Culinary journey through Russia. Try the cakes of different cities and regions


Sushi and risotto We have known for a long time and even we can, and these pies pies for us are big exotic! But the dullness is derivial. Well, psychan and arrange the day of Komi-Permyak or Tatar cuisine - on the territory of a separate kitchen? ;)

1. Kineshi Fryland Pie


Ingredients: On 10 servings - gram 600 flour, egg, 200 g of fatty milk, yeast, vegetable oil, a pair of sugar spoons, salt. For a filling - a calf mince from the boiled and twisted on the meat grinder, mixed with a roasted loaf and with the additive piece of creamy oil.

The process itself. The yeast is divorced in warm milk with the addition of sugar and chipping salts, stir good to dissolve and homogeneity. Now you can continue to stir, add an egg and flour. When the dough becomes the right cake consistency, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it. The dough is left covered in a warm place about the watch. When it is suitable, roll over the cake, put it on the middle of the stuffing, close and roll off the filling so that there is no air. The edges are smoothly cutting a plate. Now immerse the cake into the heated vegetable oil - and with frying watering it with this oil for a few minutes, from which it becomes especially lush. When the crust is unbearably an appetizing and golden, he is ready! This is a miracle with a transparent beef broth, remaining from cooking meat. Oh, Kineshma taxes!

2. Krasnoyarsk Cherry Pie


Ingredients: Glasses 10 flour, a liter of kefir, half a cup + a spoon of sugar, a pair of eggs, yeast, vegetable oil. For lubrication: gram 200 ground cherry, 400 g thick sour cream, slightly less than two glasses of sugar.

The process itself. We mix a couple of teaspoons of yeast, a tablespoon of sugar and a couple of flour spoons, pour a third glass of warm water, hacking and let it stand. Eggs are whipped with sugar, gradually add the vegetable oil, the remaining sugar, kefir, and we slut some of the flour. We mix the dough well, then we connect with yeast yeast. Now I finally knead, gradually adding all the flour - and leave covered in a warm cozy place. When the dough goes out, roll it onto the sheets and 160 degrees with bakes 25 minutes. Cherryucho pour boiling water, add a glass of sugar, we welcome on slow fire. We wash the top of the cake of cherochovy syrup and put in the oven for another 10 minutes. When the cake cools, lubricate it from the sour cream, whipped with the remaining sugar. And the moment of bliss - here he!

3. St. Petersburg cakes


Ingredients: Sheltered puff pastry, for a custard dough - a pair of eggs, grams 60 flour, a gram of 50 cream oil, a teaspoon of sugar, for cream - a 200-gram pack of oil, 4 spoons of sugar conventional and vanilla packet, a pair of eggs, 5 tablespoons of milk. Plus sugar powder for the final.

The process itself. We put the oven to warm up to 200 degrees, but while we prepare the custard dough. We add sugar and oil into a glass of warm water, put on the fire - and when it messes and dissolve, quickly suck the flour and well all this is stirred until a smooth dough ball is formed. Now you drive it into it and mix well until uniformity. Puff pastry rolling and cut into squares. In the middle of each, we put a piece of custard, wrap the corners and put the "envelopes" in the oven for half an hour. In the meantime, we prepare the cream: eggs mix with both sugars and pour into the boiled milk. All this is well bothering and quietly warm. Fix, cool, add the scrambled egg whipped with a mixer - and some of the resulting sum. When the cream becomes homogeneous, launch it into the cooled cakes with a bag with a nozzle, we can be crowned with a powder - and get ready for inhuman pleasure!

4. Tatar Balish.


Ingredients: Shelved flour, 3 eggs, grams of bleed 120 oil, gram 75 cream, on a teaspoon of sugar and salt, beef broth. For minced meat: grams of 600 beef and potatoes, a pair of small bowls, 150 g of shaken oil, salt-pepper.

The process itself. We are preparing the dough, alternately by sending to the vessel: eggs, salt, cream, butter, sugar, flour ... knead the dough and roll the ball from it. Cover - and let the "rest", and we still prepare the filling in the meantime. I cut the meat with small pieces, the bow is also melody, potatoes in small cubes - and mix it all. Solim-pepper, add foiled oil and mix. From the dough, we separate about a quarter, and the rest rolls and put into the form so that the edges look a little bit. From above, lay out and roll up the stuffing, and from above covering a rolled smaller piece, in the middle of which we do hole and cover it with a piece of dough. We take the edges - and half an hour we bake degrees at 180, after which we cover the baking paper and torment another 45 minutes. Then we open a hole, we pour a bit of broth there - and let it come back for another 15 minutes. Finally pulling out, pour a little bit of broth - and now everything is completely all, the hour of the kaifa has come!

5. Don Kanyosh


Ingredients: In an authentic cake, kaimak - cream filmed from oily boiled milk, but can begin with an option using 300 g of fatty homemade cottage cheese. Plus a glass of thick sour cream, gram 250 flour, 7 eggs + yolk, glass + sugar spoon, bag of vanilla sugar, spoon of vegetable oil and a piece of creamy, yeast.

