It's time to work: 15 explicit signs that you died at home


It's time to work: 15 explicit signs that you died at home 35994_1

Some women are designed to do the house, to keep the farm and educate children. And some - just think that they are created for this. And deeply mistaken. If you know yourself in these 15 points - go to work! While someone did not suffer.

You have nothing to go to work

You have full of outerwear - on any weather conditions. But you do not have a single decent blouse. Because you can jump into the store and in your home T-shirt. Under the jacket is still not visible.

You have too many cosmetics

It's time to work: 15 explicit signs that you died at home 35994_2

She is needed to feel like a woman, not a dishwasher. And you buy it. Not that in insane quantities, but the cabinet in the bathroom is already crowded. Because no bubble has time to end up before you urgently need to feel like a woman.

You watch tv too often

And when you open the, you do not ask the question "Who are all these people?"

You are talking to flowers

It's time to work: 15 explicit signs that you died at home 35994_3

Because they grow better from this. Anxiety symptom is not that you believe it sincerely. And in the fact that you are very, it is very important that they grow well. Because - what if they suffer? You can't say anything! Cute, cute green kids.

You have a homemade system

And not even one. You have already tried Flyweni, the principle of organization from the inside-outside and time management for housewives. At the same time, you do not say at home that exemplary order. Because the system is not a method. The system is a way to entertain.

Sometimes you drink online

And not even in Skype, but on the forum fans of pelargonium. You went there to read about the methods of combating a spider tick, and remained for five years. There is such a wonderful company! You can drink and chat about your girlish. In the flooder.

You spend too much money for virtual shopping

It's time to work: 15 explicit signs that you died at home 35994_4

And you think about starting to start doing this. Why, for example, not to become the organizer of a group of joint procurement? But for this you need to explore the market. And check the conscientiousness of the sellers. What cute boots with sponge bean! Click click. And please, please wrap it so much. Cry.

You're more and more often waking up at noon

Disappeared the day, disappeared! You do not have time, because until two hours you have an early morning and you need to "rake", and then - just! - Already six and the husband came out of work. Dinner, damn! You casually promise yourself to get up on the alarm clock. And do not get up, because I simply do not hear it: you sat in the network again until 5 am, studying the features of the propagation of herring in polluted water.

All of the Early Development Methods are familiar to you.

And you can retell them in a popular fit for anyone. Yes, you are generally ready teacher! Fortunately, your own child has almost never suffered, because it was no longer to apply all these precious knowledge: most of the time was spent on their discussion on early development forums. And then - and the meaning to apply? You brought three cats that you can tell all these spokes and ice cliffs?

You have a bread maker, a multicooker and a robot vacuum cleaner

It's time to work: 15 explicit signs that you died at home 35994_5

Dishwasher, steam generator, electric bar, drying machine, steamer, electrolware and noodle cutting device. Because it is necessary to somehow facilitate your heavy housewife share, this truly hellish work without weekends, holidays, socialosobas and any hope of a bright future at the end.

Trip to Ashhan - this event

Fresh manicure is required, styling and full makeup - base under the shadows, two shades of powder to highlight the cheekbones, that's all this. People look at you!

You save on yourself

Planning a family budget - your main task and you will handle your perfectly with her. You have enough for you. Because you mostly paint your hair, make a manicure, pedicure and hair removal. Yes, you even a sugar paste for epilation cook itself! Well, in any case, you know how to cook.

You sit in the corridor while your child is in class

This is generally the main event of the day - sit in the corridor. Because there is still a dozen of the same ladies. Sit and greedily shine through eyes. Now the coach will lead the children and you can talk for an hour. With live people!

You lie new acquaintances

No, of course you are not a housewife, how could they think about you?! You are a freelancer. You work to entertain yourself and distract from the boors. "You earn on pins", as it should be an independent modern woman.

You find more and more advantages in their position

It's time to work: 15 explicit signs that you died at home 35994_6

You get rid of the need to wake up early, pushed in the subway and put up with the bad character of the chef. You do not need to plow two shifts - in the office and houses at the slab. Your children see a mother. Well, at least, the back of the mother. Klozcl. In the "Kids" community again discuss the nanny. Wuu, Echidny!

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