8 valuable facts about vitamins that are unknown even to active chambers



It seems you all know about them. But no, not all. Think about it when you buy a curly organic salad on the bazaar and arrange apricots, because in the winter they will end.

Whole vegetables and chopped - not the same

Many juice flows from vegetable cuts, they are affected by sunlight and heat, so the tray with a chopped cauldron contains less vitamins (especially C) than a whole forge of the same weight.

There are no allergies for vitamins

These are substances on which metabolism holds. Allergies can cause dyes, preservatives and flavors from vitamin syrups and pill. Maybe allergies to individual products. But vitamins have nothing to do with it.

Vegetables - not the main source of vitamins


And fruit too. In more or less significant quantities, they contain only vitamin C, beta-carotene, which is charmed to vitamin A, and folic acid, it is vitamin B9. Everything else is either absent in general, or is contained in such micro-doses, which is not about anything. Most of the vitamins we get from croup, dairy products, fish, meat and beans.

Vitamins can not be asked

Only fat-soluble vitamins are accumulated - this is A, E, D and B12. The rest are removed from the body very quickly, and there is no point in shaking strawberries to Ikota now, so that cheerfulness is enough for the whole winter. Spare fat-soluble vitamins also need carefully. It can be easily done to hypervitaminosis with a bunch of unpleasant symptoms like vomiting, pulmonary edema and thrombosis. And from an excess of vitamin A can also die - this happened to the first polar explorers who ate the liver of polar bears, in which the doses of this vitamin simply monstrous.

Fresh market greens is not always better frozen


Especially if you are worried about Vitamin C. This vitamin is a gentle and capricious substance. After the beam of the greenery was ripped, Vitamin C begins to collapse. The warmer around and the longer the greens get to your plates, the more tragic loss. Within two days, only 20% of this vitamin is survived at room temperature. When instant freezing - about 90%.

When heated, vitamins are not destroyed

Only with, and even that is not all. As you already understood, with something in general the extremely fragile, straight is not a Dun on him. But the rest of the vitamins are stronger.

We do not get all the necessary vitamins with food


That is, something, of course, we get. And you can even - if you put it up - draw up the menu so that everything will be enough. But in modern conditions it is difficult. First, we eat a little - roughly twice as much as provided for by our TTX. And we do it right, because we are moving too less. Secondly, our diet is very soot and includes only 8-10 products, of which we have created to prepare a lot of delicious dishes, but in fact it is the same 2-3 types of vegetables, a couple of meat varieties, eggs, 1- 2 fruit, white flour, sugar and soybean oil. And a significant part of these products are poor with vitamins, because in purified sugar and white flour there are almost no, early fruits do not have time to accumulate due amount of beneficial substances, and the living conditions of chickens and cows on farms also do not contribute to the nutrition of their meat. According to various sources, 70-100% of citizens suffer from a shortage of at least some vitamin - most often it is C and B6.

You do not have spring avitaminosis

It would be, you live on the farm fruits of our works. But in the city you and in winter, and in the summer you buy the same apples, yogurts and pork chops. The handful of cotton raspberries does not change anything in this picture. Spring Tlen is more connected with the fact that the last normal vacation was almost a year ago, the jacket zadolbal, and on the sixth month of winter, cold and the reagents of strength leave even the most resistant.

By the way, in any case, the lack of vitamins is hypovitaminosis. Avitaminosis is almost the complete absence of vitamin in the body, which would have had such an enchanting effect that you would be taken to the hospital with flashers.

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