10 delicious dishes from greenery for this summer


The animal man is omnivorous, but when everything around is green, it spieshs and fragrant, a herbivore wakes up in it. And it requires more fresh different, fragrant parsley, crispy young loaf - and even at the same time a couple of troops of the bundles is herself of that smell!

PICS has collected 10 awesome dishes recipes, which have a lot of delicious herbs. Vitaminize on health!

Green Pie.


Ingredients: 5 Green beams (dill, parsley, green onions and everything that pleases the soul), a pair of eggs, on a tablespoon of sour cream and flour, some vegetable oil, pepper salt. The process itself. Eggs, sour cream and flour turn into dough. Largely chopped greens (green onions - with bulbs) are poured on a preheated and devastable pan (green onions with lows) and pour the cooked mixture. We season and cook under the lid to the Rumyanta, then we turn over and achieve a brush from the reverse side. So that the cake does not fall apart, you can cut it and turn into parts.

Green pancakes


Ingredients: As you do not feel sorry for the branches of the most different greenery (dill, parsley, onions, celery, basil ...), a liter of milk, a pair of eggs, grams 400 flour, a teaspoon of salt, a third of a teaspoon of soda, a little creamy and vegetable oil, can be sour cream. The process itself. Eggs whipped and salt, raw with me flour and soda, pour half of milk and mix well. Then we pour the remaining and get the dough of sour creation consistency. Let the watch stay in warmth. Then we drip there of vegetable oil and pour out the sliced ​​greens. Further prepare as classic pancakes, lubricate with butter, water sour cream and fly as not to yourself.

Green Soup


Ingredients: Sheets of greenery (spinach, sornery, beet leaves, young nettle - in general, which was on the market the most fresh or bored in the garden), a sauker of chicken broth, a pair of carrots, a parsley root, salt, can be boiled egg and sour cream. The process itself. In boiling broth, we throw carrots and parsley root, boil until softening, then there are a piece of chicken chicken from the broth - and well wash, dried and torn with hands (so tastier and vitamin) greens. Ten minutes later it is yours. PERSON, SOLIM, in a plate sour cream and decorate a piece of eggs. The moment of truth has come! And she was not found in fault, but in the soup.

Green salad


Ingredients: Head of a young or Beijing cabbage; Several celery stems, a pair of cucumbers - and how much is not a sorry for a variety of greenery (parsley, dill, onions and so on), natural yogurt, mustard, salt. The process itself. Cabbage rubs in cabbage (thin), spit and meters. Celery cut into pieces, cucumbers turn into straws, there is a crushed grain of greenery - and refuel yogurt, mixed with mustard. However, with refueling, no one rebels experimenting, as well as with additives: you can add a peas or an apple, pour nuts or crackers and so on. The main thing is that the herbs are like in the grandmother's village in the meadow! :)

Green snack Kyuku


Ingredients: For not too thick a bundle of your favorite green (sorrel, and spinach, and green onions, and the shortcut, and the other colleagues), the heels of eggs, a piece of butter, a little walnuts, home yogurt or kefir, salt-pepper. The process itself. Rubim all the herbs is not too finely. We smash eggs there, salt-pepper and mix well. Pour into the lubricated half the oil, the second half of this oil (in a melted form) water all this from above. In the oven degrees at about 170 baked for 15 minutes in the lower mode - and the same in the top. The finished dish sprinkle slightly fried nuts, watering yogurt, cut as cake and kaifuh in Azerbaijanis.

Green fritters


Ingredients: Ukropa-parsley-onions and some more wable greens - like pills from greed ("more!"), heels of eggs, 300 ml of kefir, a pair of tablespoons of sour cream, 200 g of flour, a piece of solid cheese, soda spoons, some vegetable oil . The process itself. A couple of cooked eggs and greenery grind and combine, three cheese. Sour cream and kefir mix, slightly heated, the remaining eggs and salt-soda there - and well smash to high-quality bubbling. Now flour there - and get the dough into which we pour out a green mixture. Mix well and fry in a frying pan - until goldenness (pancakes) and abundant selection of gastric juice (at home).

Green cute pellets


Ingredients: A pair of flour cups, spinach stoic and other pleasant greenery heart, a chamogram piece of Adygei cheese, a little creamy oil, salt, pepper. The process itself. We mix the dough from flour, water (about half a glass) and salt, 20 minutes cover with a towel, splashing water and stirring a couple of times. We make balls, rolling them in the pellets, inside lay crushed greenery and cheese, cover the edges, slightly flatten what happened. Kutabi bake on a dry pan, we immediately lubricate the oil - and eat with heat, with heat.

Green cutlets


Ingredients: She was poured with spinach mashed potatoes, a pair of eggs, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of green onions, breadcrumbs, a little flour, salt-pepper. The process itself. Cook potatoes, make a puree from it and mix with spinach. We add superstars so that it should be normal, we pour out the chopped greens, the salt-peppers, we make the cutlets, catch them in flour. Jump into a bowl with whipped eggs and fry to a pleasant ruddy color and family screams: "Give! More! Meow!" It is still possible for complete ecstasy with cheese slightly trigger - but this is if the family is irritated by smells will allow.

Green oil


Ingredients: A pack of cream oil, an olive droplet - and a big beam (sweeping!) Total that the beds sent: Parsley, Thyme, Basil, Green garlic ... The process itself. Oil, softened at room temperature, ship in a blender, and load the crushed greenery, mix, rip the olive olive oil - and Blendim! Now you will not have conventional sandwiches. And only Divine! Well, in order to have a luxurious breakfast, there will be enough fresh bread. True, warn: it will quickly end.

Green cocktail


Ingredients: Two parts of the beloved greenery (dill, salad, parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, beet leaves, young nettle or dandelion, etc.) and three pieces of favorite fruits or vegetables (carrots, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, bananas ... ). The process itself. Take something successfully combined. Let's say, a basil is asked for tomatoes, to a strawberry - mint ... In general, we connect logic, fantasy and experimental spirit. All the ingredients we split in a blender, if it turned out too thickly - add mineral water, if we want to learn all the vitamins - we drip olive oil. Inhabitant it works!

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