How to understand that it's time to get acquainted with parents


How to understand that it's time to get acquainted with parents 35969_1

Sooner or later, in the life of each seriously tuned pair, the point of no return comes when you should introduce a pretty (or cute) with my parents.

This is a hard and difficult moment, but he, alas, is inevitable. You will have to demonstrate the chosen one's meticulous ancestors and choices and get approval (which in the old days was called blessing). And the chosen one will have to do everything possible to justify high parental expectations. Give old men to understand that you are not a gangster and not a hubalka, your intentions are serious, and you are comfortable.

But how to determine that the very moment has come? How to understand that it is already time?

There are several simple signs that allow you to calculate this great time unmistakably (and to make a visit for almost painless, not a worse than the campaign to Dentistist).

Besides you, you have no one

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The casting stage, when at the same time go on dates with some partners, a full-fledged, um, promiscitic, when they sleep with several partners - not the most successful in order to enhance their favorite mom in this matter. It makes sense to bring a partner in the father's house only if you have views on it. And then mom is confused.

You have already twisted with all friends

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I liked friends partner (well, or they just protect your pride), he (or she, of course) did not escape, he was invited to a summer picnic, a winter skating rink, friends relate to him good-naturedly, but without excessive enthusiasm. The latter, by the way, is also important: if someone from the opposite sex friends reacted to your chosen one with excessive attention, first it is worth understanding what happened. With a friend, for example, talk. Or with a girlfriend. Because today you are cute with my mother, and tomorrow he will be taught from under the nose.

The partner has already met with other members of your family.

Ideal - brothers and sisters. The grandfather is good if your relationship with him is more Panibrate than with parents. It's one step more serious than friends (because friends will simulate everything, and the brothers always dare and think about nephews), but because of a small difference in age, less scared than mom. Brother did not arrange a fight? Grandfather did not get a shotgun from the closet? Well, ok, you can continue. By the way, if it happened that I met a cute, let's say, with your aunt randomly in a restaurant or in the store and you had to present them to each other, so as not to be sad, it means that it is necessary to go to my mother urgently, even if I haven't been going to . Because people have a property of talking, and mom will pass that your chosen one has a horns, tail and acne.

You use the word "we" in conversations about the future

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If it comes to a joint campaign in a bar or a fetish club, this is an important sign. In the future there will be parents. And much more than you would like.

You are a chosen one. You reported this. And you do not scare

A normal response to a meeting with outsided parents for an adult is an immediate flight. If this desire does not arise, it means that there are no longer foreign parents. What then to wait? Let's hold your breath - and go ahead.

You just go

It is impossible to explain it in any way, you just love each other, you can not live without a friend, you want to share with each other to all that you have - including mom. Do not think about anything, go and get acquainted, first to one parents, then to others. In the end, when they see how you all the evening hold onto the handles and put each other the most delicious pieces, let's say, the keen, as a giggle over only you understand the jokes and strive to kiss you - no one will not even eat it.

The main thing, do not forget the flowers and cake.

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