Tablets, hamburgers and cartoons - why do not be afraid of parents


The current society is decent crime. Each step of the child is accompanied by all-lifeful dangerous "what if?".

Of course, we all want to be the best in the world moms and dads, but in fact, in order for the child to be happily, it is quite enough "just a good parent" with a fair share of healthy pofigism. Attempts to control the life of a child in all its manifestations in any case are doomed to failures - after all, it was not good, it is reliable and comfortable that the cap, which we diligently erect over the kid - he, alas, is not eternal.

"On TV - violence and false values"

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Violence is not an invention of television, this invention of humanity. Of course, you can forever turn off the TV. But is it possible, for example, "turn off" the aggressive son of a neighbor, which thrust your paw in the head? Unlikely.

The TV is not a friend and not an enemy - he is the same shore reality as your family, school or work. While the child is small, you can filter a little reality, but in no case are not abusing it. It is terrible that the dyatyko "look like a kind", and I will throw the knee? Do not be afraid. Fortunately, children are raised not so much by words as personal example.

The second popular horror stroke - "What if it sticks to the screen forever?". It will stick, but only if he lacks living communication. Provide a complete leisure child, and the problem will solve itself.

"In the computer - blood, guts and sodomy"

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You can find a ton of texts about the benefits and dangers of virtual games. Yes, the child picks up a couple of English words and learn to poke into the touch screen, without breaking it, but immediately suits the game dependence!

In fact, if you do not take rare extreme options, there is no special benefit, no harm from computer games. For adults, the game is an exciting time killer. And children are not so much different from us. Do not want the child to play computer games - stop making you boiled.

First, games are not necessarily "blood meat-intestine": modern producers are managed to make fun entertainment even from a boring multiplication table. And secondly, the culture of consumption of games depends exclusively from the parent and our Holy Parental Law - this very culture to instill.

Anxiety should only cause not weakening interest. As in the case of a TV, such enthusiasm speaks not about the dangers of computer games, but about the problems in the family that the child compensates for this while still in a safe way.

"In Fastfood - GMO and ulcer"

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It is necessary to eat at home, many parents say. Houses Healthy food - Babushkina Smetanka from the village, potatoes from the market and milk with a foam. A child asks a harmful hamburger.

The fanatical desire to exclude harmful food from the diet only increases its value. To rather entrusted to the step "bad parent VS a good hamburger," it will not be superfluous to ban the child to walk on the birthdays of friends who are celebrated in the fast food cafe. It will help him feel a strong and healthy loser, thrown into the side of life with a useful spinach in the teeth. And the hamburger will become more desirable.

In fact, the share of preservatives, dyes and other frightening GMOs in the portion of fast food is not very different from a similar share in a dish cooked houses from shopping products. The size of the portion, the amount of sugar and marketing policies differs most often. And if a child will visit the diner once a month, eat a hamburger with potatoes and drink a milk cocktail, then he will not be ... nothing. And ... no, you probably will give a toy.

"In Western cartoons - Sponge Bob and no morality"

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Rugan to the address of Western cartoons - the unlining trend of the audience tribune of all sandboxes of the country. The main claims of parents are reduced to the fact that the characters are not too positive, and therefore show a bad example to small children. * Attention, sarcasm! * Not that our Masha with a bear! * End of sarcasm. *

In fact, if you choose an animation by age (Spongebob for children from 6 years old, Simpsons generally for an adult audience), then the anti-glitter decides at once two important pedagogical tasks - shows how to do not need, and teaches that there is no higher justice does not exist. Yes, you have to try to be good. But there are people who behave no matter, and for some reason they do not turn into a worm. And this is also one of the faces of the world. We are all sometimes trying to shift responsibility for their actions on others. At the same time worms in the world, notice, not added!

For the final morality, the quotation of Matt Grandling is best suited, one of the creators of Simpsons: "If you do not want your children to be like Barta Simpson, do not be such parents as Homer Simpson."

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