How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips


How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_1

- Save the man?! Do you need it? - Need? - What for? - I really want! Well, since "it is necessary", then you need to decide why it is. After all, different goals suggest different ways to achieve them.

Here are some options: 1. Brief "Bedding" acquaintance; 2. Temporarily live together, "and then one is tired, and difficult"; 3. "go" married to give birth to a child, break, divide property and receive alimony; 4. Get married and live happily.

So, how to achieve your goal ...

If you need only "sex", although I don't really believe, - then ahead, you yourself know everything: more paints on your face, minimum of clothes, a lot of noise, Pour it all alcohol, look in your eyes, visit pleasure places ... Everything! Soon there will be a maobel, in the sense of a dog ... Well, such a man who urgently needs to be "inserted" to someone, - and then you "drawn".

How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_2

The second option will require you a little more effort and time it will be necessary to look good, behave well, not to deny it, and gradually, where caressing, and where the borsch (this is such a vegetable soup with a swarm) you will achieve your own - "Client" will be ready. And then it turns out, you may be smoothly moving away from the purpose number 2 to the other.

We will not select bread from psychologists writing to "female" topics and tell how to achieve goals No. 3 and №4. The network is full of tips "How to find", "How to catch" how to get off ", etc.

For the most part, all the advice of psychologists in women in the field of "capture" men will reduce it, take advantage of its "helpless" state and "okhomat" to varying degrees (see the goals from 1 to 4).

How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_3

To deceive, that is, to sue yourself: an externally attractive, sexy and appropriate imposed image of a "modern" woman.

Take advantage of the "helpless" state, that is, to achieve control over a man while his mind "is blinded" and "cooler" by the view of the parts of the female body without clothes. "Okhomat", that is, to achieve any goal from the list.

This is the composition of fraud: theft or acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deception or abuse of confidence. That is, receiving material benefits. The "victim" itself transmits himself to the power of the deceiver. Cheating is a distortion of valid data or default about them (valid data).

How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_4

The helpless state of "victim": the state of a person who for some reason could not resist violence, or did not understand the nature of the actions performed with him due to age or mental state and is a qualifying sign of such a crime formulations, such as rape.

Most psychologists in the field of relationships M and w teach girls to deceive, mislead, use the helpless fortune in which the "attacked" man is located to achieve the result they need.

In addition, they teach women like everyone in a row to the people around them and fill in this simple, and often dirty energy of lust. Poets, artists, composers, choreographers and sculptors are possible and walking through the streets in search of inspiration, but not all men on the streets of the ministers of creative cults.

Yes, a woman like a flower needs the attention of a man's attention, but it is better to enjoy from the source that beats the sake of you alone than running through the streets during the rain with open mouth, trying to get drunk. Did you never know from where and what exactly is there to take into the mouth.

What advises most psychologists?

But they advise them to be painted, beautiful, elegant, stylish, cheerful, natural, healthy, smell nice, "shoot" eyes, talk languo, glitter with breasts and sparkle with knees ... That is, mainly to be the one that girl / woman in everyday life It is not, to create precisely the visibility of a female image, pleasant for men. And they are also advised to be feminine, but do not explain what it is, but talking about the manifestation of female sex, calling it for some reason sexuality. They talk about "sales" femininity, offer various techniques of seduction and excretion and male hearts, and other bodies.

Surprisingly, many psychologists-women are confessing feminism to one degree or another in their "works" describe men negatively. The whole problem of women and female psychologists is that they consider men to large children, which can and need to successfully manage their joy.

How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_5

I would like to recall that in the field of applied psychology, especially the psychology of relations between M and J fraudsters more than I would like. Human relations - a slightly loyal and endless substance, the path of development of which is distorted by various conventions and illusions.

"Sales" femininity is an appearance: manicure, new hairstyle for every day, dresses "from Couture", fitness, solarium, massage, shopping ... Psychologists who rubbing "sales" femininity are claiming that it is possible to realize yourself and "call Life »Women's Energy.

Psychologists are profitable, - they exploit the simplest, low-albele human feelings, earning them.

And the female heart responds to all this with a sweet stray. After all, the "selling" femininity allows her carriers to control the men with their body and acquire various benefits of life.

But not such an external femininity needs men. The appearance of the time as a flower, which yesterday helaced, and turned off tomorrow. Men are not interested in female appearance, but female natura.

And throughout the very well-known history of mankind, women's nature has not changed, - Tales, epics, parables, rites, beliefs, artistic literature and historical documents are talen on this. And the most zealous and foreskin keepers of all rituals and the rules of women.

Only feminism spoiled them. Emancipation added to the female disadvantages of men, so feminists such "nasty".

By the way, feminism was created by the men, in order to saturate the factory and factories at the dawn of their appearance of cheaper women's labor and enable women to dispose of their income. After all, the main buyers of everything are women. And we are not talking about food and clothing for children.

How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_6

Natural men's and women's roles are now very blurred and are largely replaced by fiction and surrogates. Hence the mess and confusion in the relationship, as well as a mess and stupidity in the advice of psychologists.

And the real femininity, attracting men's hearts, is an action: tenderness, compassion, sensitivity, softness, dedication, emotionality (not to be confused with hysterium), the ability to listen, empathize, stagnation, fascination, the ability to trust a man and finally weakness.

How does femininity express forever?

Men say that a girl looks like a long hair, dressed in a loose long dress or a suit that behaves modestly, confident, with a sense of self-esteem.

Sexual can be only a man, in the age course, when it is physiologically capable of committing sexual intercourse. If someone decided that externally, sexuality should be manifested in the incontinence of men with "chalivily" handles, shouting "Ah" or "Wah" when women appear, then this is too simplified approach. You still try to compare the behavior of men with the "March" cats.

The sexuality of the man is manifested in his intelligence, achieved success in different areas of life, its prosperity, good physical form, beautiful speech, etc.

How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_7

But sexiness is the attractiveness of a woman. And most advice comes down to teach girls to show some external signs of this sexuality. Girls are taught only to "serve" a man's eye, that is, to express itself only in the sphere of emotions.

All tips are reduced only to the outside of the person's personality. But appearance is just a candy candy. And how bitter happens when you took a candy because of her bright and beautiful wrapper, and inside the hysterical unisex or glamorous fool.

The most common misconception of all young men is to evaluate the inner world of the girl in her appearance. Young and inexperienced men subconsciously believe, if the girl is attractive outwardly, then she is good and mila.

With femininity, as with masculinity we have problems. Many women look unisex, wear tattoo, piercing, cutting in movements, athletically folded, - Mother-like friki and feminists ...

Others - victims of plastic surgery, trying to expound "about" and without, embodying the fantasies of homosexual "Couturiers" in clothing and appearance.

Femininity, as well as masculinity, are not innate features, is all upbringing. So, if you want to live your life with a man, you do not need to capture him and conquer.

How to take possession of a man: Psychological tricks and proven tips 35997_8

Life is beautiful and infinitely diverse. For each person there will be its own personal decision. Be yourself and do not rely entirely on your appearance. No matter how you served himself, he will get used to you anyway. If you attracted it only appearance, then it's stupid to be surprised that you have not constructed with the characters and that the men are just one and necessary. " Where he was to see your wonderful soul, if you disguised it so deftly for bright appearance.

Want to know why people break up? Read the psychologist's essay.

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