How do real princesses live in the 21st century



It seems that the era of the princes and the princesses have long passed? And here is not! There are quite a large number of active monarchies in the world, which means that the most real kings, queens and beautiful princesses. Pics.Ru was the list of the most.

Princess Sofia (Sweden), 31 years


Her Royal Highness of Princess Sofia, Duchess Vermland. Before the fateful meeting with Swedish Prince Carl in 2010, the girl managed to work in a model, to play in an erotic reality show, open a yoga studio and a charity foundation in New York, go to Ghana and release a clothing line. This is what is called a person with an active life position! And now she has become a princess, leads an active secular life and is preparing to become a mother. Beautiful girl!

Princess Madeleine (Sweden), 33 years old


Princess Madeleine Teresia Amelia Yozhefin, Mrs. O'Neill. The real princess is the third child of King Sweden Charles XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia - therefore could not avoid difficulties in his personal life. By law, the youngest daughter can not get married until the eldest is married. So many years of beloved Madeleine Lawyer Junas Bergstrom tired of waiting for her and threw. But she did not upset and spun a romance with a banker from New York Christopher O'Nillom. Now happy spouses are educated already two children.

Princess Charlotte (United Kingdom), almost 1 year (birthday 02.05.2015)


So small, and already princess! This charming girl confidently bypasses all sorts of rated popularity of its numerous titled relatives, great-grandmother and even Mama Catherine, whom everyone adores. In accordance with the rules of titles operating in the British monarchy, the Child, who belongs to the royal house, immediately after birth receives the right to refer to its Royal Highness of Princess Charlotte Cambridge (in the British tradition, a full official title, as a rule, does not include additional personal names). This is life!

Princess Maria Olympia (Greece), 19 years


Surprisingly, but despite his title, the princess does not know the Greek language: she spent his entire conscious life in New York and London. The girl is very interested in fashion (and her closest girlfriend and Kuzina - the granddaughter of the famous Diana von Fürstenberg) was in danger in Dior, constantly glows on various fashion shows, leads a very frank account in Instagram and, according to media reports, a novel revolves with an English prince Harry. We envy silently, yes.

Princess Stefania (Monaco), 50 years


Junior daughter of Prince Monaco Rainier III and Hollywood film actresses Grace Kelly. Apparently, from his mother she got a passion for adventures: In 1995, she married his own bodyguard, however, a year later, photographs were made public on which the newly-made spouse had sex with a young girl, after which the divorce was immediately followed. History reversed 8 years later - in 2003, Stephanie went out for the circus acrobat (monstrous Mesallians!), And in 2004 the Union broke up. I tried myself as a singer, I removed very frivolous for the monarch of the parties, but now it seemed to calm down and devoted yourself to charity. Although, as they say, Sedna in the beard - the demon in the edge, so we are waiting for new feats.

Princess Leonor (Spain), 10 years


Perhaps the most titled princess in the world! Her title sounds completely like Princess Leonor de Todos Los Santos de Bourbon and Ortis Spanish. As the heirs of the Spanish throne, the title of Princess Asturian, in addition, according to Article 57 of the Constitution of Spain also wears the following additional titles:

⋅ Princess Asturias as the heiress of the throne of Castile;

⋅ Princess Girona as the heiress Catalano-Aragonian;

⋅ Princess Viana as the heiress Navarre;

⋅ Duchess Montrablan, Countess Serving and Señora Balager.

The active secular life of Leonor does not yet lead in view of the youngsters, but regularly appears on Christmas royal postcards together with the younger sister Sophia.

Princess Imman (Jordan), 19 years old


The princess is required: in her family there are enough strict morals and upbringing, so it is modestly learning in Washington, it appears in the press infrequently, those who are interested in their lives will know exclusively from Twitter and Instagram Brilliant Queen Jordan - Rania. Iman inherited the beauty of the mother, and indeed grows enviable bride. By the way, it is not necessary to confuse it with another Jordanian princess Iman - the daughter of the previous ruler of the country.

Princess Marie (Denmark), 39 years

Regularly enters the lists of the most stylish people in the world, which is not surprising: Marie is from Paris himself. However, she is a real citizen of the world - managed to learn in Geneva, Boston and New York, as a result, becoming a princess Denmark and Axes in Copenhagen. The princess owns French, Danish, English, Italian, Spanish and raises two children: Son Henrick and daughter Athena.

Queen of Maxim (Netherlands), 44 years


Could not be bypass this beauty! Born in Sunny Argentina, calmly worked in a bank and could not even imagine that herself would become a princess, and then the Queen of the Netherlands, and her daughter - the heirs of the throne. Having become acquainted with her future spouse, Maxim did not believe that he had a prince, accepting his words for a joke. Not being an aristocratic, the princess broke the semi-union tradition, according to which the members of the monarch of the family were combined with a marriage exclusively with representatives of the princely homes. According to the queen itself, she will forever remain a Latin American and even the title will not make her refuse songs and dances. Even the King of the Netherlands threatens to teach moving booty!

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