The whole truth about why they change: 7 the main causes of men's change


"Yesterday I was still in my eyes, but now everything mows to the side" - these famous lines accurately describe your situation with your beloved man. You are sure that the bold changes you. An ominous statistics argue that about 80% of men change the second halves.

Of course, the data obtained anonymously, and the respondents, probably, were covered with a scientific term "polygamy", justifying their actions. Even scientists are bred by their hands, arguing that with the laid nature, the behavior is very hard to argue. Let's take the will in a fist, find out the most well-known causes of men's change.

1. You got the "adrenaline addict"

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A man is vital to getting acute sensations and bright emotions. Without such moments, the "adrenalinist" simply fades. Even, being a beautiful, cleverware and Miss Universe, you are risking to survive treason, being with such a person nearby. A man can love you, but gambling pushes the hero on the commission of "sharp" actions. Treason is also a very "adrenaline occupation", especially unexpected, so the beloved "pulls to the side."


Some women from great love are ready to swallow the tears of resentment, suffering and forgive everyone. It is worth thinking to what category you will attract yourself.

2. He self-affirms

He changed not on purpose, just so "the stars came together." The opportunity to prove their own demand for female. Neighbor asked to fasten the crane, languidly sighing, the young secretary has long built eyes at work. A man loves you, just decided to self-afford.

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Internal problems in relationships are not excluded. Sometimes women are too dominant, starting to suppress her beloved. Then you should not be surprised at what happened, since the second half just wanted to prove my male superiority.


More often to allow the faithful to remain a man, showing sometimes its own weakness and indecision, calling it to resolve a complex problem. Promotion and warm words are welcome.

3. Sweet revenge

Favorite for a long time boils from righteous anger: he is dissatisfied, offended or outraged by you. The most dangerous situation. Treason in this case occurs quite consciously, on emotions. Yes, it is a banal revenge. Perhaps he will regret the next day, but now the beloved just put a tick in the square "revenge". You do not need to know about what happened, but he answered.


Do not bring relationships to boiling point. If your favorite has long reminiscent of the kettle, focuses to explode, rather allow sharp questions. It is not known how a man will solve to release steam.

4. "Inspection crime"

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A common cause of change, confidently occupying the first places in the list of provoking factors, since a large number of random change occurs this. A man may generally discourage and vaguely remember the happening, but "drunken excuse" does not cancel the severity of the misdeed.


To try to stay nearby in "Dangerous Moments", spending the time of rest with your loved one. Corporates, gatherings with friends, various celebrations - be alert.

5. Unhappy with your appearance

"They love their eyes" - a well-known statement that stuffed asking, no one has canceled. At the beginning of the relationship, all women try to look at five points, then agree to a firm fourth, then they will say "and so will come down." And next to the beloved women constantly flash, such new, unattainable and beautiful ... Yes, the excuse "Ceils, cough" created by men themselves to cover their own pre-sorts. However, behind its appearance and wardrobe must be strictly followed, ruthlessly throwing a knitted rod and extra kilograms scored for many years of relationships.


Change your own wardrobe, give (if necessary) in order. Insured against treason? Of course not. But if it happens, there will be a drip easier, because you can change such a beautiful and beautiful woman as you can only crazy.

6. He calmly refers to treason

All self-respecting men are obliged from time to time to change their loved ones. So established. His friends change, pushing the feas for a mug of beer. So what is it worse? He loves only you, and rare treason is an integral attribute of real male behavior.


Agree with the proposed installation or proudly slam the door. To buy on assurance that physical treason is not considered a terrible act or a lifetime try to correct the belly.

7. He is in love

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Sad, sad, but fact. Treason is not accidental, but a permanent one, with only one ruffling. The beloved changes, because really fell in love, he is happy with the other. It is unlikely that a man quickly confesses to treason, he will live on two families for quite a long time, turning all the veins from both women.


Decide whether to deal with the relationship. Understand whether there were feelings. To withdraw a traitor to a direct conversation, without daddy and cunning moves.

There is a great many causes of men's change, intentional or random. In any embodiment, the first major actions of women are "disabling emotions", stopping the impending hysteria and objective consideration of the situation. Favorite repents, rolls - decide whether you can forgive, not remembering the "past feats."

Re-caught after numerous oaths - the situation is complicated. The output depends on your relationship, life principles and resistance of the Spirit. It does not exclude a cold analysis of their own mistakes.

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