As our columnist met Vovan, 25 cm. Or the whole truth about sex trainings


What can be engaged in sex trainings? Thought naive us. The rallying turned out to be outrageous! Read, like Vika Samsonov (Viketz) broke the covers from rubber and leather products, and also learn.

Once I saw funny pictures on the Internet. In the pictures, women tried ... Women tried ... They tried to do ... Blowjob. Rubber member, yes. It was hard to believe in the truthfulness. Not pornwords, but ordinary housewives, under the guidance of a particularly advanced housewife - teacher on a blowjob.

I never thought that you can earn so innocent and familiar to any woman way. I was glad and forgot about it until some time until I was offered to lead such courses. Not quite like that, I was offered to teach bdsm practices based on the book "All shades of gray". But the movie then did not come out, and I never mastered the book. But mastered the campaign almost all sex trains that took place in the city.

I have my own shop, I saw a lot, I thought it was difficult to confuse me ...

Deep Vovan

In the first group - "Oral skills" - there were approximately 10 women. We were told for a long time that I would not retell here, and the fact that it would seem to know everything. And then we switched to practice. Kolyan - so called all our Rubber Friends of the average size of 16 cm. We were given Kolyanov, condoms and tragicomedia called "deep throat". I have long refused to stick it into myself, but since I came ... I grabbed Vovan, centimeters at 25, and put it in myself the most impossible, under general applause. Experience do not drink, yes.

After that, the focus could be, renounced the practice, calmly listen and contemplate. So: any training aims for sale in sex shop.

Sex shop is in one room with courses. The coach itself, like any good coach, should not be able to do anything. He must be able to teach. We must give him due, I doubted that the last 20 years had behaved in bed. The sex instructor is an ideal sales!

I saw the incredible, at the incredible price. Queue! Naive women. Some and letters of men in the eyes did not see the will of the Fate: maybe it was dark, maybe religion does not allow. And now, it turns out, they need to lubricate it, to develop it ...

For example, on fitness, especially to work with a barbell, it is recommended to go with vaginal balls. Inside. Live and learn. Combat NLP in action. I presented myself, squatting with a barbell. The face is concentrated, muscles in tension ... aaapchi! The coach intercepts the bar, and the rods in the pants eggs, two small balls. Horror! Even more fun - to kill with steel anal plug, you can with a barbell, can be without. Parquet is a pity - after all. For many years of workouts precede your appearance on people with such gadgets in the crotch, you truly say.

However, the benefits of these courses are. If you thought I saw everything - you did not see anything. And if you have not seen anything - now you saw everything, you are a goddess of sex, you have a crown on the ears and you will pay your guy so that ... that he either immediately marries you, either so evarious of you in the eye, what to tebly You will be only a classic way.

Bright peadro

Then there was a "bright male orgasm." He was little different from "oral skills", only was supplemented with a rubber ass named Padro. The most important arts for us is not a movie. The most important art is imperceptible (!!!) penetrate the male ass. And run. Most likely - quickly run in the dark.

I will not hide - penetrated. And not in the dark. But so that imperceptibly!? So that like this - turn off the light and here op! And the handles are here they are! 90% of men are inclined and this is not homosexuality, this, you understand, prostate, - told us. And 99% of men are inclined, again, to enhance you in the eye for your inviolable ass. To get to it, you do not need to buy all prostate massagers. We must ease the brain carefully, weeks, years, sneaking very much from afar. One hundred steps back, quiet, on the fingers and again forward, if he did not assemble the suitcase, guessing your cunning plan ...

Poor padro and its stunted rubber prostate. They saw all types of manicure and fell in unequal battle.

Mr. wardrobe

Well, for a snack was a bdsm training. Sado Mazo for Mimmy couples. That was informative. Not like sexual practice, but as psychology. Of course, there were expensive kits for binding, beautiful flutters that cride from two normal shocks ...

It turns out I do not trust anyone and I have claustrophobic. It is difficult to walk on the audience with tied eyes, after he heard someone almost split a skull about the angle of the cabinet. Immediately you want to remove the dressing from the eyes and run away from the office without windows and doors: a panic is played in a serious one. And how to trust someone, after all, a woman with tied eyes drives for his hand, who just like you came to the BDSM courses, and there is a collective cabinet to the main number.

Sum up If you don't buy anything, you can have fun and informative time. The main thing is not trying to use your new secret knowledge with a psychologically not prepared man. Do how you like both, and not as aunt said on courses. And you will be happiness, and a deep throat is crushing with cucumber. Telephone rescue service - 112, use condoms, advice to you, yes love!

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