Sex etiquette: words that do not need to pronounce in bed with a woman (18+)


PICS.RU continues a series of articles on the art of bed conversation. This time we decided to learn from women, what words they are sharply cooled in bed, and what, on the contrary, they are angry. Mot on the mustache, men! Who will tell you yet. Or do you think that porn shows the true truth?

So, women say ...

On the anatomical terms

Sex etiquette: words that do not need to pronounce in bed with a woman (18+) 36021_1

Vulva. Vagina. Penis / Member. Anus. Clitoris. Coitus. Penetration. Flying / blowjob. Cunnilingus. Oral sex. Anal sex. Condom. In general, the most official words for everything that is happening, and for organs that participate in it. Regarding such designations, the opinions of women were divided approximately equally. The third of the respondents find them too cold.

"Receiveable, but strange. I would say somewhat coolingly. Somehow with the reception of the gynecologist is associated, and not with love. "

Always start better with a neutral something, yes, at least, dry and almost medical "penis" and "anal contact". It is better to "smell" by books than other partners. And the vocabulary to produce a new one with each new partner is better than yours.

Another third is the opposite, preferred as the most neutral and accurate terms. One of the women also noticed:

Offer "Make me blowjob" will cause more enthusiasm than "saying to me." But, for example, the term "fisting" was incomprehensible to me, until they showed - on the video, and then directly on me. Of course, a scientific and neutral language in such cases very soothes. Type "If there is a scientific term, then it is not fully madness." "Blowjob" is also an art, trainings are conducting training, schools ... and "suck" is a curse. I am more pleasant to engage in art, not what they offer to make losers in any sport. "

Another third finds words in the spirit of scientific-pop articles somewhat emotionally poor for the moment, but acceptable. Except, unless the expressions of the "Inteni Lips". It causes extremely negative emotions from everyone who remembered him.

The least total "Fu" still official names, although they came up with, it seems, people who have never planned to pronounce it out loud in a sex situation. But we do not call the leg "My Sweet Lane,", in fact. "Come on, you will lie on your back, and I will masturbate your member" - Well, somehow civilically still.

About diminishing lipstones

Sex etiquette: words that do not need to pronounce in bed with a woman (18+) 36021_2

The only point in which women showed an amazing unanimity - surgery around the genital organs and sexual action.

As if the pedophile contacted.

As if the child seduce or the mentally retarded, and the saliva he now carries out of his mouth.

As if I was smeared with the smelling syrup.

As in general, after such keep the mood for sex, it is unclear. Antisexual 100%.

Immediately a vomit reflex. When visiting the sites of erotic stories was bottled from solitude, as soon as he saw any "breasts" and "ass", immediately closed the story. Could not.

Have sex with children for me - taboo, and with secret pedophiles - disgusting.

Supplements and pussies are from the category of "wounded and binky".

Prior to that, in the fog of the centuries, there was a Russian-speaking husband who loved sysyukania and diminutive speeds. Fu. I vinyl in the is too scientific approach, but I am a biologist, damn it. Pysenka is a face of a small beast in Belarusian, and Basta.

Not opposed only one of several dozen respondents and relatively "for" is one more.

It is usually suitable for something moderately caressing: "Rotikom", "in the ass".

On euphemism

Sex etiquette: words that do not need to pronounce in bed with a woman (18+) 36021_3

Everything is difficult here. Many women like the idea of ​​using euphemisms. However, the allegory of allegory is dispersed. Many can be seriously overlooked by calling the clitoris "Beginnak" or "Makers," Vulva "Kormilitsa", a vagina "pocket" or "mink", and his member is generally named.

Your flower. I am going to visit you. That's all now yours. Fu.

"Wow what headlights" or "cutting our rose for me" is very funny, but acceptable.

Alas, but no one named accurate acceptable euphemisms - everyone simply refer to the feeling of taste and relevance. From examples, you can cite "your secret" and "pussy" in relation to Vulva and "Friendly" with the "joystick" - in relation to Penisu.

The horror that caused a vomit reflex was heard in the process: "Your cave is so sweet." A-A-A-A !!! "Cave!" For this you need to cut off the language!

Difficult attitude in women to expressions like "rubbish" or "make love" - ​​part called them repulsive and part - much more suitable than the dry "sex".

