10 reasons to have sex as soon as possible (in gifs)


The main condition for sex is exclusively the desire of all potential participants in the process. But so that he deliver even greater pleasure, then here is a dozen reasons, so as not to postpone this thing in a long box and start as soon as possible. Maybe right now!

    It is very nice

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Here, even comments are somehow inappropriate. Sex is cool!

    Good for your health

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Scientists have proven that those who are often having sex, firstly, significantly reduces the risk of developing a number of diseases such as anemia or infarction, and secondly, the synthesis of immunoglobulin A increases, which is responsible for the work of our immunity. From all sides only the benefits!

    Improves mood

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Did you get the chef? Wrapped with a girlfriend? Mood to kill everyone, then resurrect, and then soak another time with special cruelty? Do not justify, dig in yourself, trying to find reasons, or burst chocolate kilograms. Act! Sex no less sweet contributes to the production of endorphins, that is, hormones of happiness, which means, soon and sadness will retreat, and longing will pass.

    Useful for self-esteem

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No matter how cool, but in man much more from the animal than it seems. So our brain reacts to some things solely on the primitive instinctive level. "Went? - Umnitsa, not in extension ahead of time. Escaped danger? - Handsome, we still live! Have sex? - Uraaaa! We will have offspring! Our genes are not curved in the centuries! Well done! Praise and proud! " And after all you will not argue - the truly well done!

    Prolongs life

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We have excellent news: those who have sex every day live on average for 10-15 years longer than those who depregate once a week or less. Great way to extend your life without making special efforts! In addition, this method is much more pleasant to the injections of the serpentine poison, urinotherapy, a contrasting soul, applying cabbage sheet and other amazing life-giving wisdoms.

    Beautiful painful

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The otmake "Head hurts" will no longer work! According to research by German scientists, sex helps partially or completely get rid of headaches even during the attack of migraine. And all because endorphins, among other things, strong enough natural painkillers. With PMS and with other types of pain, they also help, so it is enough to swallow pills, sex - the best medicine!

    Prevention of depression

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A number of antidepressants are based on imitation of the operation of a serotonino-endorphine cocktail, which is produced by our organism during sex. To hell with imitation, we are for honesty! We agree that finding the strength and the desire to go to the debauchence when it seems to you that the world is about to collapse to all these devices (and so necessary), it is difficult, but believe me, it is worth it.

    Helps to be in a tone

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If you are too lazy to go to the evening jog, or go to the gym - Sex to help you! For 20 minutes of sex, forgive the Lord, the act is incinerated about 150 calories. Not enough, of course, but no one bothers you to arrange a sex marathon that can be equated to a good training. And add one overtime occupation in the morning - the most pleasant way to quickly wake up!

    The best sleeping maker

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And again about hormones: oxytocin, which is produced during orgasm, contributes to complete muscle relaxation and the state of deep peace. In addition, during sexual intercourse, a large amount of oxygen comes into the blood. As a result, you sleep as a graph of Dracula into a clear noon: firmly, calmly and fine! And no unnecessary chemistry - only body chemistry!

    So summer, guys!

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All walk half-way and also provoke on indecent thoughts! As they say, summer is a small life, so do not deny yourself in pleasure and hold it so that the charge of energy is more than enough for autumn and winter. The main thing is to remember the safety technique and you will be happy.

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