Why people break up: psychologist's essay


Why people break up: psychologist's essay 36002_1

"Why did you break up?" "I ask my long-friendly familiar," "did not agree with the characters." I remember the period when they met. She is so glittered by the body through the deep neckline and from under the mini skirt that he was just blinded, where he was "seeing" her character ... And yet ... why we part &

- Why did you break up? - This is a tactless question. We, hamsters, special relationships. We are ideal lovers. Love overtakes us, taking the most bizarre forms, we ... - I need a specific answer ... - She tried to devour me when we were not fed up on time.


- Battyushka, bless for divorce ... - Why did you get married, my daughter? - Yes, here, the fool was ... - You see, he, Duru such, got married, and you divorce ...

Why, after all, we parted?

The reasons may be called all sorts of: loss of trust, various interests, physical, sexual and emotional violence, deceived expectations, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, financial problems, cooling of feelings, treason, infatialism, etc.

Why people break up: psychologist's essay 36002_2

In my opinion, all of the above are not the causes, but a manifestation, a consequence of those phenomena, which are real reasons.

Now we will not consider cases of relationships in which partners manipulate and control each other, share the views of feminists, stand on the principles of the matriarchate, are tormented by various complexes and serious dependencies.

We will talk about ordinary, normal from the point of view of the average man, the relationships of men and women, which we are with you, for the most part and are.

Why people break up: psychologist's essay 36002_3

First, any result of the relationship between a man and a woman is an exceptionally joint result, both, and a man and a woman are investing (result), regardless of the proportions and percent of effort.

So, a man simply does not want to endure female nonsense, and a woman no longer wants to respect the man and care for him. Everything else is just a consequence.

I draw attention to the fact that these phenomena lie in our will, that is, a person ceases to feel the desire to continue relations. Outside our will lies only death as an irresistible circumstance.

In addition, we often break the fundamental laws of relationships between a man and a woman who can be expressed something like this: if a man wants intimate closeness with a woman, he must marry her; If a woman wants to be married, she should not refuse her husband in proximity.

Why people break up: psychologist's essay 36002_4

A distinctive feature of all laws of life is the fact that they act independently of our attitude to them (laws): whether we believe in their existence or not, we agree with their existence or not, we consider them fair or not, - they continue to act And to have its own influence on us.

In addition, we often forget or do not know at all that the man and the woman were created to complement each other, and not compete with each other.

Most of us in the column "Relationship" could freely write: "I constantly find out." After all, their relationships were built on the grounds.

Many of us are not ready and do not want responsible relationships, they do not want to "work" over themselves, change. Most of us accept the option of passion when we are in a changed consciousness under the influence of hormones, when you don't need to do anything, to make any efforts, something to change, because in this state "Perpeneum of Consciousness" people have each other and so like relationships Suffered pleasure.

We are often not ready for real life and as soon as the action of hormones weakens, we "find out" that the lady of our heart is usual, and then the fool, and the knight of our heart, is nothing outstanding, and besides, the "goat".

Wife: - I gave you the best years of my life! Husband: - Take away back, I did not use them!

Our hearts are distinguished, between us grows the wall and we are forced to shout each other to be heard.

Why people break up: psychologist's essay 36002_5

We forget that men and women are different, they say that even from different planets.

Wife: - You, men, only sex and need, and we, women, you need attention ... Husband: - Attention! Now there will be sex!

We are imperfect, but we can do everything from us depends to save relationships.

First, you need to decide inside yourself and with the future spouse (oh), that your union is "honest and honest!"

Secondly, at the very beginning, you need to agree that any situation should be discussed and revealed. All difficulties and joy should be solved to pass together.

Thirdly, relationships should be legal: you should be married. In the cohabitation, a woman is a "probe", as in the perfume department, who sniffed to decide, "take or not to take". In the cohabitation, it is a woman vulnerable most. To preserve the balance and objectivity I will add that a man is most vulnerable in marriage - so we have so far in family right. But this is not a reason ...

Fourth, "want a strong relationship, then first find out each other, and then go to bed.

Why people break up: psychologist's essay 36002_6
For a long time, scientists have established that early sexual relations are beginning to people with low intelligence, and adolescents are also, they are still in the process of development, their frontal shares responsible for behavior develop only by 21.

Highly intelligent people will enjoy a much higher property than sexual, from communicating with a developed mind of a person of another sex.

It is the intellect of truly sexy. According to Diana Rabb, the doctor of philosophy in transpersonal psychology, the brain is the largest sexual body. Professor Jeffrey Miller says that features such as language, humor and intelligence have evolved in both sexes, because they were sexually attractive for both sexes.

Sexual excitement is so diverse that not to express words. The most exciting ability that we, people, we have, is our ability to think, imagine and feel.

Therefore, do not rush to bed, develop together, read fiction, increase your intelligence, transform your sexual energy and direct it to achieve in sports, science, music, dancing, etc. Read what the grandfather Freud sublimation called.

So why do we part?

We, in our most, are not at all screamed and maintaining relationships. We are completely imposed on our TV and we used to be saturated with the energy of the simplest, that is, sexual. Much more wonderful knowledge of the soul. And we begin to know the body of the other, without moving the soul.

Why people break up: psychologist's essay 36002_7

Relations built on emotions (having only emotions in their foundation) are doomed to destruction. By the way, Professor of Psychology Lisa Feldman Barret says that emotions - this is what we create themselves, and not a certain one, from which we can not go anywhere.

So, everything is in our hands, in our power. And even desire we create themselves.

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