20 films that should see every man


Read this list and put your reminders to the phone so that in the coming weekend to see one or two films from those that have not watched. This is a mandatory educational program. You can not know the phrase "I'll Be Back", in the end.

Rocky (1976), John G. Evidsen


This film was not bored, it became a bright push for the genre "Sports drama". The main character is a simple guy from the poor quarter, which is engaged in boxing, and to reduce the ends with the ends, takes place in the local gangster. He falls a chance to fight in an indicative battle with the world champion. And then ... Well, you yourself know how everything was there.

Terminator 2 (1991), James Kemeron


"Terminator 2" is part of the cultural code for several generations. Here the hero of Schwarzenegger finally became good. It was in this film that everyone learned the terminator from the liquid metal, and the legendary phrase "I'll Be Back" sounded in Terminator 2 - the motto of all exiting.

Bloody Thursday (1998), Skip Woods


An attempt to escape from the Lychy Past is not counted. The last past came to the house of the main character. It all started with the fact that the old friend drove into visit, "by chance" being in the city. And then it started: Mountains of drugs, some killers who come to fill out others, related people in the garage and coercion to sex. And all this should be destroyed until the wife came from work.

Eternal radiance of pure mind (2004), Michelle Gondry


It can be called a family film, but he will go well and alone. The film's heroes appealed to the office, which erases the memory of unsuccessful love. But the brain is a complicated thing. In the head of the hero, there are still reflections of the most gentle moments of their relationship. And to return his beloved, he decided to fight for the disappearing memories.

Brother (1997), Alexey Balabanov


The story of a guy with an exacerbated sense of justice, which uses a native brother for mercenary purposes. Danila Baghrov arrives in Peter to arrange life after the army, and only gangster disassembly and a bunch of troubles. Well, a lot of money at the end.

Big Kush (2000), Guy Richie


The film's heroes are very colorful characters of the London DNA. The whole story is spinning around the hype of a diamond size with a baseball ball. But the picture is interesting for details. Boris Razor, Turkish, Mickey "One Strike", Frencies "Four Fingers" - Only for the sake of them you can already watch "Big Kush". In general, this film has long disassembled quotes and memes. PICS.RU recommends looking in Goblin. Without children, naturally.

Gladiator (2000), Ridley Scott


The story is old-old, but as removed! He is the former General of the Roman army, devoid of title and given to slavery. He had a favorite woman and everyone who was dear to him. Only the honor remained for which he beats in the arena before those who had recently admired his military valor.

Fear and hate in Las Vegas (1998), Terry Gillimia


The film was shot on the book of Hunter Thompson, having a large share of autobiographic. Two buddies, gaining a stock of powerful stimulating substances, ride in Las Vegas. But under the influence of drugs, the road through the sunny Nevada becomes extremely unsafe. The guys seem to be uncomfortable in the world that they created.

Maps, Money, Two Barrels (1998), Guy Richie


The name itself briefly describes the plot of this picture. Young scammers, hoochie to quick money, fall into a serious binding. They owed half a million pounds a dangerous bandit. To turn out from the situation, the guys decided to rob the dudes that they themselves went on. Watch this kaleidoscope absurdity is one pleasure.

American history X (1998), Tony Kay


The film's heroes are two brothers turned on the Nazism. While the elder pulled the deadline for the murder of black guys, the junior absorbed the ideas of the White race and dreamed of becoming the same steep as the brother. But in prison a lot is changing, and the former lawlesser goes to a completely different person. He wants only one thing: make his younger brother, until he went to prison or in the grave.

Green Mile (1999), Frank Darabont


John Coffei sentenced to execution for the cruel murder of two girls, and he is waiting for the focus on the suicide branch. But prison guards quickly becomes clear that all over the world does not find a person kinder and harmful of this huge man. Very touching story that good does not always wins evil.

Skins (1992), Jeffrey Wright


A cruel film about the grouping of britheads, which terrorize Asians in Melbourne. The story of the plot adds a love line - a girl who has inserted between the two participants of the gang. Violence, love, hatred and despair are mixed in the film. All this makes the "skins" the strongest drama that is worth seeing.

Apostates (2006), Martin Scorsese


The main characters are two young policemen. One of them since childhood is fed to the Mafia and is introduced into the police to promote its interests, and the other works under covering side by side with a mafia boss. They both recognize about each other's existence. The question is only who will find an opponent faster.

All-metal shell (1987), Kubrick wall


The film is removed by the "Call, Looting, Death" formula. Picture of the cruelty of war and the army as a whole. Santa, mutual hatred to each other people who should be at the same time, and the meaninglessness of all that is happening. It seems to be a movie about the army, but, in fact, it is one of the most anti-war films.

Escape from Shawshank (1994), Frank Darabont


The main character mistakenly sentenced to long-term conclusion for the murder of his wife and her lover. In prison, he is heating only one thought, which he puts out for many years: Escape. But while the plan is preparing the plan of the most leisurely slipping from the protection, the hero has time to change the lives of many people and prisons in general.

Reaching out to heaven (1997), Thomas Yang


What if do doctors measured you a few weeks of life? Film heroes are two guys, cancer patients. They are solved on the last in the life of the adventure. Run from the hospital on someone else's car with a million bucks in the trunk. Problems with bandits, flight from police, danger, and all this is to see the sea. After all, in the sky, only conversations that about the sea.

Fight Club (1999), David Finchercher


The film that has become a generation symbol. Escape from the system, escape from the office - that's what the main character is engaged. The office clerk is being tormented by insomnia meets the dude that every moment leaves, and teaches others to live in the same way. Together they organize a fighting club in which people will be able to thwart each other's muzzles, not looking at the social status and installation of society. But two-friends antipodes are much more common than it seems at first glance.

Forest Gump (1994), Robert Zeekis


History naive, a little weak guy named Forest. This is an excellent motivational film that says it is necessary to go to the goal, even if everyone around you laughs and is called naive fool. Just concentrate on what you are doing. Then you will not only achieve success, but also behave for themselves.

Beauty American (1999), Sam Mehdes


The main character of middle-aged crisis. Only visibility remained from the family, he was not appreciated at work, and he himself no longer respects himself. In general, the background is like the hero of the series "In all serious". Suddenly, he falls in love with a friend of his teenage daughter. This feeling gave him an impulse in order to radically change his life.

Memory Diary (2004), Nick Cassabetis


Well, finally, the control shot. If you thought you were all such a brutal man, then see the "Diary of Memory." Do not read reviews, do not see trailers and do not learn anything about this film. Just turn on in the evening and see. Better, if a loved one will sit nearby.

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