Dangerous Internet or that in no case can not be published on social networks


Dangerous Internet or that in no case can not be published on social networks 35986_1

Many succumb to the seduction to publish the details of their lives in social networks to boast "in front of the whole world." But some things are better to leave without shared access. If certain parts of personal information find themselves in foreign hands, a person can be a victim of theft of personal data, phishing or other types of fraud.

According to some estimates, only in our United States in almost 9 million Americans every year will "lead" some personal information. Let us give examples of seven things that you need to be better silent on social networks.

1. Phone number

Using databases, hackers can find out something even more valuable to your phone number: your address. And this is one of the key "bricks", which can be used to compromise your personality.

2. Home address

It is not enough that the placement of your address on social networks "unlock hands" robbers (imagine - they know where you live, and also that you are not at home, because the social network appears a photo from the rest), it also increases the risk of theft of personal data. When attackers have your full name and address, they can search in different databases and receive additional information about your phone number, employment history, marriage and divorce, as well as much more. Having enough information, they can open a credit card in your name or steal money from your existing accounts.

3. Passport photos or driver's license

It may be interesting to show your new passport or a photo of a driver's license, but to do it online can be dangerous. When you publish a photo of your identity ID in your accounts on social networks, you can transfer the information necessary for the "theft of your personality".

4. Hometown and full date of birth

If someone in the information "About yourself" on social networks is given a native city and a birthday, it is worth removing this data or at least delete the year of your birth. Thieves can use this information to predict your social security number. It is historically instituted that only four digits in this issue are random; The first three are based on the geographical location (most likely a place of birth), and the next two - on year of birth. A few samples and errors, and the code can be hacked.

5. Financial information

Information on a credit and debit card is one of the most obvious examples of what should not be placed on the Internet, but many may be surprised to what hackers can be achieved, having even a minimum amount of information about your personal finances. Things like salary checks, bank balance sheets and retirement account numbers are best kept secret.

6. Answers to password security questions

Probably no one thinks to publish a "reminder" with the answers to the control questions about the recovery of the password, but this information is revealed by less obvious ways. For example, if you have ever mentioned the name of my mother in honor of the Mother's Day, published a pretty photo of your first pet (with a small signature of a ball in the corner) or took part in a quiz in social networks, which sets a lot of personal questions (Your teacher's name In the first class or the brand of your first car), you can distribute information that will help hackers to access your personal accounts.

7. Clubs or other institutions that visit

The more someone knows about your work, hobbies and interests, the easier it is to launch a successful phishing scaper. It can take an email form, which apparently belongs to an organization on which you work or visiting, but in fact it is a fraudster trying to get more personal information from you. To better protect yourself from such types of fraud, you need to make this information confidential in social networks.

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