10 unflattering and amazing facts about the most famous countries.


Did you know that in Mississippi, slavery was canceled only in 2013? In Ireland, it is almost impossible to divorce, and Switzerland is the last of the European countries who have given women with election law. And that is not all.

In Greenland, the highest level of suicide

Greenland is the world's largest island, which is part of Denmark. In 2010, 62 suicides were registered here, despite the fact that the population of the island is only 60 thousand. This is ten times more than on the mainland Denmark and the highest indicator in the world. Statistics show that these figures do not change for many years. Moreover, the majority of suicides make young people. The main reasons pushing them to the extreme act is, most often, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and sexual aggression.

In Switzerland, the latter did not allow the equality of men and women

It would seem that Switzerland, one of the most democratic countries, but the right to vote to women here only in 1971. In 1981, they adopted the article by the Constitution, guaranteeing equal rights of men and women. And just recently, in 2013, women were allowed to leave their surname when marriage became marriage. And the conversations about it went on the last 20 years.

Mississippi canceled slavery in 2013

The thirteenth amendment to the Constitution, which canceled slavery, the US Congress accepted in 1865. Then it was necessary that three quarters of the states were ratified. 27 of the 36 states voted for, and the rest took an amendment later. It was mostly south states. In Mississippi, it was ratified only in 1995, but then did not bring the case to the end. It was necessary to send a copy of a confirmation document to the federal registry. The defects found only in 2013.

Japan - Recordsman in Porn Production

The country of the rising sun in terms of the production of porn overtook even the United States, where the "strawberry" films are removed in large quantities. The first hot films began to shoot here in the sixties. According to WEEKLY POST magazine, 150 thousand women work in Japanese porn industry. That is, each two-person Japanese aged 19 to 55 years at least once, but starred in a porn film. By the way, all of these ladies in the cinema serve only 70 men. This is a shame for the Japanese.

In India, they returned criminal liability for homosexuality

In 1960, the law was adopted, according to which the same-sex connection was made up to ten years in prison. Since the country stands on the way to democratic values, in 2009, the parliament has canceled this law as violating human rights. Naturally, such a decision did not like the spiritual leaders of India, and they challenged him in court. The court rose to the side of the conservatives and returned everything as it was. True, this law is practically not applied. Threaten, but no more. By the way, in India there is a special caste Hijr, which includes homosexuals and transgender. According to different estimates, it includes from fifty thousand to five million people.

US - record holder for the number of prisoners

According to the non-governmental research company Pew Center, every hundredth US citizen sits in prison. In total, 2,3 million prisoners were in the states. According to this indicator, the country ranks first in the world. Analysts believe that it is not only a high level of crime, but also the severity of legislation. Gleb Zheglov would have been glad for Americans. For comparison, in Russia with a population of 145 million, about 890 thousand sits behind bars, and in half a half million China - one and a half million.

In the US, the shortest maternity leave

A working woman leaving the decree only 12 weeks of guaranteed maternity leave, which is paid only in some states or at the discretion of the employer. After a three-month period, the employer can give place to another employee. Women are forced to take a planned vacation, combine it with three months old or use sick leave if they have accumulated to at least somehow extend the period of care of the newborn. The benefit on the child is also not supposed.

In Ireland is very difficult to get a divorce

Until 1996, Ireland could not be divorced at all. There was no such service. In the nineties, they conducted a referendum and made appropriate changes to the Constitution. But now it is very difficult to get a divorce. The court breeds the Irish sob to each other only if they prove that four years from five lived separately. And this is not always easy. If they lived in the same house, then you need to confirm that they led separate household. That is, if someone says that they have dinner at one table, then the judge may not give a divorce.

Until recently, when changing sex in Sweden required mandatory sterilization

The rule of necessarily physical or chemical sterilization was operated in Sweden from 1972 to 2013. Perhaps so the Swedish authorities tried to avoid transmission of bad heredity. In 2013, this rule was revised when one citizen after the change of Paul refused the sterilization procedure and appealed to the Swedish Department of Health. By the way, the registration of same-sex marriage is now allowed in Sweden.

In the UK, an ambiguous approach to political refugees

England is famous for reading people who are subject to political persecution in their homeland. But in its samples, the British authorities, sometimes take strange decisions. For example, promising the shelter for all persecuted gays and lesbians, they refused Nigerica, which the prison for sexual orientation is waiting at home. Their decision has not changed even after they presented a video recording. At the same time, they gave refuge to the Libyan alcoholic, which made 78 crimes. He was suused with the British government and proved that deportation would be a violation of his rights, because Most crimes he committed into intoxicated, and in Libya cheap and low-quality alcohol. So he would not be to blame. Also noteworthy the story with the Jordanian terrorist Abu Kakatoy, who was kept in a British prison and was not extracted because torture could be threatened in his homeland. As a result, Katad was sent, but the whole story cost the royal treasury more than 1.7 million pounds.

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