Date after 40: Psychological Lifehaki for ladies


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Life is beautiful at any age, but especially good after 40, when the children grew up, the profession is chosen, the circle of friends is formed. Sometimes only by 40 years old woman understands that she has everything except personal happiness. So, it's time to succeed in this area of ​​life. And then there comes the active phase of the search for a decent partner. Believe me, men are enough for everyone. Good, decent, interesting, educated, secured ...

The selection criteria for a suitable person have their own, which means that your man is waiting for you. In order not to make mistakes on the first dates, let's discuss how they should occur.

Meeting point

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Glossy magazines are faster than advice to invite a young man on the first date in the most chic restaurant of their city. Let it demonstrate all its best qualities and generosity in the first place. This is mistake. Think ourselves, do you need to put a person in an uncomfortable position from the first minutes of dating? We recommend to choose a walk for your favorite places for the first dates. And no matter what time of year and what is the weather. Your first date should not last more than 15-20 minutes.

Meeting time

Most psychologists and coach insist that the first date was very short. Choose a convenient time for you and do not adapt to a man. At the first meeting, it is not necessary to tell all your autobiography, to acquaint with relatives or have sex. Try in the process of communication to make an idea of ​​a person and its intelligence. If a man looks outwardly to you, reasonably argues and you are not annoying anything in it, negotiate about the next date. Only long and beautiful courtship and your wisdom will be able to make an ideal spouse from an ordinary man.

The place, the meeting time is very important for the first date. But even more importantly, make a good impression, to interest a man and, perhaps, see the potential spouse in it. How to behave not to scare away a fan and get pleasure from meeting?

Be friendly

The first date is stress. Not only for a woman. Men are even more ladies. Therefore, it is not necessary to demonstrate your eloquence, a sharp mind and a sparkling sense of humor. Silence, smile and listen. And draw conclusions if you want to continue communication with this person or not.

Be yourself

Psychologists recommend to behave naturally. If you prefer an informal style of clothes, you are unassigned Ryushiki, bows, talk about art or other high matters, do not hide it from your companion. An ordinary person does not have extrasensory abilities and reacts to how you look and what you say. If you have a mask on you, think how long you can wear it and what will happen when you take it out.

Form the confidence zone

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In the process of communication, try to be not directly opposite the interlocutor, but to the left of it. This is especially true of the location in the cafe. Choosing a clear position on the contrary, you enter the confrontation zone. Psychologists say that the ideal position for dates is to be left from the interlocutor.

Choose "We - Communication"

Communicating with an unfamiliar, but a pretty man, we want to find a point of contact. Therefore, we joyfully react to information that brings closer. For example, your interlocutor tells about the last read book, about the film, which he watched, or about the country that was visited. You immediately arise a desire to tell about your book, a movie viewed or a recent trip. Speaking that you also love to read, they also watched this film or also dream of going to the same country, you "pull the blanket for yourself."

Psychologists recommend less about themselves about themselves, listen to the interlocutor more, and, noticing similar interests, say something like this: "How much we have in common. We both love to read. It's nice that we like the same books, films, countries. "

"Do not overflow by yourself"

After a meeting with you, a person should remain a desire to continue communication. If in the process of your communication, you feel that time flies unnoticed, and you are ready for hours to chat about different trifles, learn how to stop. Thirst for communication in the first stage of dating should not be quenched. Your satellite should leave with a sense of "easy hunger", and not with a sense of suggestion.

Be passive

No matter how your date goes, leave the man's initiative. It is not worth sending him a hundred SMS with thanks for a pleasant evening, with the wishes of "sweet dreams" and "Good morning", cute postcards and funny pictures. If you like the man, he will find a way to invite you somewhere else. If not, is it worth it spends your time and energy?

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In the world, thousands of men you can be interesting. Being actively searching, try to communicate with the maximum number of men. Let it be colleagues and friends, men from dating sites and even random travelers. Watch out, be open and sincere, friendly and smiling. Be yourself, and your man will notice you. In the meantime, enjoy the precious moments of loneliness, no, and precious moments of freedom. You are beautiful, you are worthy of happiness and love at any age and in any weight. Remember this!

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