Tell me who of the men "Games of Thrones" you choose, and we say - who you are


We hope that everyone survived the upheaval of the last series of the fifth season "Games of the Thrones" and now we can walk through the iconic characters. Tell me who is your friend and I will tell who you are - says famous wisdom.

We decided to go further - tell us who of the male characters of the series are especially dear to you, and we will say who you are!

Jame Lannister

You always knew that any man could be returned to the light side of power! Especially if you are near! It doesn't matter that for this sometimes it is necessary to deprive him of some limb. Yesterday he threw a child from the tower, and today the kitten from the sewage takes out - because good, that is, you wins! And the fact that he was before was angry, so it's all the ssenus to blame - as they say, love evil, love bitch and do it! In general, militant blondes from secured families with droalling relatives are your type. You are inclined to idealize the object of your sympathies and I am sure that the circumstances are to blame! What can you advise here? The main thing is to follow relatives! At the broken life, but proud heroes, they are usually even happiness!

Tyrion Lannister.

Charisma and charm - that's what you appreciate and you are looking for in men! And it doesn't matter what he height is, what color is his eyes and even the fact that he is drunk in the insole and stays at the moment in the pool - but how !!! So I want to scream - "My Leo!". You clearly have a turnover and you know exactly, from which captain then the general will be released. By the way, are you by chance not HR? Very in vain - what, and you can not take away alone. And while everyone else is sobbing after the last series, you are in anticipation of the development of events. And why? Because you always knew it!

Dario Nahahris

Lieutenant of the Military Organization "Younger Sons", which is translated into the language of Irina Allegrova - "Junior Lieutenant, a young boy. And what is interesting, ones, he found himself a crash empress, that is, Khalisi and the Mother of the Dragons. So you most likely need an adornger! Not necessarily there is a businessman or an official there, someone is proud and self-confident from the Fights. And of course you have an obvious taste! Despite the fact that in the books of Darairio with blue hair, a beard-trident and gold teeth, the producers had enough of the mind to take the cover of the GQ cover, and not the fact that George Martin did there.

Jorah Mormont.

One question is whether you have a dog and if so, then this is by chance not Basset Hound? This is the one that walks behind the owners with sad eyes. Jorah is a typical rehabiller, unlike a more self-confident and successful Adan of Darairio! So it is important for you devotion, experience and wisdom. You need a person who will always support, even if you yell, test, threatened to cut off your head and send dragons. And apparently, if you had dragons, many countries would not have been. And think about the dog - they say they are not bad to get along with dragons.

Jacan Harg

The girl understands that she likes the one who does not even have his own appearance? If so, as they say in such cases - Valar Margulis! Yes, and the selection is already somehow not in fashion. Well, in general, this is an unfulfilled dream of some women to question "Who are you?", Get the answer - "I Nobody!". Well, just like the magic mirror from the "Scarlet Flower", only in the male appearance, that is, in the men's "unfortunate", since we are going on the script.

Mysinetina Petire Bailyesh

You have serious reason to assume that all these brave guys will quit each other to the final season, and the little finger will stay! Therefore, you choose it - cunning, cunning, wit! You are clearly of those who love ears and appreciates not physical strength, but the ability to get out of any situation and get benefits. "Smart Mountain will not go, the clever mountain will be held" - this is your evaluation criterion. The main thing to get a noodle with the ears with the ears and watch the credit history - and then there will be no money, no brothel will later.


The "charming scoundrel" is your type. Even at the school, Mom was worried about why you always pull into all sorts of hooligans. The years went, nothing was changed. Without a genus, without a tribe, not a handsome man, but sharply and with a no less sharp sword. His motto "do not ask anything, everyone will come and give them." I must say, the motto works! But please note that there is a cunning and unprincipled for a couple of couple. Although this is the most interesting!

John Snow

Well, first, not roar! And secondly, the enlightened Internet community already on the second day after the final series adopted a resolution that "John Snow lived, John Snow alive, John Snow will live!". Who will live to cut such ratings, well, in fact! So, if you're five seasons later, you can literally write a book on "bastardsman", that is, two news. Good - he is of course a sympathetic, quickly advanced through the career staircase to the Lord of the Commander, almost a couple of bags of white walkers, all this is beautiful! And the bad thing that - did you see what happened to his girlfriend? The fact that "myself is to blame" - it is understandable, but this type of men has the sacred word "debt"! Although you like the men who "do not know anything," but stubbornly go to the goal. In the meantime, John did not return, choose himself, or someone else. Still not one season to stumble

Tristan Martell

It is believed that the creators of the series decided to soften the blow to fans and in advance to introduce another coaching "heir". Look herself - if he to grow his beard, disguise into black and force either to run quickly, or Tomno look into the distance, then there is something in it. And if you immediately got it - well done, the flair will not deceive, you will not disappear! Although he is still young, but rather will all give odds and heat next season. We wait!


"The main thing is that the person was good," Mom said, and you firmly remembered it. Sam is a good person in every sense: a woman with a stranger child saved, walker killed, his friends helps. You are not working on all these handsome swords, so much in vain, because the main thing is in a person inside! But listen to such advice: "Dragon Glass" just in case you always hold with you, otherwise you never know what.

Text author: Julia Udovenko

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