On dirty expressions

Some women are greedy. Some consider them the most appropriate and neutral, especially in the midst of the process. However, most women are material words and expressions box. Many celebrate that with a man who has allowed himself, it is unlikely that one more date will be, and some straightly stated that they would just stand, we will dress up, they will say goodbye and go out, since the use of a mat not only creates, but also perceived by them as a manifestation of personal disrespect.

Most of all in bed I hate when you begin to call the bitch and other little words to designate the process.

About just "street" words

Sex etiquette: words that do not need to pronounce in bed with a woman (18+) 36021_4

The most neutral respondents recognized such spore and rude words as "fuck", "ass", "boobs", "cum" and "riser", as well as the offer "Let's face". True, not all they are acceptable.

Among the "street" designations of organs and actions causing nastiness, in the order of descending, "Cook", "(by / from) suck," "Point", "Pill", "Cum", "Cancer", "attach", " seclax "," pisyun "," fuck "," tear off "," (by) to telee "(for example, clitoris or nipples)," holes / holes "and some others, remember less often, like" give to the cabin "or" manca ".

The unequivocal FUUUU is when stuck on something else: either diminutive, or some semi-pious-huge "allegory", or when they start giving the names. Then it's better to matte, honestly!

About terms in foreign languages

Some women seem to be poorly adapted to intimate conversations, so they prefer Youth Slang of English or Spanish. In addition, as one of the respondents noted, for some reason the exotic sound of foreign words, even from the mouth of the signature Slavyanin sounds a basic. True, several lovers of foreign languages ​​responded sharply against the German.

As if in an old porn, where a bored woman in a nightie causes plumbing to clean her different pipes there. Oh no.

Oh beautiful

Sex etiquette: words that do not need to pronounce in bed with a woman (18+) 36021_5

Two surveyed women admitted that they really like the wider compliments in bed and allegory in the spirit of "thousand and one night" - with "caves of pleasures" and other. More than five in bed beautiful distractions are distracting, mixed and make you bored. But we would still at the place of the reader (or readers) asked if the partner was not to the first category. Maybe she only dreams all her life so that someone suggested her, finally, not just in the bed, but to taste from the garden of pleasures! So easy to make it happy!

I had an extremely high partner. I can not give examples, although it's sculpt! Well, like, whispering in your ear: "You are delighted, you have skin like precious silk." Here is, horror ...

On avoiding words

Most women find or better behavioral strategy, or quite good in general any avoidance of designations and bodies, and actions. Gestures, touches, short chaste questions ("Do you want?", "Can I go there?", "Come on,", "Will you?") And as short chaste the shabllion ("Yes, that's what!") - That's what It will make almost all women. And those who do not suit themselves will ask everything themselves. However, there is an exception: anal sex. Since he, firstly, traumatically, secondly, many unloved, no uncertainty around him should be. Woman just wants to know if you have it in mind.

And who does not know how to clearly express themselves with the words through the mouth, there is no and anal sex, because, most likely, he does not know how to really hurt him, and it hurts.

About cat slang

Several respondents separately noted the custom among some non-formolocks to imitate cat sounds (purring, meow) and mark everything with verbs and nouns, single-colored "Moore" and "meow", as incredibly nasty.

The main thing is "yes" - when I tell me how I want me, how great me, and the set of vocabulary in this situation is not particularly important.

About rudeness and insults as in porn

Sex etiquette: words that do not need to pronounce in bed with a woman (18+) 36021_6

Only three women said that they would be neutral to crumbs like "take the mouth!" Or "suck as it should, bitch!". None called such expressions among exciting. Many many spoke sharply against. Some do not like even the imperative tone instead of requests, and if they also pronounce all sorts of rudeness ...

The main thing is "just not this" - if I ask a person to not consume some words, and he reacts "Achotkoe?"

Questions about orgasm

One of the most annoying habits Many women indicated phrases with which men often use to find out if the partner received pleasure ("Did you finish?", "Are you all?", "You were good?"). Some annoying and the question itself, indicating, in their opinion, on the stupidity and non-observance of the man.

Hit - proud "Well, how do I?" Or even - "What, such as no one was with anyone?"

Text Author: Yana Stovet

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