How to talk with a partner about sex if he does not want it? (18+)


All female magazines in need advise nothing to be shy and boldly discuss with your sexual life with a partner. But what if the partner refuses to talk about it? PICS.RU collected 9 practical recommendations.


Tell about friends

Classic reception. You tell not about yourself, but about that guy and his girl who complains you that they do not leave the stone flower of Cunnilingus. And ask for your faithful council, how to do from a male point of view, who else ask, how is he not - the sexiest man in your life? He immediately becomes a couple of centimeters above, and you kid iron, while hot.

Take a friend


Let them respond on male. Just be sure to clear a friend on the topic "What should remain in the head of the partner." And then not exactly an hour they will agree to the filming of an amateur porn film with you, eight mulatts and a Japanese starring, but to delay anyone? It is clear to whom!

To watch a movie

Sex films so much that you can pick up a whole hater to any problem. No orgasm? Club "Shortbus". Want to push the boundaries of reality? 9 1/2 weeks. Soul asks to add a little BDSM in a measured life? "Secretary" or, forgive the Lord, "50 shades of gray." Well, nobody canceled the corresponding sites, though, let's be honest, they are far from reality.

Apply threats and blackmail


It is necessary to threaten something weighty. For example, never to wear more translucent underwear, forever abandon the preparation of borscht, do not ride his mom to the country, bite your nose. And to blackmail and that church: take the hostage to his phone or laptop, cancel a subscription to sports channels, declare a strike under the slogan "one sexual slavery" and threaten a photo of a photo where it is in clutches-elephants.

Send to a psychologist

It will be better if you first go to it myself and clearly define what exactly you are not satisfied, and is it worth the partner (as practice shows, it is worth). Or you can go together, but keep in mind that with an unfamiliar person talking about sex is even more difficult, so be prudent.

Go to good sense

And add quite a bit. To tell him, Hey, the dude, you have already done you, you have a huge dick and you are my sex idol. I want us with you there were fireworks, stars and multiple orgasms, let's come up with a plan! You're so smart! You can do everything! You are my best lover! (Maybe there is no, but let him think that he is the most superman here).

Write a letter

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As practice shows, many are easier not to pronounce delicate or intimate questions out loud, but read about them. So boldly start this: "I am writing to you, what a pain ...". There is a definite plus: in the letter you can abstract from emotions and clearly designate what you would like to change or improve in your sexual relationships.

Play dolls

Option for creative. Arrange the puppet theater in which Parsley and Malvina discuss the problem of anorgasmia or fisting. And before Pinocchio, it is an unresolved question of anal sex: And I want, and ourselves, and Dad Carlo does not tell. SUDDENLY.

Put ultimatum


And this is an option for a strong spirit and, probably, quite desperate. Because if you tell him "If we don't talk about sex now, I will throw out your PlayStation," and you will not talk, you will have to do a threat. And you, by the way, did not pass the level in the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea.

Text author: Ekaterina Kuzmin

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