objective solution.

5. The emotional problems of Christian cured with the help of love Anastasia.

Only in the movie. In the real world, Christian would have changed a little. If Anastasia wanted to help people with emotional deviations, she would become a psychiatrist or a social worker.

6. Experiment well with sexuality.

Psychiatrist: Why
Perhaps ... adults who are in long, healthy, loyal, monogamous relations, also known as "marriage". Otherwise, you are in great risk to get infected with a venereal disease, or get pregnant, or undergo sexual abuse. Wisdom is to be careful about whom you let you get close to yourself, physically and emotionally. Because one meeting can knock you down the path and change your life forever.

Outcome: The strength of the film "Fifty shades of gray" lies in his ability to sow seeds of doubt.

There are huge differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, but the film is blocked by these differences and you are starting to doubt: what is healthy relationship? What are sick relations? There are so many shades of gray ... I'm not sure.

Listen, we are talking about your security and the future. There is no place for doubt - close relationships that include violence agreed or not, are not acceptable.

Here everything is black in white. There are no shades of gray. No one.

Translation: Kurdyumova Julia

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