How to cope with depression after a divorce



How will this pain finally overcome?! If the parting is really like a little death ... all the same, the more accurate comparison, here is 100% as a small death. Not so terrible, of course. But also leaves a piece of life, a piece of heart ... and the mind at the same time.

I also want to beat your head about the wall, then everything can be returned somehow, then start a new life, then quietly cover the sheet and crawl into the cemetery. Similar symptoms - and something similar stages. "No, it can not be!" - "What a nightmare injustice, what a shy world!" - "I don't want anything anymore, do not touch me ..." - "And life still continues" ... How to pass this gloomy maze to quickly - and to maximize safe and safeness?

Pour and forget

"I am proud bird, strong, brave, surviving," says the brain with an important voice. And, remaining alone, explodes. I want to run and scream, but who? Mom, if he does not say that she "always said," he will look with meaning. Sisters have a child sneezes, she is clearly not up to me. The girlfriend has a new boyfriend, she is probably not up to me. And at all, I do not want to load everyone with your problems ... Get back to groan Captain! That is, to retur with the blown brain. Now how you never need to speak this whole attack. Retell in details and details, in development and result ... in order to free. So do not neglect friendly gatherings. Most likely, you are ready to listen to - and at least to sympathize. And also inform your freshly impassable idea that he is just a goat. If the proven close to temporarily listen really once - I'm still driving while the diary. He will not be able to stroke the head and say: "Poor girl", but then it can be burned or removed. This is a spectacular therapy recognized by the psychologists of the whole world.

Dorry Sweet

That is, remember everything that she delayed, did not allow or forbade himself - because he was uncomfortable. Or did not like. Or you have no time with the cooking and cooking of his favorite boors. For example, Salsa ("This is what, with some men there you will turn your ass to twist?!"). Or hitchhiking in Finland ("I have an important project, and I won't let you go!"). Or climbing ("You're a girl! I would like crochet embroidered"). Now it has come - then the most steady time when you compensate for yourself all these torments and self-restraint! Now all the advantages, bonuses and candies of your new state are very helpful - to feel that it is not "lonely", and at all "free".

Give health

To his health, now needs a slightly higher attention. Because after the first sharp stress, when the body mobilizes and forgets not to cheat, but even eat - consequences. The transition of stress into chronic, "rollback", getting down a variety of sores there, then Sy. So that it does not sprinkle, do not score on it. Check and prevention will at the same time will take the time that you could spend on the beat of the head on the wall. Just see do not affect other extremes - hypochondria, imperitiousness and close attention to each church. If such a challenge occurs, temporary switching to paragraph 1 (girlfriend with the truth) and paragraph 2 (salsa with the pretty brunette) will help.

Personal care


No less necessary process than the previous one. But then the main thing is not to choose the wrong installation. What is wrong installation? "And once he will meet me, such a whole encouraged and unshaven, and I am such with the eyebrows of a new color! And the eyelashes of the new shade! And with 80% improved skin condition, and strong hair without a single sequential tip! " No, baby, no. First, you do not forget that a change in the eyebrows that any man is capable of notice is is that their full care from the female face. (And the question ...) Secondly, you forget to look around at all. You make it in order to feel good. Yes, in such a state, sometimes even the head washing the strength of any forces - not that manicure to do. But with a clean head and beautiful manicure, you will simply attract more energy qi. That is, happiness. Fair.

More business!

Time to beat your head about the wall, you need to leave myself at least. And when you stay at home, you will do it. Verified. Electronics. And your colleagues as of state. So even if you want only to lie on the sofa and not to detect, you still need to do jerk, reach the carcass, paint eyelashes and go out into people. All kinds of activity for you now - like a bitter medicine. Yes, hard, yes, disgusting. But gradually helps. One of the possible beneficial activities is a bunch of work. But it is desirable not to wear and take away the last forces. And some interesting projects - to fascinated, switched, occupied.

Changing impressions

It is useful for some time to get out of the usual setting and get into unusual. Yes, we know that it is even more difficult to drive it on the weekend for the city - even more difficult to get to the cosmetics and the nearest cafe. But if it turns out, it will be super. You need to reboot and stay from those walls and alleys who sing a song "Everything reminds you of" and ship hopeless. Come to friends to another city. Warning to give magic pins and were persistent in their hospitality, otherwise you are now as a blown balloon. They will understand, they will help. Single trip or walk to some personal "Power Place" - also a great topic. You stand on a hill above the divine panorama, you see the sunset - and suddenly the click! You realize that he is just a goat. And life is ahead. Or something else. Insight - a capricious thing, on request it is not always. But if you try, it comes. If you fold the paws and do not try, it does not come.

Need a psychologist


Women, Glory Hippocratic, are not so afraid of this beast, like men - for which only a proctologist is terrible. If the forces on the outcome, do not want not to leave or go out, but also get enough of the pillow, and it stretches for a long time and gets worse - try to overcome the classic "yes I have little money" and "Yes, I don't know what to choose." According to the first question - you already save on the components of his beloved borscht, save on the carcasses and loans at the girlfriend. She is more interesting for her. On the second - advise with familiar. You will be surprised, but many of those who didn't even think about this, have been in tough mental alterations - and were pulled out with the help of a good special. The ambush is that sometimes his specialist does not get from the first time. But if you try several times, it will be.

Do not drive horses

In the post-depressive state, people often rush into two extremes. One thing is called "no one will never love me anymore, and I will not love anyone, all my life I will be alone, in the old age a glass of Cickups will file a certain one." The second - "Now I will throw the questionnaire - and tomorrow I will have a wonderful man ... at least one, but offer more." Until you need to hurry to rush into new relationships. We just need to know what they will definitely. Because you deserve it. Because you just temporarily forgot that you are awesome. But less awesome - and someone passionately desirable and dotted - it did not become. Tooth give.

Don't trust euphoria

Periodically, small hot geasers of liberation occur in the underwriting depression. And you're like this: "Oh, the sun shines, cheers, I cured, how beautiful this world is, it will always be so easy!" And then the evening is this: "What kind of darkness, all the tires, the Cickuts I right now! .." In order not to fall more and not to be disappointed in yourself, try not to take any of my current states as eternal and final. Just watch, breathe, wait. Because some time will be a "swing" who swinging you from despair to hope. Such a pattern. We must survive.

Believe in yourself

Yes, the state "I'm a blown ball, let me poison" will return. But it is not forever. You can all. You clever. That's true. Believe us. We were there. Honey beer drank. And now - on the osam glass, taught something, life goes and presents new surprises. Periodically even in the form of new husbands. But this is already as they say in fairy tales, another story.

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