The process itself. Cottage cheese with vanilla sugar to creamy-like consistency, then gradually add sugar, sour cream and eggs one by one, while continuing the scrambled process. When a homogeneous liquid mass is formed, cover it and put in the refrigerator. Now we make dough: dissolving yeast in water, we send sugar, salt, egg and vegetable oil there. Then rawl flour and take the dough until the hands are lagging behind (from hand, of course). We put in heat under the lid, let it suit. Now we drag the shape with the thick walls of the bakery paper, roll over the dough and put in the pan so that the "sides" remain. Pour the stuffing there and leave to stand until the oven heats up to 140 degrees. "BORTICS" Lubricate the yolk and send the cake to the oven. When the sides are shred, you increase the temperature to 160 degrees, after 15 minutes - to 200. Approximately through the watch, when the filling will freeze, pull the pie, lubricate the edges of the oil and let it cool. After that, he is ready for melting in the mouth!

6. Komi-Perm Cherinyan (Rybnik)


Ingredients: On the shelf rusty and wheat flour, a half kilo is good fish (perch, pike, pink salmon), a couple of lows, a bundle of yeast, a sugar spoon, a quarter of a bunch of margarine, butter or sour cream.

The process itself. Fish for several hours soaked in salted water. Yeasts dissolve in warm water, then we send flour, salt and sugar, mix. There is also a melted margarine, knead the dough. When it is waited in a warm place in a warm form, rolling and laying a fish, sprinkling it with a sliced ​​loaf. From above, we put the oil or hill sour cream, bend the edge of the cake to the top, gently pierce the places in a pair - and we ship into the oven for the messenger heat (140-160 degrees) for half an hour. Now add a temperature - and bring the case to a golden crust (if you smear the cake with an egg, the level of gold is rising) and readiness. We cover the fishing rhe towel - and when you cool, cut and with a happy smile we send pieces in the mouth.

7. Tatar Echpochmakes (Triangles)


Ingredients: On about kilo flour - 100 grams sour cream, pair of eggs + one for lubrication, salt spoon. For a filling - gram 400 meat (what soul is asking for), shelted potatoes, a para-triple of bulbs, 100 grams of butter, a glass of broth, salt-pepper.

The process itself. We use flour, add eggs, sour cream, water with salt - and wash, adjusting the amount of flour and liquid in sensations. Cover the dough - and let him remember the watch in a warm place. And we are preparing a filling. Boiled meat and potatoes cut into small cubes, add finely chopped onion, salt-pepper. Now we roll off the dough, cut into pieces, in the middle of each put the stuffing - and we take off, leaving the small "window" in the middle. We lay down the triangles on the baking sheet, covered with special paper, lubricate with melted oil (and let it fall inside!) - And let 20-25 minutes, let it go into the oven, heated degrees to 160. After that, we drip down a little left from cooking meat Broth, lubricate our triangular beauty with a whipped egg - and even about the same amount baked. Serve with broth - and flush with pleasure!

8. Siberian Shangi.


Ingredients: A glass of flour, a glass of milk, grams of 10 yeast, a pair of eggs, grams 100 sour cream, a para-triple spoons of vegetable oil, salt-pepper-spices (for example, dried ginger), can be some sugar.

The process itself. In warm milk, we dissolve yeast - and they send an egg there, Solim-Pecim-sweetelate. We add flour and wash until the dough starts to lag behind the hands. Cover and remove into a warm place for half an hour. We are preparing "namazku": Flaws Plus Plus sour cream plus egg plus spices - and mix until a homogeneous sour cream-like depleting mass. Dough rolling and make mug-pellets. We put them on the cramped or laid out of the right papers, the baking sheet, smeared with a nappy (on top it can be further predicted - twisted with spices) - and send to the heated degrees to 160 oven. After 15 minutes, 15 chairs are ready - and beautiful both in hot and in the cooled form!

9. Kaliningrad Pie with Rubber


Ingredients: Two glasses of flour, 4 cups of chopped rhubarb, egg, cream oil strips, a glass of sour cream, a sugar tablespoon, vanilla slightly, soda, salt. For the sprinkling - half a cup of sugar, 100 g of oil and a glass of flour.

The process itself. The softened creamy oil is whipped with sugar minutes five minutes, add an egg and vanilla, whip again - to homogeneity, that is, uniformity. Add sour cream, mix. Now we spite the sifted flour, plus the handed soda and salt go there, and about a third of the jealous. Mix, lay out in a lubricated or laid out than the form it follows - and from above lay out the rest of the rhubarb. We make from sugar, oil and flour crumpled mixture and it "polished" all over. Now the watch bake at 180 degrees, check the toothpick - and if it goes dry, cool and use our culinary masterpiece!

10. Perm Poskukchikov


Ingredients: A pair of eggs, a pair of tablespoons of sour cream, flour how much will be required for proper consistency of the test, salt. For filling: gram 600 minced meat (pork + beef), bulb, para-troop garlic cloves, 150 ml of milk, vegetable oil, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Eggs and sour cream we reunite in the same ass and a half cup of water, salt, mix and thoroughly whip. Now neatly enter the flour and take the dough - to feel "like a good dough for pies." Now filling. In the stuffing, add finely chopped onion and chopped garlic, and milk poured there. Stir, salt-pepper. Rolling the dough into the sausage, cut into small pieces. Spindle and roll up with cakes. We put the stuffing in one half, the second we close, the edges gently plug. Now all of our embellishments are sent to the hot oil and shine first on one barrel, then on the other. Correct time readiness can be determined by cutting a control copy: if the meat became grayish and gave transparent juice - it came the first moment of truth! The second comes when the teeth are concerned about this juicy blush ... Stop, moments!

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