6 proven tips for the education of naughty children


6 proven tips for the education of naughty children 35979_1

Every parent at least once fell into a situation where he had to blush for his child. Often the case when in the store the baby suits the hysteria and annoys the rest of the buyers in his behavior. Most parents know how difficult it is to manage a naughty child. Fortunately, the situation is corrected. About how to find an approach to stubborn baby, read in this article.

Use the benefits of a nursery psyche

The child lives his desires. The screaming kid will not listen to your arguments and reasoning. To speak a crying five-year-old child who refuses to get off the carousel, that you will return here next week, it is useless. For him, the next week is too uncertain. In this situation, you do not need to crossed the child. Children's psyche arranged in such a way that it is capable of quickly switching from one action to another. Take advantage of this quality and, while maintaining calm, try simply switching it attention.

Be restrained

Some parents are very annoyed by the fact that the child does not obey them. It often happens that at first the baby also reacts to irritation and the okhriches, but soon your discontent and anger becomes the norm for him, and he never ceases to pay attention. If you do not want your voice to serve for a child with a familiar loud background, remember that the upbringing of children is a process that requires patience and restraint.

Speak forget about trouble

Do not dwell on the bad behavior of your child. Some parents remember all day about how in the morning a naughty baby poured tea and spoiled not only clothes, but also the mood. All day they carry the negative in themselves and think about how to apply the punishment. Remember that this is an unequal struggle. Do not fight with a little man. It is much better to go to the park or read an interesting book together. Fortunately, children take attention very quickly, and they soon forget all trouble. \


Many children are simply not accustomed to discipline. But it is the order and organization that makes them collected and obedient children. Teach your baby to the fact that it is important to stick to the day of the day and try not to miss the kindergarten without a valid reason. The order installed in kindergarten teachs the child to discipline.

Praise for good behavior

Children actively react to praise. Praise and thank it for every good act. Good word is the most magical method in dealing with children. Do not forget the previous paragraph. Discipline. Become kindness to yourself. Parents often scold themselves because of the poor behavior of the child. However, many forget that bad behavior is not always associated with the lack of education. Just your child is a person with stubborn, persistent character, consider it.

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