How to get acquainted signs of the zodiac: horoscope from


In the spring, barely released from fur coats and scarves, lonely signs of the zodiac are configured on a romantic way and start to look around in search of a suitable satellite or companion. But everyone do it in different ways.


Aries does not meet - he does so that others run to get acquainted with him. For this, Aries climbs to where it will be best visible, and with the most successful side. Since the Aries constantly start the horns to waging up with someone, he does not wait for a successful coincidence, and he himself adapts to him so that those around him clapped and throwing roses. This Aries is highlighted in the very center of the dance floor, knocks out a strike and the first is the first microphone in karaoke. For dating Aries go into places noisy and crowded - what interest to act if the audience is just a dozen man? Stadium to me! Wembley!


Tales get acquainted only in specially designated places. In order for the objects of dating facilities, there is no doubt about any doubts - get acquainted with them or simply approached the Svetsky, from one politeness. In the Dociferous Era, when the trees were large, and the Internet is only at the Pentagon, they might and mainly used the services of swops and marriage agencies. Now they are methodically in Tinder and Mamba, selecting applicants for such the number of parameters that a rare bird will take to the Taurus. But it will be a bird that meets all the requirements.


Twins, the "Flirt" mode turns off only in a dream. Therefore, they get acquainted easily, often and despite the circumstances. They will have to build eyes to the doctor, which imposes plaster on their foot and the Pattern, who discharges a penalty for a turn on a double solid. Nothing serious in his mind, as a rule, do not hold, and they are not particularly aimed at anyone - they simply spread widely, at least someone will fall, and there will understand.


If someone for you for a couple of years is scratched from the corner, then do not be afraid and do not fall into paranoia. This is some kind of cancer meets you. Do not rush things. Even through the year, he will decide to say hello. Some more than a couple of years - and he even gains courage to learn that the object of acquaintance takes. Yes, acquaintance for cancer is not a quick thing, but serious. From their own, they will not retreat. And if they decided to get acquainted with Tom Hiddleston or Jennifer Lawrence, then be calm - after 10 years they will appear with them on some red track.

a lion

If the lion will fit with someone to meet, he will just sit in a beautiful pose in a prominent place with a favorable light and will be waiting. The Lions initiative show only if they break up to the complete loss of the brakes. And so - no. Because the thin lion's self-esteem will not stand it, if it is so beautiful will rotate, and he will move. The more lion someone likes, the less attention he pays attention to it. If the lion at all looks through you - do not doubt, he is in love with the ears.


The Virgin of the outside world is fear in general. Mom, I remember, said that it was impossible to talk to strangers - well, they do not speak. When the Virgin follows with someone to meet, they will find common friends and make them introduce their masculine to the object across the form. The object should also be in the form - a stubborn shirt or hole on the sock can knock out the whole romantic mood out of the Virgin and drive them into the long-term disappointment in humanity at all. Virgo get acquainted only in the presence of solid recommendations, so the whole life is found with people from the same parties.


Scales only at first glance Painty lightweight dandy, which are not perceived seriously. In vain you are so very perceived. They have little external gloss, shine, strong quadriceps or fourth size. No, scales get acquainted with a long sight. They take me out yes. Put common interests. So behind new dating scales go there, where their potential related souls are found - on master classes in the cultivation of dahlias, for example, or on extreme driving courses. At any thematic event, from the Festival of Romanian Art House to the rural competition "Catch a pig", full of weights, thoroughly scanning an audience for dating.


Scorpions go to get acquainted to where people are found that can appreciate their class and the fatal outfit from the last collection of someone else. For example, the restaurant is good, approved by the Michelin guide. Or to the club, but such that Miroslav Duma in regulars. Scorpions like it to provoke, let go of jokes with a double bottom and generally play with fire - under such a firing, not everyone will be stuck.


The social networks were invented for such as Sagittarius. In online, this sign shines like a searchlight at a construction site - witty tweets, selfie of unearthly beauty in Instagram, the number of fries is comparable in the population of Brazil. Schedule an object of interest, the Sagittarius fake his account, shower with playful comments and, taking a button, decisively leaving in a personal.


Capricors get acquainted at work or somewhere not far from her. Because you will meet with someone in the theater, and then it turns out that he is Nishchebrudder and came across a counterman from a friend, work scene. And what should you do with such? No, Capricorn, just in case, thinks strategically and gets acquainted where there is a chance to find serious employed people with a decent salary and sober look at the world. Here is some professional exhibition or conference - the most it is. Capricorn carefully listens to the tricks of the production of polymers and makes it possible to understand that together we will conquer this business, hold me.


Aquarius were born to take care, patronate and look. They get acquainted in the same way. And then, sitting in the pan by the fireplace, tell grandchildren: "And I met your grandmother when she had a wheel on the highway Moscow, and I helped her change it." Any help is an ideal onset of excellent friendship for Aquarius, and then I'm joking. No reason to help? Aquarius organizes. The bedside is a glass of red on the white shirt of the object and will call it home to wash the result of his terrible, terrible awkwardness.


Fish years can look a hungry look at the object of their interest, but they do not move the fin, so that at least somehow demonstrate their feelings. But sooner or later the moment comes when the aquarium of fish patience is overflowed - and here they immediately start in all the grave, they spawned the walled visa on the ass and they say "we went to me." From such a sudden pressure from the cold and detached fish, the object is lost and obediently rides where they say.

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