As observing 7 "Energy Laws" to build the most healthy relationship


As observing 7

Everyone wants his love to last forever, but not everything is aware of how this can be facilitated. In fact, 7 "universal laws" of energy, which are capable of (if applied in their personal life), have been developed (if applying them in their personal life), and constantly maintain positivity, happiness and love.

1 Law of attraction

The law of attraction states that such attracts similar, and energy that resonate with each other, come closer. During most of the first dates, people are in a state of joyful, positive expectation, and the energy of joy is attractive and attracts. But when a person begins to treat his partner as a "way" of solving his problems, everything becomes much worse.

To use the law of attraction in your own interests, it is worth remembering what it was - to fall in love with your partner, and try to never forget these feelings.

2 Law permissions

When a person first meets with a potential life partner, he is sincerely interested to know what kind of person it is. Both are sharing information about themselves without any judgments and expectations. However, as the life of both people is increasingly intertwined, the natural flow of information changes changes itself in response to the reaction of the rejection of something or in response to the changing needs and desires of the partner.

To use the law permissions in your own interests, it is necessary to realize that each person will continue to develop as a person, regardless of relations with each other. It is necessary to allow and encourage the growth of your partner, and not resist this or make fun of it. The presence of new areas of interest will retain the relationship "fresh" and lively.

3 Law of adequacy and abundance

The law of sufficiency and abundance helps to understand that the only way to get more of what I want is to appreciate what is already there, without focusing on the absence of something else. A sense of gratitude will pay off a hundredfold.

At the beginning of the relationship, when you are looking for only good in your partner, it is incredibly easy to embroil the compliments, and quite sincere. But over time, when you find out about all the imperfections and disadvantages of a loved one, you need to practice the art of a balanced assessment.

You need to make a compliments to a partner for everything that you love in it, thereby recognizing all the love between both and encouraging this love to grow.

4 The Law of Hanging Creation

This universal law is based on an understanding of what you guide your energy. Many times when relationships become mature and stable, you begin to feel that "reached" the final destination and no longer needed any conscious efforts. This is a very serious mistake.

In truth, each couple constantly creates and recreates its relationship. After all, people exist in constant state of becoming. And if you actively do not support this growth, you can bring the relationship to their death.

To use the law of a deliberate creation to strengthen love in relationships, it is necessary to consider it as a permanent work on the process. Periodically, it is necessary to overestimate the attention and energy that best support the growth of relationships, and make mutual efforts to achieve this.

5 Law of abnormality

Compliance with the law of abnormality does not mean that it is necessary to "close" from its partner, to become alienated or to restrain its vulnerability or passion. This means that you need to free relations from the burden of dependence and too high expectations.

An attempt to control the behavior of another is the fastest way to bury any relationship. If you get rid of a certain result that you expect from your partner, you will not at all increase your chances of achieving this result, but rather the opposite.

To use the law of abundance to improve your relationship, you need to make sure that both have a place and time to develop their own independent interests.

6 Clean potentialness

This universal law can help open your mind and heart to everything that the relationship can become.

Over time, it is possible to begin to treat your partner as a continuation of who he was in the past, but it leads to monotony and imposes restrictions on the limitless features that are available in relationships.

To use the law of pure potentiality, you need to consider every day with your partner as the beginning of a new exciting story, which is not limited to anything that was before. Attend new places. Watch new (and different) movies. Regularly expose yourself to new situations and constantly recognize the previously invisible aspects of a person who love.

7 Polarity law

The law of polarity helps to understand that every person, every situation and every aspect of life there are two sides. All and all consist of positive and negative sides.

You need to make a small notebook or magazine to lead a list of the most positive aspects of your partner, as well as to periodically share your entries with him.

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